Swingtown: Season Finale
This past Friday was the season finale of “Swingtown,” possibly the series finale as well. CBS has not announced whether it will renew the show and rumor has it that they could shop it to cable networks.
Let’s get the storyline that was boring and plagued the season, in my opinion, out of the way first.
Samantha’s aunt came to take her away and put her sister Gail in a rehab program. BJ and Ricky sat outside BJ’s window and talked to Sam as she was leaving on the walkie-talkie. Eventually she was out of range, which is when Gail was seen returning home to snort some coke with her friends. This was the one story I just wasn’t liking at all to be honest. I felt it was a bit boring and would have rather watched the adults. Oh and we never got any resolution as to what was up with Ricky. Does he like boys? Girls? The world may never know! That’s a shame, because that was the one time I thought the story was actually getting interesting.
Janet was offered the job writing the advice column at work, but had to turn it down. Her friend there, Henry, didn’t understand at all. Janet didn’t tell him, but Roger had already told her that they’d be moving to Cincinnati for his new job.
Janet was upset and talked with Trina. She didn’t want to move, her life and friends were here. Trina told her to tell Roger, tell him it’s not what is best for their family. She said it wasn’t 1954 anymore and father didn’t always know best. I felt for Janet, because you could tell she really wanted that job at the paper, but at the same time she knew how unhappy Roger had been not working. Well, at least that’s what she thinks he’s been unhappy about.
Janet finally did stand up to Roger and tried to put her foot down, only to have him put his down harder. He said she might be the head of the house, but he was the head of this family; they were moving to Cincinnati! Roger booked a flight to go find a place for them to live and stormed off. I can’t believe he talked to my Janet like that! It was the first time in the whole show that I really got ticked off at Roger for his attitude.
Meanwhile, back to one of the less interesting stories. Doug learned that Guatemala was hit by an earthquake, a friend of his from school was there in the peace corps working. He was worried sick and had to go there. Eventually he learned his friend Dave was fine, but he still wanted to go. Laurie insisted she go too, but he wasn’t thrilled. At one point she asked if something was wrong, he said that she had school and all. She wanted to take a semester off, this was important. He agreed, saying she had to go home and prepare, as well as get permission. She did from her mom, but returned to find Doug already gone. He left her a note and the key to his place for her to use until he returned. I was convinced he had a wife there or something, but CGinCA suggested maybe Dave was his male lover. I never thought about that, but it could be. It would make sense, there was something unspoken between Doug and the female neighbor who gave him the news about Dave originally.
Susan confronted Melinda, knowing she met with Bruce. Bruce also knew he was busted with his lame-o “briefcase at the office” excuse, as Susan caught him in it. Melinda told Susan she didn’t love Bruce, but they had a connection. She asked Susan if she felt connected to Bruce? Susan was offended and said that was none of her business. Oops, she just gave Melinda an answer there. We know Susan doesn’t feel connected to Bruce. She’s admitted it, Bruce doesn’t seem to want to though.
At Tom and Trina’s end of summer bash, the whole “keys in the fishbowl” game was played. Susan confronted Bruce over Melinda, how she knew what was up. Bruce blamed her for opening the door to their bedroom and starting all of this. oooo, wrong thing to say! She then stormed off with a strange man, leaving Bruce stunned.
As everyone left the beach bash party, Trina finally told Tom about the baby. She hadn’t decided what to do. He said she didn’t have to make a decision right now, but he would support her. He also said he never loved her more than he did in that moment. You could see he wants this baby. It seems like it’s Trina who is the one who is unsure about it though, even though both Suan and Janet told her she’d make a wonderful mother. I think there is a story there about Trina’s own mother we aren’t hearing.
Janet was home alone when Henry showed up with a copy of the next day’s paper. He had her column printed and got her the job, even though she turned it down. He felt she was made for this job. He also brought champagne for her and Roger to celebrate with. She said Roger was on his way to Cincinnati to find a place for them to live there, but he could stay for a drink. He wanted to, but had a date. Janet thought it was with Jenny at the paper . . . it was with Mark! Janet was speechless, but said good for him. He left and she started scrap-booking and drinkin!
I have to say this is one I didn’t see coming at all. Also I felt terrible for Janet. I really thought Henry liked Janet, and I think Janet was starting to like Henry to be honest. I thought he could be there for her when Roger and Susan’s tryst was found out. Lately the show has been about finding that “one” you connect with, I thought Henry was Janet’s “one.”
Finally, Roger called Susan from a hotel at the airport. He didn’t get on the flight, he asked her to come meet him. She did, and the show ended with her walking into his hotel room . . . .
I have to say I have really enjoyed this show this summer. Normally summer is re-runs and reality, so this was a good break and just a fun show. I hope CBS renews it, or at least lets it go to cable. Honestly I think it might work better on cable as they could push it even further; though not in a porn-direction mind you.