Big Brother: On the Block and POV Spoilers . . .
Last night Jerry won HOH and put up Keesha and Dan, saying it was strictly game play.
The POV has been played, won and used. Read on if you can’t wait till Tuesday . . .
Memphis won the POV and has used it to save Dan, which means Renny’s on the block against Keesha. One will go home, and it will probably be Renny. Memphis has a deal with Keesha, he’ll convince Dan to keep Keesha around over Renny.
Of course come Thursday, we could see the tables turned. The boys might think it will be much easier to beat Renny in final three and make it to final 2, so who knows!
I think it would be smart for the guys to split their votes between Renny & Keesha and then have Jerry have to vote someone off. The guys have to realize that yes Renny will win final two, but she probably won’t make it. Keesha doesn’t trust Dan and will throw him under the bus before Renny. Renny leaving this week only benefits Memphis. I hope Dan realizes this, and convinces Jerry that Keesha is a bigger threat than Renny this week.
09.03.2008 at 10:29 am