So I’ve fallen behind posting about “Weeds.” Frankly I didn’t have much to say about the past few episodes, as I felt I was watching a replay of last season. It was all about Nancy jumping through hoops, having to prove herself and being forced to do things. Hello we did this with U-Turn and I hated it then too!
Fortunately it looks like things are about to change. A huge shake-up seems to be coming! First up Celia showed up, determined to get the goods on Guillermo for Detective Tin, in exchange for her freedom. Nancy of course saved Celia, who got caught spying, so she claimed Celia was her associate. Guillermo hilariously thought Celia was her lesbian stalkerish girlfriend with trust issues! I love it! Nancy also quickly took care of the detective, blackmailing him with what really happened with the cover-up involving Peter at the DEA.
Also in the real twist, Nancy is no longer dealing pot. What What What? I mean that’s what the show is about, but I have to say I love this new twist. This could really shake things up. She now is running a maternity store at the mall, which she’s sure is a front for laundering money. Instead at the very end of the show she found a hole in the floor of the backroom, which led to a tunnel men are digging, which led to some very powerful men in suits.
The previews for what come next look hilarious. Nancy and Celia, who is now her employee at the store, wonder where the tunnel goes. Nancy spies on the men, of course getting herself in trouble. It seems she sees and later meets with the head boss, who asks what it will take for her to stop snooping. She says answers, he responds “how about a nice hard spanking?” Looks like Nancy’s got a new love interest. How does she always end up with these bad guys?
I also wonder what the tunnel is for. My first thought was they were robbing a bank, but then realized it has to be bigger. My guess is a tunnel to Mexico to smuggle drugs and people.
Army Wives: The Wheels On The Bike Go Round And Round
Posted by Dustin on 07.14.2008 at 5:02 pm
I’m doing things a bit different this week. I need to watch the latest episode again as I know I missed to much. So my recap section will be added into this post later. I am going to go ahead and post my thoughts on the latest episode (well the parts I saw). If you missed the show, well there is enough in here to recap you on the major things you missed.
First up, is anyone as tired of Claudia Joy’s new role on the show as I am? She almost never interacts with the other wives anymore. Instead it seems like each week there is a new project on the base that requires her full attention. I get that now that she’s the Colonel’s wife and all she has certain duties, but each episode seems to have a someone on the base having a crisis that only Claudia Joy can solve. I guess what annoys me more than anything is there is no cross over with any of her stories from episode to episode. They are all neatly resolved before the hour is up.
Denise felt the heat of the nurses at the hospital when she was seen riding on the back of Getti’s motorcycle. The gossip about their affair has already begun. I have to say it was a dumb move, but Getti seems to have no problem making his pursuit of Denise something that’s out in the open. Frank meanwhile called Denise to apologize saying he shouldn’t have made her sell the bike and did what he did. Just when I thought it was safe to like Frank again, he put his foot in his mouth big time by saying “I let you be a nurse so I can let you keep the bike.” Ouch! I’d like to say I couldn’t believe he said that, but I so could. Frank just continues to push Denise into Getti’s arms, which is how the show ended with her offering to buy Getti that breakfast. From the previews Jeremy returns next week. I was just wondering if we’d ever see him again. It should be very interesting to see how he deals with his mom’s new friend Getti. Will he blow up and have more anger issues, or realize how happy his mom seems to be?
Over to Pam and Joan, whose drama was linked this week. The jerk looking to take over Joan’s job overstepped his bounds and had Pam’s radio show shut down, as he thought what she was discussing was innapropraite. Pam quickly got offers from a guy looking to take her show bigger. This is most of what I missed, so I have to re-watch a lot of it. Meanwhile the flack the station got for taking the show off the air wasn’t good. Joan was livid her replacement did this, and Michael wasn’t happy either. He chewed him out, which made Joan smile. I loved seeing her with that big grin on her face when that guy was taken down and forced to walk off with his tail between his legs. He then had to go suck up and apologize to Pam for his actions. I have to say Pam was a lot nicer to him than I expected her to be.
Finally over to Roxy, Betty and Trevor. Trevor continued to have major problems dealing with his situation. He began drinking more and even stormed off the set of a show he was appearing on when it was suggested being hurt was a good thing for him as he was back home. Roxy confronted him, hurt over the fact that it seemed Trevor would rather be back with his unit than with her. He said while he was there he wanted nothing more to come home, but right now he needs more than anything to be with his unit. He told her she wouldn’t get it as she wasn’t a soldier. Harsh! I’m seeing a lot of trouble coming their way. I think they are gearing up for a post-traumatic stress syndrome story for Trevor. I am worried he’s going to break and do something really bad.
Meanwhile Betty decided to give Roxy the bar and let her run it. She decided to remain a silent partner. We all saw this coming and I just know this is going to be another issue for Trevor too. He had made it clear to her that she couldn’t have her own place as they’d be moving around a lot. Sadly it seems Betty is leaving the show, at least for a little while. She opted to go away to a cancer treatment center to get better, so it seems we won’t be seeing much of Betty for awhile. I am glad she’s actually fighting to get well, unlike last season where she seemed to be ready to give up and die. My fears are Betty won’t make it and Roxy will get some letter in the mail from her after her death.
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So “Big Brother 10” has officially started! The house-guests moved in tonight and met each other. Here are my initial impressions of the houseguests and what happened. As always, spoilers for West-Coasters!
The show started as usual showing the contestants getting their keys. Memphis the Bartender seems a little too arrogant to me. Jesse meanwhile obviously loves his body and will probably be walking around naked showing it off as much as possible. Poor Ollie seems like a snooze and will be no fun to watch. April seems to have some OCD going on with neatness, which will be her downfall.
The contestants had to vote for the new HOH immediately before going into the house, basically trusting their instincts and voting on appearance and looks alone. They couldn’t vote for themselves. They all cast their votes and the first HOH remained a mystery.
The house-guests all picked their rooms and introduced themselves to each other. Jerry, the old guy, seems sweet and nice; which means he’s probably a sneak. Renny is from New Orleans and seems like a total party girl; but the other house-guests already are annoyed with her loudness and rudeness. Dan the Catholic School teacher is probably going to annoy me to no end because of his ‘tude. Memphis the bartender, oh sorry Mixologist, seems like he’s going to be a jerk with a chip on his shoulder. April has giant boobs and nobody believed they were real, so she allowed everyone to feel them! Clearly the party girl of the house has arrived.
The house-guests were to compete in their first competition. They had to divide in two groups and decided who would sit out. Jesse offered to sit out, basically because he felt his physic might give an unfair advantage. Hello, full of ourselves? The rest of the house-guests geared up for the competition.
The competition was for one of two classic cars, which of course made Jesse want to cry. Hanging inverted were two VW beetle-bug cars. They had to get into the car and drive it to the end of the upside down road, fill it with gas, then one person had to volunteer to leave the car so the others could proceed. This would repeat until only one remained and was the first to finish. They were also playing for food or slop as well as a classic car.
The competition began, and several people offered to give up the car so their team could win. The red team one and Memphis won the classic car. This put the white team on slop, including poor Jerry. However not to worry as the house-guests then found out their first HOH, Jerry! So Jerry is off slop as fast as he was on it.
The house-guests started forming alliances immediately. Dan and Brian joined forces, both wanted Ollie in on their alliance too. He agreed and joined them.
Everyone got to see Jerry’s HOH room, which included photos of him and his wife when they had first married.
The first issue happened between Jesse and Renny, who was loud and kept him awake at night. Jesse wanted to get to bed early for some reason.
Brian went to Jerry and suggested Renny and Jesse for nomination. Jerry decided he could trust him because he was in the service, so they formed an alliance. Brian however later stated in the diary room he would dump Jerry when his ship started to sail. Jerry didn’t seem to fond of Dan, and Brian tried to keep Dan off the block.
The nomination ceremony was held and Jerry nominated Renny and Jesse as asked by Brian. Jerry claimed there was conflict between them, so instead of letting it fester he put it on the house to decide who should stay and who should go.
The veto will be held on Tuesday, but as always thanks to the feeds and after dark we’ll probably know who won and who is on the block by Monday.
In this episode, Trina saw Tom off at the airport, and at the same time ran into her old high school boyfriend (played by Ryan McPartlin, Hank on “Passions”). Tom saw the connection between the two and was jealous! Trina and her old boyfriend made a “date” to get together while he was in town. He came over and they reminisced over old slides of them back in high school. Tom called to check on her, only to find out she was hanging out with her old boy-toy at home. He was really jealous, and ended up having some drinks with a stewardess. Oh we can see where that was going! Tom was going to have his own fling, thinking Trina was having one of her own.
Tom came home and he, Trina and the ex-boyfriend ended up having a threesome! Tom admitted to Trina how he was afraid of losing her, that maybe she had regrets about marrying him. It was the first time we really saw Tom as insecure. I’m also thinking that there is an age difference between these two. They never said there was, but I’m guessing we are just supposed to have figured out it existed.
Susan had a lunch date with the Lady’s Auxiliary Club. Bruce’s boss’ wife was the head honcho and he was hoping she’d basically be a way for him to make his way higher up the corporate ladder. Susan, not wanting to go alone, invited a thrilled Janet. Janet saw this for a way and her and Roger to also make their way up the rungs of society.
At the lunch, the ladies discussed a charity auction they were having for the hospital. Susan was a bit upset to learn that the ladies actually didn’t visit the hospital to do charity work. As the head honcho stated to her “Dear, we’re not doctors!” Meanwhile, Janet made an impression on the boss lady, who spilled red wine on her brand new white Armani jacket. She came to the rescue and saved her jacket, which got her an invite to the charity dinner as the boss’ lady’s personal guest.
Janet told Roger her news, and how she saw them going places. Perhaps they could even join the country club. Roger said they didn’t have the money for that. Janet suggested to Roger that it was time he asked for a raise, and he’s his companies best salesman of insurance. Roger went to see his boss, making the case for a promotion to a management position. His boss agreed, he was too qualified for what he was doing. His boss said he had kept him around as long as he could in this economy, and wished him luck wherever he ends up! Oopsie! I thought that was harsh. I mean he is the best salesman they had, and they fired him? Roger decided not to tell Janet, as she was so excited about the charity auction at the country club that night. She even got a new dress and her hair done. Might I say Miss Janet was looking pretty sexy too! Too bad she didn’t look like that all the time.
Over at Bruce’s work, a new girl started and she was the only female buyer on the stock exchange floor. All the men in Bruce’s firm were making bets on who’d be the first to sleep with her, and Bruce was the favored. They asked Bruce if he wanted to place a bet? I have a really bad feeling about where this one is going! Oh if Bruce cheats on Susan there will be hell to pay.
At the charity auction, the head honcho boss lady was impressed with the work Janet and Susan had done to help out and invited them both to join the Lady’s Auxiliary Club. Janet of course jumped, but Susan wasn’t so sure. Susan didn’t think it was right for her, she hoped Janet didn’t mind. Janet was somewhat thrilled that they still wanted her even without Susan, as so many times it had been a package deal. Meanwhile Bruce wasn’t too happy with his wife, as he thought this was a way for her to get in with his boss’ wife, which could mean good things for him. Susan seemed miffed that Bruce wanted to pimp her out basically.
Janet bid on a free dinner for two at the country club, won and paid 100 dollars for it. Roger went to Susan and asked her to get Janet’s big check back, as he had lost his job. He said he didn’t tell Janet because he knew how much this night meant to her, and he could pretend things were fine for one night. Touched, Susan got the check back but then bought the item Janet bid on for them, telling Roger that she owed Janet dinner and she didn’t need to know. Susan, inspired by Roger, accepted the invitation to the Lady’s Auxiliary Club in order to help out Bruce. Bruce thought she didn’t want to join. Susan said she could pretend it was right for her, even maybe making it work.
Meanwhile, Bruce’s conscience got the best of him. He told his female co-worker about the bet going around. As it turned out, she knew and slept with one of the guys to split the money with him! She asked Bruce how much he lost, but he said he didn’t bet. She admired him and said he was one of the good ones. I don’t trust this girl one bit. I can see her using and spitting Bruce out to further her own career.
Susan and Bruce’s son BJ was sent off to camp in this episode. Thank the heavens as his storyline was boring as sin. It looks like the writers even got bored writing for him. Laurie meanwhile faced her final exam, which was oral. Their assignment was to speak about the philosopher’s they had studied and draw from examples from their own life about being authentic to one’s self. Laurie basically screwed the assignment up, not wanting to say anything personal. Later she confronted her teacher saying she couldn’t say what she felt as it would have gotten him fired. She wanted to say she couldn’t stop thinking about him and wanted to be with him. He pointed out that he wasn’t her teacher anymore, and they shared a big fat smooch. I had to say I thought the teacher, pushing Laurie in front of the class to do the assignment as assigned, was asking for it. It was like he was challenging her to say it to the whole class, and I thought that was really crummy!
On the Next Swingtown . . .
Trina learns Tom cheated with his stewardess.
Bruce’s co-worker hits on him and suggests they sleep together.
Roger makes a play for Susan at the Decker’s pool!
Roger tells Janet “he needs more.” She reminds him they took vows!
Just Jared posted a few photos of some of our “Heroes” filming at a Zoo in LA this past weekend. Read on for a spoiler or two! I’ve hidden them below the fold because the picture alone is worth a thousand words.
E! Online has a rumor that thanks to Katherine Heigl’s comments about the shows’ writing and taking herself out of Emmy contention, things on set are tense.
The rumor is Izzie may get killed off in the next season. A rep for creator and writer Shonda Rhimes says they have not heard anything about this. For now it looks to be only a rumor.
Some big potential spoilers ahead about who Betty chooses as her man on “Ugly Betty” next season!
It looks like she chooses . . . . neither! The Hollywood Reporter is dishing that Christopher Gorham (Henry) is going to star on the CBS midseason drama “Harper’s Island” and is not scheduled to return to “Ugly Betty.”
Meanwhile Freddie Rodriguez (Gio) is only scheduled to come back for one episode, so it looks like he’s out of her life too!
Val Emmich on 30 Rock,
As previously reported. Val Emmich is joining the show as a possible new love interest for Betty. His character’s name is going to be Jesse.