Big Brother: Up For Nomination
So tonight was the nomination ceremony. Before that though, Keesha talked with many people in the house and told way too many people her plan to put Angie up. She also told way too many people that she was not going to do what the “8” wanted her to, which was to put up Dan and Jerry.
The food competition was held, and nobody is on slop this week. Instead the house guests all played in a team for the food they would get that week.
Finally nomination time came. Keesha nominated Angie, because she felt she put the blame for what happened with Brian on her, Dan and Steven; and now Steven is gone. She felt Angie would be coming for her. She also nominated Jessie, saying he is also responsible for Steven going home.
I don’t know, Keesha better home someone she really trusts wins HOH next week, or she’s in big trouble!
Finally an important note. “Big Brother’s” normal Wednesday eviction show now moves to Thursday begining this week!