Big Brother: Nomination Spoilers! *Update* Veto Spoilers!

Big Brother: Nomination Spoilers! *Update* Veto Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 07.25.2008 at 11:04 am

If you can’t wait till Sunday to find out who Keesha puts up . . . . or Tuesday for the Power of Veto!

She nominates Jessie and Angie! No word on the reasons, we’ll have to wait for the ceremony for that.

“Big Brother After Dark” has been a snooze lately. Though last night Jessie said the most hilarious thing to Memphis . . . . “I think we need to start making friends in the house.” Ya think?

Dan has also secretly joined the girls alliance.

*Update* Keesha won the veto, so she can either choose to change the noms or keep them the same. As it stands I think more people would vote Angie out over Jessie.




  1. I think we may see the vote sway to jesse going once Libra has a little time to stew about him pitching to Keesha a back door plan to oust her. Plus he has the physical strength to beat most in the house which is always an easy excuse to boot a house mate.

    Comment by Erick
    07.26.2008 at 3:55 am
  2. There was something a tad hilarious in Jesse basically going to Keesha and offering Libra up, doing anything he could to stay in the house, yada yada. Oh wait, Steven did the same thing and you didn’t give him the time of day.

    See ya lol!

    Comment by Dustin
    07.26.2008 at 12:44 pm

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