Big Brother: The Veto and More!
So last night was the power of veto comp and the ceremony. A correction, it looks like Jessie not Jerry won himself the power of veto and took himself off the block.
After the whole house learned that Brian had formed way too many alliances, they confronted Jerry and gave him no choice but to put Brian up, saying they’d put him up next week if he didn’t. Jerry wasn’t sure he even believed them, but he put Brian up saying it was the house’s decision.
Read on for some “After Dark” drama!
I’m assuming on the next show we’ll be seeing Jerry explode on Brian. He does in fact learn Brian betrayed him and is furious. The whole house pretty much turns on Brian. Faced with the fact he’s going home and he was way too arrogant and too soon, it looks like he’s since made up with many of them. There is a small move to see if his friends can swing votes his way, but I doubt it will happen.
The women on this show I cannot keep up with. Yesterday they went from being mad and hating Angie (I guess because she’s Brian’s friend) to hating April. Last night there was a huge fight between April and Keesha and everyone suddenly hated April. Then there is Michelle, who just seems overly paranoid and has had issues with about everyone in the house!
At this point all the men have to do is sit back and let the women self destruct honestly!
Oh yes, I keep forgettin to post this, but within one day April and Ollie were suddenly an item and the entire house knows about it, it’s not a secret showmance at all.
Thanks for always posting what happens on AD. I record it but my husband keeps accidently earasing it.
07.16.2008 at 11:38 am
Classic Big Brother, you try to be a power player too early and get sent home for it. I’m loving it. Jerry and his ive got a story for everything thats going on is starting to annoy me, but i think the power of HOH has gone to his head a bit, next week maybe we’ll see a bit more of who he is and not just him trying to play while not making enemies.
07.16.2008 at 1:30 pm