Big Brother After Dark Spoilers!

Big Brother After Dark Spoilers!

Posted by Dustin on 07.14.2008 at 10:27 am

Here’s a few things gathered from Sho2’s After Dark Big Brother last night. Spoilers ahead!

It appears Jerry has won the veto, so he has the choice to use it or not to use it. That will probably happen at some point today.

Jerry found out that Brian also had an alliance with Dan and Ollie. That ticked him off, as he thought it was just the two of them and he trusted Brian, even given him the Marine core oath of Semper Fi.

Jerry then had no problems telling the whole house how Brian basically used him. He ratted Brian out to everyone in the kitchen area while Brian took 10 minutes spiking his hair in the bathroom and listening to Jerry talk bad about him.

So Jerry could use his POV to take someone off the block and put Brian up, which would be interesting.




  1. So, jerry won the pov and i’m not sure who he used it on but i’m pretty sure he took down jessie and he put brian up!!

    Comment by stephanie
    07.14.2008 at 2:30 pm
  2. That was my impression to reading some of whats been going down. I may break down and get the feeds this time. Last time they were so boring I didn’t bother lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.14.2008 at 3:28 pm
  3. Jessie is saved and Brian is up! IT also looks like most of the house is turning on Brian quickly.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.14.2008 at 4:12 pm

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