Army Wives: The Wheels On The Bike Go Round And Round

Army Wives: The Wheels On The Bike Go Round And Round

Posted by Dustin on 07.14.2008 at 5:02 pm

I’m doing things a bit different this week. I need to watch the latest episode again as I know I missed to much. So my recap section will be added into this post later. I am going to go ahead and post my thoughts on the latest episode (well the parts I saw). If you missed the show, well there is enough in here to recap you on the major things you missed.

First up, is anyone as tired of Claudia Joy’s new role on the show as I am? She almost never interacts with the other wives anymore. Instead it seems like each week there is a new project on the base that requires her full attention. I get that now that she’s the Colonel’s wife and all she has certain duties, but each episode seems to have a someone on the base having a crisis that only Claudia Joy can solve. I guess what annoys me more than anything is there is no cross over with any of her stories from episode to episode. They are all neatly resolved before the hour is up.

Denise felt the heat of the nurses at the hospital when she was seen riding on the back of Getti’s motorcycle. The gossip about their affair has already begun. I have to say it was a dumb move, but Getti seems to have no problem making his pursuit of Denise something that’s out in the open. Frank meanwhile called Denise to apologize saying he shouldn’t have made her sell the bike and did what he did. Just when I thought it was safe to like Frank again, he put his foot in his mouth big time by saying “I let you be a nurse so I can let you keep the bike.” Ouch! I’d like to say I couldn’t believe he said that, but I so could. Frank just continues to push Denise into Getti’s arms, which is how the show ended with her offering to buy Getti that breakfast. From the previews Jeremy returns next week. I was just wondering if we’d ever see him again. It should be very interesting to see how he deals with his mom’s new friend Getti. Will he blow up and have more anger issues, or realize how happy his mom seems to be?

Over to Pam and Joan, whose drama was linked this week. The jerk looking to take over Joan’s job overstepped his bounds and had Pam’s radio show shut down, as he thought what she was discussing was innapropraite. Pam quickly got offers from a guy looking to take her show bigger. This is most of what I missed, so I have to re-watch a lot of it. Meanwhile the flack the station got for taking the show off the air wasn’t good. Joan was livid her replacement did this, and Michael wasn’t happy either. He chewed him out, which made Joan smile. I loved seeing her with that big grin on her face when that guy was taken down and forced to walk off with his tail between his legs. He then had to go suck up and apologize to Pam for his actions. I have to say Pam was a lot nicer to him than I expected her to be.

Finally over to Roxy, Betty and Trevor. Trevor continued to have major problems dealing with his situation. He began drinking more and even stormed off the set of a show he was appearing on when it was suggested being hurt was a good thing for him as he was back home. Roxy confronted him, hurt over the fact that it seemed Trevor would rather be back with his unit than with her. He said while he was there he wanted nothing more to come home, but right now he needs more than anything to be with his unit. He told her she wouldn’t get it as she wasn’t a soldier. Harsh! I’m seeing a lot of trouble coming their way. I think they are gearing up for a post-traumatic stress syndrome story for Trevor. I am worried he’s going to break and do something really bad.

Meanwhile Betty decided to give Roxy the bar and let her run it. She decided to remain a silent partner. We all saw this coming and I just know this is going to be another issue for Trevor too. He had made it clear to her that she couldn’t have her own place as they’d be moving around a lot. Sadly it seems Betty is leaving the show, at least for a little while. She opted to go away to a cancer treatment center to get better, so it seems we won’t be seeing much of Betty for awhile. I am glad she’s actually fighting to get well, unlike last season where she seemed to be ready to give up and die. My fears are Betty won’t make it and Roxy will get some letter in the mail from her after her death.

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Army Wives

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