Big Brother 10 Debuts!

Big Brother 10 Debuts!

Posted by Dustin on 07.13.2008 at 9:02 pm

So “Big Brother 10” has officially started! The house-guests moved in tonight and met each other. Here are my initial impressions of the houseguests and what happened. As always, spoilers for West-Coasters!

The show started as usual showing the contestants getting their keys. Memphis the Bartender seems a little too arrogant to me. Jesse meanwhile obviously loves his body and will probably be walking around naked showing it off as much as possible. Poor Ollie seems like a snooze and will be no fun to watch. April seems to have some OCD going on with neatness, which will be her downfall.

The contestants had to vote for the new HOH immediately before going into the house, basically trusting their instincts and voting on appearance and looks alone. They couldn’t vote for themselves. They all cast their votes and the first HOH remained a mystery.

The house-guests all picked their rooms and introduced themselves to each other. Jerry, the old guy, seems sweet and nice; which means he’s probably a sneak. Renny is from New Orleans and seems like a total party girl; but the other house-guests already are annoyed with her loudness and rudeness. Dan the Catholic School teacher is probably going to annoy me to no end because of his ‘tude. Memphis the bartender, oh sorry Mixologist, seems like he’s going to be a jerk with a chip on his shoulder. April has giant boobs and nobody believed they were real, so she allowed everyone to feel them! Clearly the party girl of the house has arrived.

The house-guests were to compete in their first competition. They had to divide in two groups and decided who would sit out. Jesse offered to sit out, basically because he felt his physic might give an unfair advantage. Hello, full of ourselves? The rest of the house-guests geared up for the competition.

The competition was for one of two classic cars, which of course made Jesse want to cry. Hanging inverted were two VW beetle-bug cars. They had to get into the car and drive it to the end of the upside down road, fill it with gas, then one person had to volunteer to leave the car so the others could proceed. This would repeat until only one remained and was the first to finish. They were also playing for food or slop as well as a classic car.

The competition began, and several people offered to give up the car so their team could win. The red team one and Memphis won the classic car. This put the white team on slop, including poor Jerry. However not to worry as the house-guests then found out their first HOH, Jerry! So Jerry is off slop as fast as he was on it.

The house-guests started forming alliances immediately. Dan and Brian joined forces, both wanted Ollie in on their alliance too. He agreed and joined them.

Everyone got to see Jerry’s HOH room, which included photos of him and his wife when they had first married.

The first issue happened between Jesse and Renny, who was loud and kept him awake at night. Jesse wanted to get to bed early for some reason.

Brian went to Jerry and suggested Renny and Jesse for nomination. Jerry decided he could trust him because he was in the service, so they formed an alliance. Brian however later stated in the diary room he would dump Jerry when his ship started to sail. Jerry didn’t seem to fond of Dan, and Brian tried to keep Dan off the block.

The nomination ceremony was held and Jerry nominated Renny and Jesse as asked by Brian. Jerry claimed there was conflict between them, so instead of letting it fester he put it on the house to decide who should stay and who should go.

The veto will be held on Tuesday, but as always thanks to the feeds and after dark we’ll probably know who won and who is on the block by Monday.




  1. Good episode! Please remember if you add spoilers into your writings will you put a headline before that! Thanks!

    Comment by Anonymous
    07.13.2008 at 9:34 pm
  2. I have a good feeling for this big brother 10.

    hopefully, this group will hold my interest.

    my fave is the black woman.

    i hoped she stay for a long time.

    Comment by scareykatt
    07.14.2008 at 12:38 am
  3. I know that I don’t like Memphis at all!! Too early to tell who I’m going to be cheering for.

    Comment by Becky
    07.14.2008 at 2:09 am
  4. Jerry was classic when he helped confirm that April’s Ta-Ta’s were real!! Got a good laugh from that and it was probably startegic to score some cool points with the younger crowd……

    Comment by Deb
    07.14.2008 at 8:58 am
  5. I really hope Jessie stays in. At this point he’s the eye candy thats keeps me interested until I get to know peoples personalties.

    Comment by Erick
    07.14.2008 at 11:34 am
  6. I am rooting for any of the Texas people to win. There’s 3 this season. I’m from tx. lol

    Comment by Anonymous
    07.14.2008 at 8:31 pm

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