Swingtown: Deep Throat

Swingtown: Deep Throat

Posted by Dustin on 07.08.2008 at 12:15 am

Tom began his flights to Japan in this episode, and Trina didn’t like him being so far away and for so long. She should be worried, and Tom was bad and went out and partied with a friend. Oh dear! When Trina learns Tom has been a very bad boy, she won’t be happy at all.

Back at home, Trina threw a party to support none other than porn star Harry Reems, who was being targeted by the US government for his films, which was simply a distraction tactic according to Trina and friends. Bruce wouldn’t go to the party and didn’t want Susan to go, but after looking into the cause, Susan thought it was something they should support. She insisted she was going, which he did not like one bit.

Susan did indeed go to the party, while Bruce went bowling with Roger. Bruce talked to Roger about how he felt ever since they hooked up with Trina and Tom that Susan had been changing. Meanwhile Susan talked to Trina as well, worried she was changing and it was Bruce who was lagging behind her.

Janet went to Trina’s party, mainly as a way to try and win Susan’s approval. Roger and Bruce stormed it and tried to get their wives to leave, but they refused. They then had a private screening of “Deep Throat” and Janet watched it! The most hilarious moment of the episode was when Harry Reems hit on Janet and invited her to the “party” he was starting up in Trina’s basement.

The kids, as usual, had some stories going on. BJ got closer to his neighbor Samantha. Meanwhile Laurie’s ex-boyfriend confronted her, knowing what was going on with her and her teacher, and he made veiled threats about getting him fired. She wanted to know what he wanted and of course he wanted her back. Laurie let him know she didn’t like who he’d become and seemingly got him to back down from his threats. Laurie and her teacher agreed to cool things until she was no longer his student, which was in two weeks.

My Thoughts
I have to say this was probably one of the most hilarious episodes to date, simply because of the fact it was about “Deep Throat” and Janet attending the party AND the viewing of the movie! Janet is my favorite character on this show.

I will admit, I have seen “Deep Throat.” I was curious as to what the hoopla was about over this movie so I got my hands on a copy and watched it. Let me restate that, I started to watch it and quickly got bored and fast-forwarded through the movie. Yes it’s porn, no doubt about it. It’s also just an incredibly stupid and awful movie. I don’t know if porn has a “camp” genre, but if it does, this is no doubt the king of camp-porn!

The idea of Susan being the more “open” one and Bruce suddenly pulling back and having issues is a total turn-about on what you’d expect, and I have to admit I’m loving it. Normally you’d think it would be the guy all into the whole sexual rebellion aspect and the wife going along, perhaps out of fear of losing her man. Seeing the man having those issues is very different!

Roger . . . poor Roger . . . . every other Friday! Leave it to Janet to schedule in sex. I’m still waiting for her to just go nuts and lose it . . . sexually speaking I mean. I think when she finds out her hubby has a thing for Susan then she’s gunna jump on the nearest person. One would think that would end up being Bruce, but I think they will go for the shock value and make it Trina.

BJ and Samantha, I wish they’d just end this story honestly. It has bored me since day one and I just don’t get it. Either introduce something shocking to shake it up or let it die.

Finally Laurie’s ex did try and have the teach fired, which I thought might happen. She seems to have gotten him to back off, but I’m not so sure he will. I have yet to figure out what grade Laurie is in. She’ obviously in summer school, and the class is obviously an AP class for college credit. My guess is she’s out of high school then, which would at least make any relationship with her teacher not against the law at this point. I loved Laurie in this episode because of the way she’s opening up with her mom and essentially “rebelling” against her dad with her political views, swaying her mom in the process.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I was happy for Roger that he finally got some lovin’! I agree Janet was really funny in this episode- I was glad to see her lighten up.

    Comment by B
    07.08.2008 at 10:42 pm

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