Mike Returns on Housewives!
Mike Returns on Housewives!
People Magazine spoke to James Denton, who said that Mike Delfino will be back on next season’s “Desperate Housewives,” but he and Susan will be split up! Hence the reason 5 years later Susan had a new husband.
Kristin at E! recently said Mike and Susan will be sharing custody of their son Maynard.
Hat Tip: Typer
Blah – I think I would have rather Mike died! After all the back and forth between Susan and Mike they got a divorce? Not cool! They are the new Meredith and McDreamy! I hope they don’t continue to flirt amongst each other again!
07.06.2008 at 1:49 pm
I hate that they divorce after all they went through. I don’t like they way Susan’s s/l is starting out with the five year fast forward.
07.06.2008 at 4:00 pm
Im convinced it’s due to his drug habit. Susan laid down the law with him on it and I appreciate that. She puts up with a whole hell of a lot of other crap, I don’t know like his whole attempted murder/extortion of pills out of Orson, so if he couldn’t kick them then I’d prefer he to have a new man. Lets just have this one be a stable normal relationship, not another uphill battle against the odds.
07.07.2008 at 1:21 pm
That is the first thing I thought too, he must have gotten back into drugs and she dumped him.
07.07.2008 at 1:36 pm
Oh, random thought. What if its something to do with his other son, the rich little sociopath? ok Sociopath is a bit strong but not a stretch.
07.07.2008 at 3:57 pm
I had forgotten about Zack . . . . I hope the writers have too 🙂
07.07.2008 at 3:59 pm