Kathy Griffin’s Life On The D-List
“Kathy Griffin’s My Life On The D-List” is a Bravo show I love, but it’s not the most easy to write about or discuss really. I mean it’s not something one can recap, and unless other’s watch it it’s not easy to discuss why it’s so outrageously funny. We’ve gotten up to the third episode this season. So what’s been going on?
Well the first episode surrounded Kathy’s Emmy win for a primetime reality show, her getting into trouble because of her acceptance speech, as well as her dating Apple Co-Founder Steve Whatshisname. Let me just say, mis-match! These two have nothing in common, and watching them is so funny.
The second episode dealt with Kathy’s assistants all getting celebrations and days in their honor in their hometown for, well being the most famous people in the town. Ironic because they are Kathy’s assistants! I guess since they are on TV, that makes them famous, in a way. Also Kathy has decided she needs a Grammy to go with her Emmy, so she recorded a CD to try and get a Grammy nomination.
The third episode dealt with Kathy going to Australia for Mardi Gras and meeting Oliva “Newter” John, Margaret Cho and Cyndi Lauper. This was my favorite episode so far as I love the Cho and the Lauper. Oh and yes I know I spelled Olivia’s name wrong, that was a pop-culture reference. Those who get it know what I’m talking about 🙂 Lance Bass showing up out of the blue was hilarious, I had no idea he and Kathy were such good friends.
So if anyone is watching, feel free to leave comments on your favorite moments so far.
OMG – Loved the part with the chicken and the horses….gunshot. Hilarious. I rarely laugh out loud at the TV. My belly hurt so bad I had to watch it again the next day. Thank God for DVR.
06.29.2008 at 7:22 am
Love this show! Non-stop funny for the win!
06.30.2008 at 3:19 pm
Is it me or does this season not have the “zest” the last seasons had? Something seems missing. I know that she lost her dad and that is bound to change things. BUT, it just seems like Kathy is just going through the motions without feeling this season. Is anybody else picking up on that- or is just me?
07.03.2008 at 10:04 pm