Dana Delany Sits Put On Housewives

Dana Delany Sits Put On Housewives

Posted by Dustin on 05.16.2008 at 11:45 am

Dana Delany (Katherine) told “The Insider/Entertainment Tonight” that she will be back next season. Katherine’s big secret is set to be revealed in the two hour season finale on Sunday.

Additionally Eva Longoria Parker (Gabby) told Extra that while someone (possibly several someones) die in the finale, she is not one of them.

It’s unfortunately not looking good for some of the husbands at this point!

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Grey’s Anatomy: Threesome!

Grey’s Anatomy: Threesome!

Posted by Dustin on 05.16.2008 at 12:50 am

Grey\'s Losing My MindIn this episode the Chief’s mentor, the godfather of cardio thoracic (so probably spelling that wrong and not looking it up at this hour) surgery, showed up at the hospital with heart issue’s of his own. Hahn however refused to operate on him, not wanting to be the surgeon who “killed” him. The Chief, after a stern talking to from the guy about what kind of Chief he was, ordered Hahn to do the surgery as he was her boss.

Also going on, the Chief was upset that Adelle hadn’t returned his call after their night of lurve. Adelle never appeared in the episode and given “Eli Stone” is back next season, I have to wonder what will happen with these two. Will they break up or work things out, with her appearing only occasionally? I like them and would like to see them work. At the end of the show the Chief got a 😉 email from her, after emailing her for a date on Derek and Mark’s advice, but had no idea what semi-colon parenthesis meant until it was explained to him by George that it was an email wink.

Derek and Meredith had yet another patient for their tumor trial this week, one Greta. Greta didn’t want to have the surgery until her boyfriend Andre showed up. She recently met Andre on a cruise, and she wanted his opinion, saying a few last months with him might be worth it if she might die in surgery. The sister tried to convince Derek and Meredith that her sister had made up Andre, as no one had met him let alone seen a photo of him. Derek wanted to give a few hours for him to show up, Meredith disagreed.

Meridith fired her psychiatrist Dr. Wyatt because she called her a therapy quitter. Not exactly a good reason to fire her, as it shows you are a quitter! She spent half the episode trying to get her case file back, but Dr. Wyatt kept telling her to make an appointment and come in to get it.

Rebecca came in determined to see Mark. Izzie was furious as she had not been returning her calls. Izzie told Rebecca she wasn’t pregnant and she thought she was trying to trap Alex with the baby mama thing. Rebecca insisted she was pregnant, even telling Izzie to do another test if she had to. With Rebecca’s permission, Izzie told Alex. Alex then told Izzie off saying she didn’t know what she was talking about and to stay out of his business! You know I’ve really had it with Alex on this show. He is the most loathsome character and I would not miss him at all if he was written off at this point! Though he won’t be, cause they need that kind of character to round out the show.

Speaking of loathsome, Christina seemed to have a stick up her butt in this episode. First she laid into George saying nobody around her pities him, only Burke did, and Burke is gone. Then when Lexie wanted to talk to Meridith, Christina told her that Meredith hated her and to get lost! Meredith did nothing, which ticked me off! I thought she and Lexie were trying to get along better, so when she said nothing that annoyed me to no end. I usually feel for Meredith, but not in that scene at all.

Mark had a talk with Callie. He was basically tired of being man meat, he wanted her to want him for his brain as much as what was in his pants. She just sorta laughed at him. Hahn sat down and made some lesbian jokes about the two of them. They both joked about a threesome with Mark, which made him horny and ran him off! Too funny! However I have to wonder if Hahn was joking or not?

When Andre hadn’t shown, Derek and Meredith began to think perhaps the tumor had caused her to imagine Andre. It wasn’t helping when she told them a story about how she met Andre because she was running to get back on the ship and lost her shoe, and he found it and brought it to her that night. Cinderella anyone? The woman soon broke down, thinking maybe she really had made Andre up. She agreed to go along with the surgery. Oh boy it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see where this one was going!

Ava meanwhile went to see Mark, deciding her boobs didn’t match her new face, so she apparently wanted a boob job! Mark told Izzie that he was worried she may have some psych disorder. Alex continued to not want to hear it, but a test showed she was never pregnant. Rebecca wouldn’t hear this and was convinced she lost their baby. Izzie thinks she had a hysterical pregnancy, but I’m beginning to think she has one of those brain tumors and might be Derek and Meredith’s next patient . . . the one they actually save?

Meredith confronted Dr. Wyatt while she was making tinkle in a stall, still wanting her chart back. Dr. Wyatt only wanted to pee in peace, again telling Mer to make an appointment. In came Lexie who told Meredith off and good! She said she had forgiven her for treating her like crap, she forgives Christina for what she said and Meredith not standing up, that all she wanted out of her was a sister, but Meredith has failed on all fronts. However she still loves her and forgives her. After that, Meredith agreed she still needed therapy. Amen! I still never heard an “I’m sorry” from Mer!

Mark began teasing Callie about having a threesome with Hahn, saying not to say she hadn’t thought about reaching over during surgery and grabbing some of Hahn’s golden hair. That clearly hit a nerve with Callie, who was getting turned on at the thought? That or she had honestly thought about it! Meanwhile Erica Hahn began the surgery on the Chief’s mentor and saved his life.

Meredith went back to therapy, and Dr. Wyatt pointed out how she seems to have suicidal tendencies. She let herself drown in that water, she stuck her hands in a man with a ticking time bomb. She seems to like teetering between life and death. She thought something her mother said made her feel worthless and she believed it. That seemed to get to her and she stormed off.

Meredith and Derek began the surgery on Greta, and of course Andre showed up! You could see that one coming. They managed to inject the tumor, but unfortunately the tumor had caused brain swelling they had not missed. While it seems they treated the tumor, the brain swelling became the issue that put Greta into a coma from which she was never expected to wake up. How fricken depressing! I’m over these tumor trials and they better save someone (Rebecca?) in the finale!

Tucker showed up in this episode, as Tuck got kicked out of the hospital daycare for punching a kid. Tucker weighed in with his expert opinion, the child was angry that he was being left in daycare for hours a day when he’s clearly used to being at home with him. Okay Tucker, www.shutyourmouth.com! You are where? Oh yes, you are out dating and having fun and all that stuff you missed cause you “had” to stay at home with the kid. Bailey gave it to him, saying he had something and took it for granite, the luxury of spending all day with their son. She said she did not have the luxury of taking off work for a year knowing her job would be there for her to come back to. She felt she was sacrificing a lot for this family and he didn’t appreciate it. They left Tuck with George while they went to try and work things out. I’m kinda not wanting Baily to work things out with him, ans he’s being an arse at this point. I think he has severe female career superiority issues.

The show had a three punch ending. Mark got in the elevator with Erica and Callie. Callie teased Mark had been thinking about the threesome idea all day. Hahn ended up kissing Callie then telling Mark he just couldn’t handle them both. Hahn got off the elevator. Mark wanted to go to the on call room stat! A clearly kiss-stunned Callie followed. I am starting to wonder if we’ve been duped? What if Hahn isn’t a lesbian, but the whole point of this story was to make Callie face that she was?

Rose confronted Derek for basically sleeping with her then running away. Derek said he had already done complicated, he wanted this to just be easy and fun. She seemed to be okay with that. Oh boy, Derek needs to stop lying to himself as much as Meredith does. He seems to want to blame Meredith for the reason they broke up, but maybe he needs to be seeing Dr. Wyatt himself!

Finally Meredith went back to Dr. Wyatt and said after her father left, her mother tried to kill herself. She never told anyone that. She said she was broken and the doctor wanted to fix her, so fix her!

Photo: ABC.com


Ugly Betty: The Bitch Is Back

Ugly Betty: The Bitch Is Back

Posted by Dustin on 05.16.2008 at 12:38 am

Ugly Betty The Bitch Is BackSo the show opened with the triumphant (in her mind) return of Wilamena to Mode. Uhg, I can’t wait until Christina drops the bomb about how she really got pregnant, but I am not expecting that till next season. Daniel and Alexis are scared of her and made a pact not to make a move without each other, but Willy knew how to divide and conquer this family. Oh dear!

Meanwhile Amanda was glad to have her partner in crime Mark back. I have to admit I am too, I’ve missed these too, even if they are mean and hateful to Betty. Amanda was working on a reality show with her dad Gene Simmons called “Daddy’s Little Girl.” Mark wanted to be in it, but she didn’t want him there. She made all sorts of excuses, even saying Gene hated the gays. However he showed up and Gene wanted a funny gay on the show, it was just what they needed. Unfortunately Mark soon observed that when the camera’s stopped rolling, Gene stopped playing daddy to Amanda. He tries to tell her this, but she wouldn’t hear it and said he was jealous that she was rock star royalty and he was nothing. Later though Amanda found out her dad’s butt tattoo was a fake! Gene apparently faked it as a media ploy. I’m forgetting here (since the strike made the earlier episodes so long ago) if Amanda made comments to the press about her dad, because how would Gene know to fake a butt tattoo of Tweet Bird? Whatever! Amanda soon realized Gene wasn’t her dad and she apologized to Mark. Now we are back wondering who Amanda’s father is though! Grrrrrrr!

Betty and Gio flirted a bit, though she claimed she wasn’t flirting, so he kissed her. He teased her about being the rebound guy, but she slapped him. Henry had gone back to Tuscon with Charlie and the baby and Betty was all heart broken. At this point I say good riddance Henry! She should have dumped him the minute she found out he knocked Charlie up and planned to stay with her. This little “last hurrah” they had wasn’t romantic at all, it was pretty depressing in my opinion. They should have made a clean break, but this essentially a “soap.”

Hilda continued her crush on coach Tony Diaz, even deciding to help him chaperon a school dance to get closer to him. I have to say I think these two are cute and hope they continue with this story. I love when they use Hilda and would love to see more of her as I think she is phenomenal and adds to the show. Unfortunately Hilda got sick and couldn’t go, so she sent Betty instead. Betty was supposed to be working on an article for Claire’s magazine “Hot Flash” on the youth’s view of the older generation. She decided to go in order to get some opinions for her article.

Betty took Justin to the dance and tried to get some interviews with kids, but nobody would give her the time of day. Of course Gio was there with his little sister, and he gave Betty some pointers on talking to the kids. It worked, and later Betty and Gio shared a dance. I’m really warming up to these two a lot. I think I want to see her with Gio rather than Henry, but I know she’ll probably end up with Henry in the end. Henry, I’m still convinced, isn’t the baby’s father.

Justin ended up talking to the coach about his mom, basically saying his mom likes him and he wanted to know if he had interest in her. Later in the episode he dropped by to see Hilda and they made a date. Meanwhile Betty and Gio broke into the school’s trophy case (I think she got it for journalism) so Betty could hold her old trophy she won, but they got busted by the principal! He then “expelled” Betty from school for being a bad citizen. Whatever! I hope after that she took her trophy with her!

Back to the Mode drama, Willamina began her divide and conquer plan, starting with Daniel and Alexis. She made inroads at a magazine cover meeting. She then used the media to promote herself. Daniel thought two could use the media and went on Larry King. Convinced Mark was calling into the show with stupid questions, he lost it on live tv! Larry made him look like an idiot because the call was from Vermont and was not Mark calling.

Willy meanwhile swooped in to save Claire’s magazine, which was getting no advertisers. She gave her pointers on how to get them, and this won points with Alexis. She named Willy back as Mode’s creative director, much to Claire and Daniel’s objection. Oh how Alexis will regret this one when she makes plays to take her job! Of course in the end it was Mark calling Larry King, he had a Vermont cellphone as instructed by Willy. Oh how I want to see her go down, but like I said, I don’t see it happening anytime this season.

The show ended with Betty asking Gio on a date, but he turned her down. He said he didn’t want to be her rebound guy, he wanted to be her guy! Awwwwwww. Honestly though, way to go Henry for standing up for yourself. This is why I think he and Betty are perfect for each other.

The season finale is next week. From the previews Gio asks Betty to go to Rome with him and she says yes. Then Henry returns and proposes to Betty. Finally Willamina somehow gets herself named “Editor in Chief” of Mode, which means Daniel is out!

Photo: ABC.com

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Housewives To Pull A Brothers And Sisters?

Housewives To Pull A Brothers And Sisters?

Posted by Dustin on 05.15.2008 at 7:21 pm

This one looks likely to be a confirmed spoiler, based on new previews from the show just shown on “Extra.” Keep reading if you want to be spoiled!

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Major Housewives Rumor

Major Housewives Rumor

Posted by Dustin on 05.15.2008 at 7:15 pm

This one I’ve been sitting on for awhile, and major DH fans probably have already heard it. I’ve really not wanted it to be true and am hoping it’s not, but signs are pointing to yes. Read on if you want to know . . . .

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What New Shows Are You Looking Forward To?

What New Shows Are You Looking Forward To?

Posted by Dustin on 05.15.2008 at 12:35 pm

With the fall/winter line-up now complete, what (if any), new shows are you looking forward to?

I’m definitely interested in the CW’s Tuesday night, the 90210 remake and the show that follows (the rich girl show).

I’m interested in CBS’ “The Mentalist” mainly because it’s more psychic TV, and I like the two current shows that deal with that stuff (“Medium” and “Ghost Whisperer”).

“Dollhouse” on Fox looks to be good, as does “Fringe.” However “Fringe” just looks a little too much like “Lost” in a way, and I’m already lost on that show!


Fox’s Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Line-Up

Fox’s Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Line-Up

Posted by Dustin on 05.15.2008 at 12:23 pm






FOX Kicks Off Season Early With Special Two-Hour Premieres Week of August 25

New York (Thursday, May 15, 2008) Peter Liguori, Chairman, Entertainment; and Kevin Reilly, President, Entertainment, Fox Broadcasting Company, today unveiled the FOX primetime schedule for the 2008-2009 television season speaking before the national advertising community at New York City Center.

“Broadcast television needs a jolt. We feel it’s our responsibility, as the No. 1 network for the last four seasons, to provide that electricity,” said Liguori. “The goal of our business is entertaining viewers, they’re our lifeblood, and it’s incumbent upon us to make sure their first and favorite entertainment destination is FOX.”

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Final Threes

Final Threes

Posted by Dustin on 05.14.2008 at 12:19 pm

So last night on “Dancing With The Stars” Marissa was sent home. This puts Christian, Jason and Kristi in the finals. I think we might see Christian pull off a win this season. Yes he’s gotten good, but at the same time I wonder how much sympathy vote he’s also getting because of the arm injury. I think Jason will be knocked out next.

On “American Idol” Syesha, David A and David C performed. Baring some shocking voting, I think it’s safe to say Syesha will be going home tonight. David C will probably win this years idol, but I don’t know, it’s hard to say until we see the final two perform.


CBS Announces 2008-2009 Line-Up

CBS Announces 2008-2009 Line-Up

Posted by Dustin on 05.14.2008 at 11:34 am


Five New Series Added: Two Comedies and Three Dramas

CBS Expands Comedy Lineup, Adding New Block on Wednesday 8:00-9:00 PM

Two New Dramatic Series to Launch Backed by “NCIS” and “CSI” Lead-Ins

New Series That Blends Comedy, Drama and Romance Joins Fridays Top-Rated Lineup

Eighteen Current Series Return to the Schedule

New Murder Mystery “Harper’s Island” Ordered for Mid-Season

CBS announced today its 2008-2009 Fall Primetime Lineup, featuring five new series – two comedies and three dramas – and the launch of a new comedy block on Wednesdays.

The new series include ELEVENTH HOUR, a dramatic thriller from producer Jerry Bruckheimer about a special advisor to the government who investigates scientific crises and oddities; THE MENTALIST, starring Simon Baker as a former celebrity psychic-turned- detective who uses his gifted skills of observation and expertise at “reading” people to solve crimes; THE EX LIST, a sexy comedic drama about a 30-something woman who searches her past relationships to find her future husband; and the comedies PROJECT GARY, starring Jay Mohr and Paula Marshall as dueling ex-spouses and parents trying to move forward with new relationships; and WORST WEEK about a good guy who is always trying to do the right thing, yet something always goes wrong – especially when he’s around his girlfriend’s parents.

“We’ve been looking to expand our comedy lineup, and we now have the depth and development to make the move,” said Nina Tassler, President, CBS Entertainment. “Monday is already television’s signature night for comedy and we think we can make the case that CBS is the signature network for comedy overall.”

Added Tassler, “Our new dramas put a character twist on the highly successful procedural form with two exciting new leads in Simon Baker and Rufus Sewell. And, rounding out the new slate is a very unique series with a dynamic young actress (Elizabeth Reaser, “Grey’s Anatomy”) that blends comedy, drama and romance in a concept that will have everybody thinking about their personal ‘ex list.’ ”

The freshman series will join 18 returning programs on the current CBS lineup.

CBS will return network television’s Number One drama franchise – CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION; CSI: MIAMI, CSI: NY – the Number One comedy, TWO AND A HALF MEN; the Number One news magazine, 60 MINUTES; and two franchise reality series -SURVIVOR and the five-time Emmy Award-winning THE AMAZING RACE.


The new 2008-2009 schedule is:

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Medium Season Finale

Medium Season Finale

Posted by Dustin on 05.13.2008 at 11:42 pm

So this past Monday was the season finale of “Medium.” Alas there will be no more dreams and psychic visions until next February when the show begins airing again. The season finale wrapped up several stories nicely, but for once there was no cliff hanger.

Alison was hired by a lawyer to try and prove that his house wasn’t haunted, as his wife was convinced she was hearing a baby crying. Alison didn’t feel anything, but later had a dream that a woman drowned her child in the house. A quick search confirmed it, and the lawyer admitted he knew, but only after they bought the house. He had sunk so much money into it, he couldn’t afford to move and he knew the wife would want to. After the wife found out the truth, she killed herself in the tub the kid drowned in. Worse yet, a note was left by the wife in Alison’s mailbox saying if anything happened to her, she did not take her own life and her husband should be considered a suspect. Uh oh! More dreams from Alison cracked this case though. As it turned out, there was another child in the house who saw the mother drown her baby son . . . a little girl. You can see where this one is going! Yes the little girl was the wife all grown up. Worse yet, the little girl and her brother were products of an affair and their father . . . .was also the husband’s father! In case that was too confusing, the wife knowingly married her half-brother! The father of them both didn’t realize his daughter-in-law was also his daughter at first, as he hadn’t seen her since she was a little girl. Eventually he realized it, but he didn’t say anything. Ew! So the daughter basically set everything up as some sick punishment for her father and her father’s family. Double Ew! Can I just ask what is with all my shows exploring the brother-sister love theme lately? It’s very creepy.

Meanwhile the new/temporary DA got the news he was dying. He decided to spend what time he had left with his family, and he and the mayor decided to ask Manuel back. He accepted, and Alison was also hired back. Finally! I have to say while the season has been good, Manuel’s absence has been noted and felt. I feel bad though, I wanted the new DA VanDyke gone, but not like this. I was convinced they’d bust him on corruption or something.

Finally Joe, convinced his partner was insane, decided to dissolve the business. She was more than happy to let him go and buy him out for 250,000 dollars. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize she had a plan all along, so Joe should have refused right there. He didn’t though, as they could use that money. Oh she had a plan all right . . . .she played him like a fiddle. She wanted his idea as she knew she could sell it to a competing company who was developing similar technology. Once she had him in the company, she made him think she was nuts so he’d want out. In the end though the man who bought the invention from her (for 2 million dollars!) liked Joe’s better than what he’s been working on, so he hired Joe for his company to keep developing it. Yay for Joe!

So that is the season finale of “Medium” in a nutshell. No shocking cliff hanger, which is what I was expecting. Fortunately the show will be back next season, but it will be a long wait.

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