Heroes Season 3 Spoilers!
Kristin has some big “Heroes” scoops this week (you have to watch her videos this week for most). Read on to find out a few things going down!
A few more spoilers added!
We will find out who shot Nathan immediately when the season returns. (Rumor is it’s his mom!)
Hiro finds an arch-nemesis in the new character Joy, who HAS had her name changed to Daphne. She’s a very very fast speedster, like insanely fast.
Daphne meets Hiro when she steels a secret from his family’s office, it’s a secret the family has been hiding for years now and Hiro learns what it is.
Kristen Bell (Elle) is set to return for a few episodes.
HRG/Noah Bennett gets a new partner who is “unusual.”
Syler slices the head open of “the shows biggest star?” And we learn what happens when he slices them open.
Additional Sources: Pantagraph.com
the shows biggest star? Is that Peter?
05.21.2008 at 2:49 pm
It’s got to be him, Claire or Hiro. I don’t know who else counts lol
05.21.2008 at 5:45 pm
It has to be Claire. It happened in visions of the future and all.
05.22.2008 at 1:28 am
it’s been so long, I don’t even remember what happened in the future visions.
05.22.2008 at 9:11 pm