Fantastic Filler Finales For Reality TV This Week

Fantastic Filler Finales For Reality TV This Week

Posted by Dustin on 05.21.2008 at 10:00 pm

Last night was the two hour finale of “Dancing With The Stars.” If you were like many people and decided to just tune in for the last 5 minutes, you probably saw that Kristi Yamaguchi won. Yay! If you were one of those like me who sat through it all, you had to watch performances from Usher, as well as every single couple being brought back to dance their favorite dances. Zzzzzzzzzzzz just tell me who won already!

Unfortunately tonight “American Idol” is doing the same thing. They have two hours of performances from the final 2, as well as many of the top 12 who are all there. Also thrown in are Fox movie promotions for “The Love Guru.” There were a few noteworthy performers though, such as Donna Summer performing with the girls and Syesha. Anyway, after sitting through it all, the winner was announced!

For those who haven’t seen it yet, I’ll put the winners name below the fold . . . If you can’t wait then read on . . .

Getting 56% of the vote the winner (by 12 million votes) was David Cook.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Although I don’t you, I can just imagine your expression waiting patiently for the end of the shows!You have a knack for saying things the way they are! 🙂
    Anyway, glad you posted about AI so I can get the chance to say that Syesha grew on me and deserved to be in the final three! Total change of mind from someone who couldn’t stand her a few weeks ago, lol. As for Dancing with the Stars, mea culpa, I just watched the last minutes to see the winners announced!
    I’d like to add that I felt awkward for the 2 Davids when they set them up as 2 fighters going through rounds during the show. It just didn’t match their personality!

    Comment by Hélène
    05.23.2008 at 9:27 pm

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