Baller Wins Big Brother
So last night was the big finale, and the whole way they edited the question and answer session, well it seemed like it was anyone’s guess who would win this show. Sheila came off incredibly bitter towards Adam, so what a shocker when Adam one by all but one vote . . . Josh’s! I am shocked Sheila turned around and voted for him. Adam’s family is from where I live, so I’ll check the local papers to see what kind of local news and coverage they/he get.
Your thoughts? Did the right person win? I bet Ryan’s feeling mighty stupid for taking Adam to the final 2 right about now!
im bugged that Baller won. And lets see if he really donates 100K to the Autism Foundation like he said! i smell BS on that one.
When does the new season start??
04.28.2008 at 1:31 pm
i think the new season starts on july 13th.
i wanted ryan to win! but, i think the reason why he didnt was because a lot of the jury felt like Jen would be getting the money too and when they were asked what they’d do with the money, adam clearly gave a better answer!
I hope he follows through on the 100k.
04.28.2008 at 1:39 pm
I’m of the firm belief that it was all the times that he mentioned Jen that lost Ryan the game. He played better and was more instrumental in getting most of the house out and into the jury house. In past seasons that’s been a winning plan as most aren’t bitter about their loss anymore and vote for those that deserve it. If Ryan would have said “I’m leaving Jen and moving to LA” i think he’d be the winner. I hope shes worth it, not to mention if she can somehow get forgiven for selling him out as a bigot on national tv.
04.28.2008 at 2:46 pm
I never liked Adam from the beginning and was always hoping he was getting voted out. So I was rooting for Ryan to win and I thought he was going to win but he didnt’. I think he played a better game all around. He was smooth about making deals with alot of people and they never found out till the jury house, which is some good game playing.
04.28.2008 at 3:45 pm
I was shocked that Ryan lost but your right if he would have said that he was leaving Jen he would have won.
Kinda curious about the donation for Autism as well. Especially since he said that those children were “retarded”.
Lastly, Ryan is from my area I will let you know of any happenings with him.
04.28.2008 at 9:59 pm
Adam actually got fired from his job for that comment, I’m guessing he’s learned that by now.
04.28.2008 at 10:32 pm
I agree w/the fact that Ryan should have said he’ll use the $$ for anything BUT Jen. They all hated her, and his speech about loving her & spending the rest of his life sealed his fate with the jurors…
04.28.2008 at 10:58 pm
I agree, I think the speech about Jen did Ryan in. I kinda like Adam. I thought he had a bad wrap from the start with having Shelia as his partner. He came in kinda the underdog and I just kinda like him from the start. But this season was not the best by far. At the end, I didn’t really care who won what.
04.29.2008 at 7:57 pm