Stunned: BB & AI
Okay first let me say I had to get all this info second hand. As I type this I’m in Sin City, Las Vegas baby! I’ll be here till Sunday. All my shows are Tivoing, but I can also get them all the next day online. So if my thoughts/recaps are late . . . that’s why!
So anyway, tonight Ryan won the final HOH on “Big Brother” and sent Sheila packing, and I heard she was a blubbering mess. I really wanted her and Adam to end up in the final 2.
What I’m shocked, and pissed about, is “American Idol.” Holy crap, I did not see Carly going home tonight at all! I didn’t expect her to win, but at this point I am very angry. It seems every time I watch AI this happens to me, people who I feel need to go home don’t. Grrrr! I can’t believe they voted her out over Jason last night and even Brooke’s huge mess up.
Let me reiterate grrrr!
Shelia is FINALLY gone…she was a mess..crying hysterical & all….when she left the guys started to have this weird conversation about the way she left & they muted & went to the guinea pigs……I wonder what that was about?? Also, the jury figured out that Adam & Ryan had an alliance…I hope that doesn’t hurt Ryan’s chance
04.24.2008 at 7:21 am
I just about fell over when it was Carly. Jason still being here is that damn teenage girl thing I was referring to that could have Archie winning this whole thing. As much as I like Brooke, this is the 2nd time she’s started over and at this stage of things you just can’t do that.
04.24.2008 at 8:32 am
I was surprised Carly was in the bottom two, I could have seen her in the bottom three. It was still a shock. I honestly thought Syesha would be going home when the bottom two were announced.
04.24.2008 at 9:22 am
I was not at all impressed with AIs results last night. I think it was total BS! In my opinion I thought Carly and Sayesha were the best two performers by far on Tuesday night. I know everyone seems to have a hate on for Sayesha but I like her and think she can sing. And I like Carly a lot. I think I might just stop watching because I could care less about the last 4, assuming Sayesha is out next. Jason was a train wreck and his style of sitting on a stool and singing boring songs has never impressed me. Brooke has forgotten the lyrics before and started over before and she’s in the top 5? Her fake “I care for you” attitude bothers me as well. Obviously I’m not the only one as she is the one supported by the “Vote for the worst” website. Booooo American Idol Booooooo.
04.24.2008 at 12:06 pm
Carly was robbed. They need something to off-set the teen girl votes like giving the judges some kind of say. While Simon may be harsh he is seldom wrong, yet its just ok to ignore the judges and go with teen popularity instead. So over this show.
04.24.2008 at 1:49 pm
Oh must say I loved it that in the Jury house they made good use of the dvd’s rewind feature and didn’t let Ryan play martyr like he had been for the past few weeks.
04.24.2008 at 1:51 pm
Too bad there isn’t one of those “you must be 18 to vote” things! I think Syesha has a good voice; unfortunately she has an attitude (maybe it’s her ego) that isn’t very appealing. I think it overshadows her talent.
04.24.2008 at 3:36 pm
i am not a carly fan at all, but i have to admit the girl can sing and it definetely should have been brooke or jason, not carly.
i’ve been a david a and syesha fan since auditions, so go them!!
04.24.2008 at 4:18 pm
I actually was not surprised at all to see Carly go home last night, nor Syesha with her in the bottom two. I know they had good performances this week, but I think most people take into account all of a contestants past performances when voting. I agree both girls can sing, but for me, something has been lacking.
I know the perception is Jason’s only fans are teenage girls, but that isn’t true. A very good friend of mine (in her 30’s) adores him and votes for him. Same with Archie, in my group that watches Idol religiously, four out of the six are serious Archie fans. And the youngest one in the group is 25.
04.24.2008 at 5:10 pm
And may I add GRRRRRR!!!!! DITTO!!!!
04.24.2008 at 7:26 pm
Although, I haven’t been able to stand Syesha because I feel she comes off as fake, I thought she did a great job last night. I think that this is her niche and could have a great future on Broadway. Oddly enough, I thought she came off as genuine when actually she said she was playing someone else. Go figure!
As far as I concerned, Jason should have gone. Although he has great charisam, he absolutely has no versatility, whatsoever.
Carly should have stayed. I think she should have been one of the last three but she lacks the charisma that will reach out to voters. Bottom line, it’s more a popularity contest then a talent contest which is why so many of us get frustrated. Nowadays, people don’t only listen to music but look at it. Which is why Jason is still there.
Morgan should have been in the bottom two. Yes, she’s very pretty, yadiyada, but at this point in the competition a person shouldn’t make this type of mistake. And the fact that she’s so nice shouldn’t make a difference but it did. Then again, popularity contest.
I’m rooting for David Cook. He shows week after week how great a performer he is as well as all his versatility. And that’s my two cents for now!
04.24.2008 at 8:10 pm
As I said before I’m a huge David Cook fan and believe that he will win the whole thing. In my opinion the next to go will be Syesha, then Jason, and finally Brooke leaving it between the Davids.
04.25.2008 at 12:27 pm