Leaving Us On American Idol Tonight . . . .

Leaving Us On American Idol Tonight . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2008 at 10:40 pm

This week Mariah Carey was the mentor and all the stars performed her various songs, or songs she’s covered in the case of Carly.

Many probably feel it’s been long overdue . . . . Kristy Lee Cook was voted off “American Idol” tonight. I think next week, unless she performs a miracle, will be Syesha’s week, followed by Brooke or Carly. Kudos to Carly though, who called Simon out for seemingly being overly-tough on her. He said that he sees her potential to be great, that is why he’s so critical on her.

I’ve made no attempt to hide that I want Jason Castro off the show. I loved Randy’s comments this week that he felt like he was at an odd luau. I will admit the guy can sing, maybe not as well as some of the others, it’s the fact that all his songs seem to be arranged in the exact same way with the bongos and classical guitars. Enough!

In the end though, I think it will come down to David A. and David C. as the final two.

Next week is Andrew Lloyd Weber week, the week after will be the final mentor Neil Diamond (unless there is some surprise announcements).




  1. I really would like to see Syesha go, she is starting to get on my nerves a bit, but I think it might be Jason Castro if the pattern I noticed sticks. A boy goes one week then a girl goes the next.
    I like Brooke White but I think she will outlast Carly.
    I agree it will come down to the Davids, and my predictioin is David Cook will win.

    Comment by Niki
    04.17.2008 at 9:25 am
  2. Syesha is getting a little big for her britches at this point. She has a decent voice, but her attitude is just not doing it for me at this point.

    I’m with Dustin. It’s time for Jason to go. I think this is the teenage girls voting over and over at this point. Speaking of… that could be the contingent that puts Archie in the top spot instead of David Cook who is the one who belongs there – at least for now.

    Comment by typer
    04.17.2008 at 11:30 am
  3. I agree, but I don’t think that she really has any personality. I would have thought she would have gone way before now, but perhaps next week she will go home though I could also see Jason going next week and her the following week leaving the Top 4 as the Davids, Carly, and Brooke.
    I’m not sure about the top 3 yet but I do believe it will be the Davids and possible either Brooke or Carly. But the finale is going to be betweent the Davids.

    Comment by Niki
    04.17.2008 at 11:43 am
  4. I don’t know, I like Jason, and I’m not a teenage girl.

    Personally, I hope either Syesha or Carly goes home next. In the beginning I really liked Carly, but she is getting on my nerves now.

    I think it will come down to the Davids as well, but I think Archie will win. And I actually think he deserves it over David C at this point. Although, I won’t be disappointed if David C wins, I love him too.

    Comment by Stacy
    04.17.2008 at 1:33 pm
  5. I would have prefered to see Sayehas go. Country girl was starting to grow on me. As far as Jason goes, he’s my seconde choice. His style was nice at first but it’s getting old. He sure is cute though! 😉

    Comment by Hélène
    04.19.2008 at 10:11 pm

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