Booted Tonight On Big Brother

Booted Tonight On Big Brother

Posted by Dustin on 04.16.2008 at 9:09 pm

As always West Coasters, spoilers ahead!

Natalie and Sharron were put on the block by Sheila, who is hoping Natalie would be voted out. The boys confronted Sheila because they all found out she’s been playing both sides, but she gave a sob story claiming she was loyal to them. Last night Ryan and Adam began having second thoughts about sending Natalie out. They felt Sharron hadn’t done anything for them, and if they kept Sharron then she and Sheila could team up against them. However if they get Sharron out, they think they can get Natalie out easy a week after.

Sheila was furious when she learned this and warned Sharron. Sharron went to Ryan, who kept assuring her that she was safe. Meanwhile the boys keep telling Natalie she is safe as well! A blow up between Adam and Sheila happened, with Adam calling her an bleeping bitch! She threw him out of her HOH and was sobbing, fearing if they kept Natalie then she would be sent home next week.

Adam and Ryan then contemplated splitting their vote and letting Sheila get the blood of voting Natalie out on her hands. Sheila wasn’t worried as Natalie was one vote in the jury house and she already knows she won’t have her vote anyway.

Ryan voted to evict Natalie, Adam Sharon and that left Sheila as a tie breaker which was a no brainer for her . . . . Natalie is out! Natalie was just stunned and ended up in tears as she said goodbye to everyone.

In the HOH competition it came to a tie between Ryan and Sharron, and Ryan won. This pretty much means he’ll put up Sharron and Sheila next week, and unless Sharron wins POV to take herself off, she’ll probably go home.

An odd twist has been injected into the game in a mean way too. The HOH was a game called fact or fiction, and one of the questions was whether there was still an existing relationship going on in the house since before the beginning of the game. The answer was fact, but the twist to the answer is it’s the guinea pigs! At the end of the show the remaining four were trying to figure out who is in a relationship of some kind!




  1. Ryan and Sharon still have a secret alliance, the one she took over after Josh left! He’ll definitely put up the girls but take Sharon down if he or her wins the POV and put Adam up! It’s the ultimate plan that noone would expect.!

    Comment by harrisongurl!
    04.16.2008 at 10:02 pm
  2. Iwondered if they still had it or not, but at this point i think nobody is safe and can trust anyone. Ryan has to know if he takes Sharron to the end, he’ll likely lose against her lol

    Comment by Dustin
    04.16.2008 at 10:28 pm
  3. I can’t figure out of Sharon is throwing competitions so she doesn’t win on purpose….I did think the guinea pigs was a trick question. Ryan knew he was behind one point and by going with the opposite of what he thought Sharon would vote gained him a tie (so if they both got it wrong, she won, but if he took a gamble he might tie it up). I wonder if someone tipped him off in the diary room though….

    Comment by Deb
    04.17.2008 at 8:47 am
  4. I thought that Sharon threw the HOH comp. 130 total minutes for all houseguests in the glass house? That’s crazy, Natalie and Sheila were up there for longer that 120 minutes?!!

    Comment by Rach
    04.17.2008 at 8:56 am
  5. I can’t understand why she’d throw it given she’s still the odd ‘man’ out…

    I did personally love Natalie’s face when she heard it was a 1-1 tie…..does that make me a bad person?

    Comment by Deb
    04.17.2008 at 3:23 pm
  6. Deb, no cause I loved it too. I thought it was the best eviction I’ve seen. You could see she was traumatized, she never thought it would happen. Then when Sheila got up to break the tie it was like “Oh please oh please let me stay”

    Comment by Dustin
    04.17.2008 at 4:23 pm
  7. I am so stoked that Chatty Natty is gone!

    I cant wait to see the footage next week of the sequester house when James and Chelsea just laugh in her face when she shows up!!! She is going to hate being in sequester!!

    I am not sure why Sharron would throw the HOH either.

    Comment by svrdchic
    04.17.2008 at 4:30 pm
  8. I like Sharon, but she has floated her way through this game. If she makes it to the final two I hope the jury gives it to the other person because every one else in the house played the game. The only person I feel sorry for is Matty. I want to see his face when Natalie walks in….

    Comment by crystal
    04.17.2008 at 9:46 pm

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