Big Brother: POV . . . .

Big Brother: POV . . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.15.2008 at 8:16 pm

The following are some spoilers set to air in about an hour on Big Brother, with a little extra thrown in.

This week Sheila won HOH, mainly because Ryan and Natalie made a deal to let her win assuming she won’t put them on the block. She agreed, and Adam and Sharron went up.

During the after dark sessions, Natalie has been very close to Sheila it seems, probably all game play.

In the POV Adam wins and saves himself, so Sheila puts up . . . . Natalie!

It looks like Nat could finally get the boot tomorrow, but as always, who knows! Both Sheila and Ryan don’t think they can trust Natalie at all, they can’t tell whose side she is on. That’s easy, she’s on her own side! I think Adam will vote Natalie out, but Ryan who knows. It could be a tie breaker from Shiela!




  1. Uhg! It looks like Adam and Ryan are going to vote Sharron out and keep Natalie, because they think she’ll be easier to beat later on. Nooooo!

    Comment by Dustin
    04.16.2008 at 12:27 am
  2. Blah…They keep debating over to split the vote and make Sheila the bad guy for having to vote Nat out or just oust Sharon. The Bible buddy crew has taken all the fun out of this game, constantly worried about stacking the jury house. Have they not seen previous seasons? Floaters are never respected, hell Dick played a huge part in getting most out of the house last season and thats why he won…he did the work. This years crew just wants the prize handed to them so they won’t have to get “blood on their hands” to quote Sheila

    Comment by Erick
    04.16.2008 at 11:58 am

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