Big Brother: HOH and On The Block!
Big Brother: HOH and On The Block!
Un-aired spoilers, read on if you want to know!
Sheila won the HOH and has put up . . . get this . . . Adam and Sharron! WHAT! Man I need to find out what is going on and what she’s thinking. One of these two better be a pawn to backdoor Natalie out of the house this week.
sheila’s plan is for ryan or someone to win POV and take off adam and so she can put up natalie.
HOPEFULLY things go their way.
i can’t stand chatty natty.
i want her GONE
04.10.2008 at 10:54 pm
Looks like Adam won POV and Sheila is going to put up Natalie………….
04.11.2008 at 8:10 am
i called it!!! See ya Natalie!!
04.11.2008 at 11:21 am
I hope to EVERYTHING that Sharon takes this…
04.11.2008 at 12:14 pm