Big Brother 9: Evicted and the New HOH . . .

Big Brother 9: Evicted and the New HOH . . .

Posted by Dustin on 04.09.2008 at 8:47 pm

The first half of tonight’s show centered around many people catching onto Natalie’s games, and James’ determination to turn the house against her for the way she’s playing everyone.

Natalie has promised the guys to put the girls up and the girls to put the guys up. Natalie told Ryan she is lying to the girls and saying Sharron is the one telling the girls to stick together. Meanwhile Sheila told Adam what Natalie is planning, that she is his biggest threat.

James attempted to make some deals to try and stay in the house, but later from what I saw on Showtime After-dark it seemed he realized he was going home and planned to sabotage Natalie in the HOH competition by not letting her get any sleep! He also provided Sheila and Adam with a lot of information he had gathered on the others.

The vote approached, and it seemed Sheila and Ryan were having second thoughts about voting James out, as he could be useful in getting Natalie out.

We saw Chelsea show up at the Jury House, and Chelsea let the audience know that she will not be hooking up with Matty. Joshua was the next to show up. Chelsea didn’t want to see him here, she wanted him to win. Josh brought the video of Natalie’s HOH win and other stuff.

The vote was held and James was evicted unanimously.

Unfortunately the HOH is an endurance competition, so we won’t know until later who it is. I’ll post as soon as I find out!

*UPDATE* To learn who won, keep reading if you want to be spoiled!

Shiela is the new HOH! Natalie immediatly went to Ryan and Adam to start making deals lol!


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Well I am glad Shelia won so she can se pics of her son and get a letter from him for her 45th Birthday!!

    Me being a mom, I know i would want that more than anything after not hearing from him for 2 months!!!

    Now onto the noms … i see Sharon and Adam going up, with a possible backdooring of Natalie (HOPEFULLY!!)!!!

    Comment by svrdchic
    04.10.2008 at 3:43 pm

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