Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Big Brother: On The Block And Other Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 04.07.2008 at 5:12 pm

So this week we saw James break down crying to Adam, blubbering about how basically he doesn’t want to leave and it’s hitting him that he is.

Adam put up Sharon and Sheila for eviction, which steamed Sheila as well as Ryan and Natalie, who are in his alliance. Adam said something during the nominations that I fully didn’t understand, but I believe what he told the house was that if they wanted James out then they would have to fight to and win the veto. Sheila was disgusted, Natalie thinks he’s a moron and Ryan said it was a cowardly thing to do which will come back to get him.

Read on for un-aired spoilers!

After the nominations it seemed Adam talked to his alliance and straightened things out. If they want James out they will have to backdoor him, as he just keeps winning the POVs.

Ryan won the POV and used to to save Sheila, so Adam did put up James. It seems James is finally going home, baring some freak turn of events.

James has been going to everyone to try and cut deals to stay, but everyone is talking to each other about James’ promises. It’s not looking good for him.

Natalie meanwhile could find herself the next to go because she has a big mouth. She told Sheila and Sharon if she wins HOH then she will put up Adam and Ryan to keep the girl power going. She also told Ryan and Adam if she wins HOH that she’ll put up Sheila and Sharon!

Ryan and Sharon also talked and they too seem to have formed some alliance to make it to the final two. They think it would be great if the two nicest people in the house were final two.




  1. i really want ryan to win…from the beginning he had a target on his back because of his relationship with jen…and he overcame that…..he has shown that he is a very strong player….from the beginning i said either alex or ryan..

    Comment by Citrus
    04.07.2008 at 8:11 pm
  2. Shiela and Sharron are apparently onto Natalie’s games. Natalie is currently kissing some major boy arse at the moment and talking smack about Shiela and Sharron.

    Comment by Dustin
    04.08.2008 at 12:52 am
  3. Shes so trying to be the only thing with breasts in that house. Personally, I cant stand here and hope her implants rupture. If not that let her be sent to the jury house to find Matt and Cheslea going at it, unlikely, but I would love to see the look on Nat’s face.

    Comment by Erick
    04.08.2008 at 12:15 pm
  4. I love the Ryan calling Adam a coward bit. Especially because what he did to me was the opposite of being a coward. He actually did what HE wanted to do rather than just go along with what everyone else was telling him to do. People always twist things when they don’t get their way!

    Comment by Becca
    04.08.2008 at 7:57 pm
  5. the only draw back of ryan winning the big prize is then jen would get part of it….she rubbed me the wrong way…..let’s have sharon, the under dog win…..

    Comment by Deb
    04.09.2008 at 10:23 am

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