Big Brother: Some Developments, Emergency In The House!

Big Brother: Some Developments, Emergency In The House!

Posted by Dustin on 02.23.2008 at 1:44 pm

As always, these are spoilers that haven’t aired on network TV. If you aren’t watching the feeds or “Sho2” after dark, you may not want to read on . . .

Okay first up, Josh and Sharon got the POV, so the former nominations will probably stick.  Matt is convinced he and Natalie will go home.

Allison apparently ate something or came in contact with something that she had a massive allergic reaction to. So much that her face, tongue and throat swelled and she was taken to the hospital. She’s okay, but is on epi-pens. She was also due back at the hospital this morning for more tests.

Amanda also was rushed to the hospital. She’s hypoglycemic, collapsed and had seizures!

Sheila and Allison had a huge fight, something about Sheila thinking Allison was telling people personal things about her.

Sheila is once again fed up with the way Adam treats her. She was crying to the other girls about this, saying she can’t stand it, no man has ever talked to her or treated her the way he has. She feels her son is watching and is ashamed of her. She wants to go home, she wants to be put up on the block. She later cooled down and said she didn’t want to go home, but if being put on the block as a pawn would cool Adam, she’d be fine with that.

Sharron talked to Josh about this and using their POV, but Josh really was against this, saying it could backfire on them. He said next week they’d probably be on the block anyway.

Matt and Adam talked, Adam is equally as frustrated with Sheila. He says she’s the worst partner in the house. Matt told him how he can’t stand his either, but he pretends to get along with her and that is what Adam needs to do. He says go talk to her, find some things to connect on. Matt suggested he ask her about her days as a Penthouse pet as clearly he’d be interested in hearing those wild stories. I sat there in disbelief at this one. That would NOT be the way to go to repairing your relationship lol!

Later Adam and Sheila did talk. She basically told him she would not put up with the way he talked to her anymore, it stopped now. Adam said likewise she treats him badly as well. Sheila vented that when she came into this game she didn’t know much about it, all she did was research it on the net. She says she was  told there would be older people in this house and they are all 20 somethings, with Adam being 29 and the oldest of their bunch. She’s in her forties and that is a big gap from them all, and this isn’t fair to her and it’s not fair to him either.




  1. does anyone know what James’ tatoo is?

    Comment by Anonymous
    02.24.2008 at 8:48 pm
  2. They don’t blur it out on Showtime. I was trying to see. I think it’s some kind of character that is trademarked, so that’s why they don’t show it on TV.

    Comment by Dustin
    02.25.2008 at 1:31 pm
  3. its a brawny tattoo on his chest and a suicidal clergyman is what i think is the one on his arm.

    Comment by Anonymous
    02.25.2008 at 10:32 pm
  4. That’s was creepy how they both had the medical emergencies at the same time.

    On the Shelia thing…’ve really got to wonder what’s going to go through her mind when she watches herself on TV when she gets out as she watches herself make up drama and picks a fight….grant it, it could just be creative editing that they didn’t appear to talk at all that episode, but it was probably a good idea when they fessed up about lesbian story to start spending some time apart….

    Comment by Deb
    02.27.2008 at 9:33 am

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