Brothers and Sisters: Drama At The Dinner Table!

Brothers and Sisters: Drama At The Dinner Table!

Posted by Dustin on 01.21.2008 at 6:32 pm

Finally we got a new episode of “Brothers and Sisters” and it looks like in early February we’ll be getting another, which could be the last of the season.

In this episode Nora decided to invite Isaac over for dinner, but was too afraid of a date and used the premise of a family dinner to spend time with him. I loved when Sarah figured this out she was teasing her mom.

Meanwhile, Steven Weber’s character continued to pursue Sarah in this episode. She seemed turned off that he may have cheated in the past, depending on how you defined cheat. Sarah claims she never cheated in 10 years of marriage. Wait just a minute there, at the beginning of the show Sarah seemed to be meeting with a man and was very close to an affair! Steven’s character felt she was holding back, and he’d find out what about. Honestly, I am not sure I like these two together, it’s not working for me. Maybe they can change my mind.

Jason emailed Kevin, he’s coming back to town and wants to have lunch. Oh uh! Kevin accepted, but dreaded telling Scotty. I am thrilled Jason (Eric Winter) is returning, but I’m not liking this story at all and am feeling for poor Scotty, who it seems clearly is just Kevin’s substitute for Jason because he didn’t want to be alone. Jason is his Mr. Right, Scotty became his Mr. Right Now/There.

At Nora’s dinner, of course, everything blows up. Robert’s “withholding” of the fact he wasn’t sure he wanted kids came out, and Kitty wasn’t thrilled. I loved his politician response that he wasn’t saying no, but he didn’t no if the time wasn’t right and he wasn’t taking it off the table completely. I’m sorry, I could have sworn you told your aid you didn’t want any more kids and told your own bratty daughter you wouldn’t have new kids with Kitty. Do I have to call you senator flip flop from now on? He’s on my bad side right now.

Justin admitted he was still dating Lena, and Tommy admitted Lena was a mistake. Oops, as expected Julia walked in and heard this. I knew the tension between Tommy and Justin over Lena would result in Julia finding out. The real shocker came when Julia revealed while home with her parents, she too had an affair. Julia and Tommy decided to work on their relationship and move past it. I hope they get some marriage counseling though! I hate what Tommy (and Julia) did, but at the same time I hate that Julia also ran home to mommy and daddy when things got tough.

Eventually Nora kicked all her kids out when everything hit the fan. Isaac stayed behind and then told her that next time he was in town, they should have dinner, just the two of them without the family. So cute!

Throughout the show, Robert’s campaign continued to come under fire from McAdams, who was also running for the republican nomination. Kitty found out that Isaac and Robert were sitting on a land mine, the fact that McAdams had a special needs son he hid away and they had an atrocious voting record on special needs legislation. Kitty wanted to use it, as did Isaac who had a special needs son of his own and was ashamed of McAdams, but Robert wouldn’t play dirty politics. Only a TV politician would say that! If only real life could be more like TV! In the end though, somehow McAdams was exposed and he dropped out. Kitty swore it wasn’t them . . . hmmmm . . . . . I have a feeling Issac leaked the story behind Robert’s back . . . especially after he revealed one of his son’s was special needs too. I think it hit too close to home for him. Robert of course is now the front runner for the republican nomination.

Finally we come to Rebbecca, Holly and the mysterious David (Ken Olin). Rebbecca invited David for dinner, apparently trying to rekindle the flame between him and her mom. Holly let her no it wouldn’t happen, but wouldn’t give details. We did get one huge question answered, Holly assured Rebbecca that David wasn’t her father, William was. Whew! I was expecting a blow up there. But then why is Holly not willing to get close to David and why doesn’t she believe he just moved back to town and looked her up? Something is going on there. Either a drug problem or a prostitution scam comes to mind.




  1. I hate that Justin is still involved with Lena!

    I also don’t think the paternity issue with Rebeca is over yet.

    It was interesting to have the Robert running for president storyline happening while we are experiencing that in real life right now. It definitely made it more interesting for me this time.

    Comment by Stacy
    01.21.2008 at 6:50 pm
  2. Holly seemed to be awful sure of herself about who is Rebecca’s father. There has never been a paternity test, has there?

    Comment by typer
    01.22.2008 at 2:22 pm
  3. Gosh, how would *that* throw things for a loop if Rebecca turned out to NOT be a Walker…

    I just loved the kitchen scene with all the Walker siblings. Kudos to this ensemble — they do those scenes so well. They come off as really being brothers and sisters. Especially when they’re rapid-firing off jabs and comebacks.

    Comment by k8
    01.23.2008 at 12:24 pm
  4. That actually would open the door for an interesting try at a relationship with her and Justin. It has seemed that is where they were going since he was recouping from his latest return from Iraq.

    Just about every “family gathering” shows that no matter how successful they might be, they’re pretty normal as families go… dysfunctional! 🙂

    Comment by typer
    01.23.2008 at 1:56 pm
  5. I agree, they never did a paternity test..they just assumed…because of the ongoing affair & all….but I still think that she isn’t really a Walker… I mean, Holly was free to see other people….and if she was a Walker, I’m sure she would have told William…but didn’t because maybe she really doesn’t know who the father is and wants to believe that was William….and if Justin hooks up w/her when we find out that she’s not a Walker….then its SOOOOO WRONG ….and I can’t wait to see Sexy Rex back…. 🙂

    Comment by momof4
    01.23.2008 at 3:55 pm

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