Greys: Crash Part 2

Greys: Crash Part 2

Posted by Dustin on 12.13.2007 at 8:02 pm

Sorry this is so late, and now it’s been so long I’ve forgotten some of the details! I do remember though that the second part of the two part “Grey’s Anatomy” was just depressing!

Lexie did her best to keep Seth Green’s character from bleeding out, but Sloan was busy with the heart patient and there were no ORs to work on him in. In the end, poor Seth Green kicked the bucket.

Sloan, Callie and Hahn meanwhile worked on the heart patient, who I believe also kicked the bucket! They were depressed and Hahn asked them all out for a drink, finally seemingly bonding with her fellow surgeons.

The one guy in the ambulance survived thanks to Meredith, and she convinced the widow of the other guy to stick around for him, suggesting they might need each other.

Bailey saved the Nazi guy, and stitched him up totally crooked ruining his tattoo. Hilarious! Predictably though her husband got fed up and was ready to leave her. Baily and the husband had poor George running back and forth passing messages between them.

Finally Derrek got his thang on with Rose the nurse, hinting at a future for them. Of course as the show ended Meredith finally got the nerve to tell him she didn’t want him to see other people. He was going to say something, but she made him say nothing. She wanted him to think and talk to her tomorrow.

Now we are ALL left hanging it seems. There is actually ONE more episode, but I don’t know if ABC will air it soon or not. This was such a natural season finale they may not. Also it seems that episode was filmed AFTER the strike began, and Shonda Rhimes has stated to various media outlets she didn’t have any input in that episode (I assume they filmed from the script and nothing got changed or added).

I really got the feeling that had Meredith not shut Derreck up, he was going to tell her it was too late.




  1. The heart patient survived…seth was the only one to die in the episode. =]

    Comment by Tracie
    12.13.2007 at 10:37 pm
  2. So, I don’t know why McDreamy would think that there is chemistry with him and the nurse. That was the most awkward, unsexy kiss I have ever seen, nothing that would make you go “oh baby I want you” lol. And if McDreamy picks the nurse, I hope that the show will never go back to Mere and McDreamy, because this will be the second time she has told him to pick her essentially and he walks away. Sorry, no wonder why Mere has commitment issues with him, he leaves at a drop of a hat, after she tells him that she wants him which is what he wants to hear from her.

    Comment by Maria
    12.14.2007 at 10:48 am
  3. GOOD point about McDreamy. I forgot the pick me, love me thing from a few seasons back. He didn’t when he had the chance and she hung in there so now we get to see what he’s really made of. just wanting to settle down doesn’t mean you pick the next available person whose time table fits yours! Hold out for the real thing.

    So if the script was written and shot “as is” then what is the basis for all the “changes/alternate stuff” we’ve heard about that is to create more of a cliff hanger than we have now?

    Comment by typer
    12.14.2007 at 1:50 pm
  4. I wasn’t going to feel bad for Meredith if she waited until after she found out about Derek and the nurse to tell him she didn’t want him to date other people. But she doesn’t even know about the nurse.

    If Derek loves her, he should realize how much she’s working on her issues and drop the nurse. If he doesn’t, it’s Addison all over again. Like many of the rest of you, I won’t want to see them back together if he breaks her again. Bottom line: he’s responsible for a lot of her issues.

    Comment by J026
    12.14.2007 at 9:31 pm

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