Dirty Sexy Money: Backstabbing and Kidnapping
So this week’s “Dirty Sexy Money” had a few twists and turns!
First, Jeremy finally had to tell his new girlfriend the truth, that he wasn’t an artist. She ended up leaving him, not caring he was rich. She was upset he lied to her. I was hoping they wouldn’t go for the predictable here, but oh well. Jeremy also hung out with Lisa at the gallery in this episode. They smoked some pot, and he kissed her! Uh oh, is this leading to some kind of affair? Lisa was later fired when the pot smell permeated a giant (artistic) sponge. I loved the reaction of the client who came to by it and then refused as it smelled like her pot smoking ex husband!
Juliet met some French guy and wants him to be her “first.” This story I wasn’t paying close attention to, as it was boring me. Why do I get the feeling he’s using her?
Patrick worked on his marriage this week, while Carmelita felt like she was being watched and in danger. Patrick had the limo driver looking after her, but it did no good. The show ended with someone kidnapping Carmelita! My guess is this is Simon’s work, but I’m not sure. I also somewhat suspect Patrick’s wife!
Karen dated Simon this week and even meet his princess of an ex-wife. Literally, she was a princess from some African country! Karen seemed a little turned off by Simon’s till close relationship with her, and it was an odd relationship. They had dinner together and it was just uncomfortable looking. Nick meanwhile seemed to get jealous that Karen was seeing Simon and thought Simon was doing this to hurt Tripp and made him break it off. In the end everyone was being played as Tripp put Karen up to seeing Simon, telling her she wasn’t to get emotionally attached. She said she wasn’t, but is she? Or is she simply doing this to get to Nick as usual?
Finally all of Brian’s ungodliness caught up to him and he was suspended from the church. He thought about his life and how things are going and decided to go work for Tripp at the company. Ironically he’s not Tripp’s biological kid, but of all of the Darlings he’s probably the one that has the nasty killer instinct for the business world.
Great episode! I’m a little worried about Juliet. I really like the actress – especially as Anna Stern on the OC. But she doesn’t seem to be fitting into this show. It makes me wonder about her future with DSM.
I think I’m going to like the move to bring Brian into the ‘family’ business. Interesting turn for his character. Where is the wife and children? Is that really over? He seemed to be so wrapped up with losing little Brian that we missed some scenes of his separation with his wife. Or will we get that next?
I know this is terrible, but I really like the chemistry between Nick and Karen. I should want him to be faithful to his wife, but I really want to see something happen between these two. Honestly, I also see a lot of heat between Jeremy and Lisa.
Thanks for commenting about the episode, Dustin. I enjoy reading your thoughts.
12.09.2007 at 10:50 pm
I aree, I love Samaire Armstrong, but her role on this show is a snooze so far. I’m not a big fan of Jeremy much either honestly.
His wife left to go some where with the kids while she “thought things over” but they haven’t mentioned it much.
12.09.2007 at 11:29 pm
THANK YOU for posting this recap. I was going to watch on Sat. morning until I discovered my DVR malfunctioned and deleted this show sometime on Friday. (**GRR**)
I think so far Juliet’s been a lost character. They either need to do something with her or ship her off somewhere to “find herself” so she can come back and be interesting later.
Sorry I missed the Lisa/Jeremy scenes. Maybe she can’t be Miss High and Mighty with Nick anymore now that she’s fallen into the Darling pit.
12.10.2007 at 12:11 pm
I think the guy is using Juliet too – it is so weird how he all of a sudden showed up!
I think Patrick had Carmelita kidnapped – he was acting very odd…I wonder if he had her moved someplace secret where they could rendevous or if he had her killed so he could become a senator…
12.10.2007 at 1:48 pm
Does anyone else find it hard to believe that an attractive, 25-year-old, billionaire heiress is just now looking for her “first”? I thought that was a little bit odd. Especially w/ no explanation of why she has been waiting. I am sure she has had plenty of candidates before now. They play the Juliet character more like a vapid teenager role.
I thought she met the French guy while on Karen’s honeymoon? I agree he is probably a user.
I don’t think Patrick would have Carmelita killed- He seems to really love her.
Thanks for the recaps Dustin!
12.10.2007 at 3:21 pm
I am the only one who finds it a little hard to believe that a 25 year old billionaire heiress is just now looking for her “first”? The Juliet character really seems to be written as more of a teenager role. I also like Samaire Armstrong, but thought from the beginning that she was a little miscast in the role.
12.10.2007 at 6:28 pm
Oops- I just wrote kind of the same thing twice- I thought my first one didn’t work. Sorry.
12.10.2007 at 6:30 pm
01.04.2008 at 8:40 am