TV Soon To Feel The Impact Of The Strike!
With the strike still going, TV is soon going to be going into reruns or to more reality TV shows.
Apparently “Ugly Betty” and “Grey’s” still have 2 more episodes to air each. “Desperate Housewives” last show is this coming sunday with the tornado episode. (Note: ABC didn’t release any new episode PRs this week though)
“Heroes” airs its last episode next monday. “Journeyman” and “Bionic Woman” are also running out next week apparently, and are in even more trouble. Neither has yet to be renewed, many are speculating both will be canceled.
There are a number of mid-season shows set to start up in January with several episodes taped. One of my faves “Medium” has nine episodes that will air! Yippee!
Source: Yahoo News/AP
well, on the bright side, maybe this will give me a chance to start watching some of the TV shows I’ve never been able able to see since they were at the same time as other TV shows I watch.
11.28.2007 at 6:47 pm
I love Journeyman, I hope it’s not cancelled!
11.28.2007 at 8:00 pm
I really hope they don’t cancel bionic woman. After much wandering and meandering the show seems to be finding some direction and to lose it just because of the strike blows.
11.29.2007 at 11:52 am
Even when you know it’s coming, it’s still sad….
There’s a few new shows I hope survive the hiatus. (Top of the list is Dirty Sexy Money)
11.29.2007 at 11:55 am
Can you tell I’m really bored today and trying to put off cleaning my house?? I hate the strike too!!
12.01.2007 at 3:52 pm