Brothers and Sisters

Brothers and Sisters

Posted by Dustin on 11.26.2007 at 8:01 pm

This week’s episode of “Brothers and Sisters” seemed to focus on love, past loves, current loves and new loves.

Nora reconnected with her first love Stan, played by Chevy Chase. She invited him to the wedding next week. So cute! However I still like her and the carpenter (Treat Williams) best.

Sarah met a new guy named Graham through work. He was brought in by Saul to possibly help them diversify and make more money through new options. He’s trying to convince her to get involved in shipping overseas, but she’s not completely sold. It looks like they are headed for a love pairing too. I have to say so far I’m not liking these two together.

Kevin, Jason and Scotty. Oh lord! Kevin learned Robert had been talking to Jason, who hadn’t been talking to Kevin. Kevin and Scotty, after some champagne, did the naughty boogie. Of course this is when Jason called. Kevin then apparently dumped Jason and now wants to give things a try with Scotty again? Well this stinks. I have nothing against Scotty, but would liked to have seen Eric Winter (ex Rex) return as Jason and possibly stay.

Julia finally came home with Elizabeth this week. Previously Tommy ended things with Lena. Ugh, the countdown is on until Julia learns Tommy cheated on her. I’m sure she’ll leave him for good after that. I hate that they’ve done this to Tommy’s character, but at the same time I have no pity for Julia running off to mommy and daddy instead of staying and facing her issues with Tommy.

Lena, spurned by Tommy, is now after Justin so it seems. Sure there were sparks between them in the bar a few weeks ago, but something tells me this is more to spite Tommy. Sorry Lena, you get no pity from me either dating a married man! Poor Justin is going to be the one hurt in the end too I bet, and just when he got clean. This is why he’s not supposed to be dating.

Rebbecca just decided to love and be herself this week. After being far to complacent with her siblings, she let it out and said what she had to say. This included the truth about how she felt about the bridesmaid dresses and that Kitty should buy her own dress that she wanted rather than wear her mom’s old one.

Finally Kitty had a lot of issues with her dress. She found one she wanted, but didn’t want to hurt Nora who gave her her own dress to wear. She bought it though. She also had issues with Robert, who didn’t seem very interested in the wedding or helping her learn to dance. As she put it, this is a first for her, not for him, she just wanted some special memories for the both of them. Robert later surprised her with a dance, serenaded by Lyle Lovett. Okay that was just the sappiest ending ever for me!

Next week is the big wedding event, and what looks to possibly be the last new episode until the strike ends.




  1. Actually, the last episode the writers wrote before the strike started was episode twelve, so there will be a few more episodes that air after next week’s episode. Also, it’s been confirmed that Eric Winter returns in episode eleven, and I read in a recent interview that Eric did where he said that he’d be sticking around for a while when he returns. Also, one last note that I’d like to make, Michael Ausiello from TV Guide magazine made comments in his weekly column on last week that led me and many other people I know to believe that he (Ausiello) knows for a fact that at the end of episode twelve Kevin is going to choose to break up with Scotty and get back together with Jason.

    Comment by Taylor
    11.26.2007 at 9:04 pm
  2. Eric did confirm he was returning for at least a few episodes, but nopt much else was said.

    I think most ABC shows are running out of new epis before xmas 🙁 NBC ends next week with most of their shows.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.26.2007 at 10:03 pm
  3. I think my favorite part of this episode was Kitty and Robert dancing to Lyle Lovett. Guess I was in the mood for some sappy romance.

    Did anyone else do a double-take when they saw Chevy Chase? He’s been out of the spotlight for a while, I guess. I was shocked to see the white hair! (Apparently watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation a hundred times doesn’t prepare you for the natural aging process.)

    Comment by k8
    11.29.2007 at 11:49 am
  4. LOVE this show too!!

    Comment by Janelle
    12.01.2007 at 3:53 pm

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