Desperate Housewives: Snip Snip!

Desperate Housewives: Snip Snip!

Posted by Dustin on 11.13.2007 at 11:41 pm

So this week Bree was back in true form, controlling the men in her life! She and Orson disagreed over whether to circumcise their new “son.” Bree was for, Orson against. Orson knew his wife too well, so he had already sent letters to every doctor in the area not to do it! Bree ended up hijacking a briss of a neighbor to get the snip snip done. Orson wasn’t thrilled and Bree basically coldly said it wasn’t his blood running through the kids’ veins. OUCH! This was probably the meanest moment I’ve seen from Bree on this show honestly!

Mike began popping pills galore this episode and was caught by Bree, who told Susan. Susan was convinced he was an addict and caught him with a stash of pills after he lied to her that they were an old prescription for his back, which was acting up. I was furious with how Mike turned it around on her when she confronted him! How he was working overtime to save up money for the baby and everything it would need according to Susan. How he hurt his shoulder and was using the pills to work through the pain rather than take the time off. Way to blame Susan there Mike! I couldn’t believe him, I was so angry with Mike and I almost never am. Was he lying to Susan? Was in another addict lie? I was half expecting the pipe he sneaked off to unscrew at the end had another hidden stash in it.

Victor took Gabby away on a boat for their vacation to try and reconnect, but Carlos learned Edie told Victor the truth about the affair. Carlos warned Gabby, who was convinced Victor took her out to kill her and dump her in the ocean. She beat him to it and smacked him with an oar and left him in the ocean. When Carlos came to Gabby’s rescue, and saved Victor, they fought and Victor went over again! This time it looks like Victor is really dead as they couldn’t find him. Is he dead? I don’t think so! My money is on him using this later to make sure Gabby stays with him and doesn’t put up a fuss.

Finally Katherine opened up to Dylan about her dad, because Dylan had some genealogy project in school. Katherine claimed Dylan’s dad was abusive and that is why she doesn’t have contact with him anymore. Dylan seemed to believe her mom, who was lying out the wazoo to her daughter. For now Dylan dropped the quest for her dad. I’m still betting on the fact that the dad is dead, and little Dylan may have been the one to kill him.




  1. Remember Mike dumped the pills in the drain to show Susan he wasn’t an addict….then at the end of the show he was opening up the pipe to get those pills out….because he is addicted….

    Comment by Deb
    11.14.2007 at 10:03 am
  2. When we were watching I actually said to my husband, he didn’t turn on the water, she needs to turn on the water! He is a plumber after all. Poor Susan, sometimes she is so naive.

    Comment by Lindsay
    11.14.2007 at 10:31 am
  3. Der, I didn’t think he was going for the pills.

    Eww, they’d be disgusting. There is still water in the pipes though, and food, and nastiness. Ewwwwww!

    Comment by Dustin
    11.14.2007 at 12:02 pm
  4. I think he was going for the pills also. Addicts don’t care about discuss just the high. So Mike would take the pills no matter how disgusting they were just for the high.

    Comment by angie
    11.14.2007 at 2:14 pm
  5. I’m sorry, but I have so little interest in the Mike story… Susan is one thing, but he just doesn’t capture my attention the way others do.

    Now, Carlos is another story. He and Gabby have the best hijinks. HELLO! When someone goes overboard and you can’t find them, you CALL THE COAST GUARD. What is wrong with these people?!?!?! But Gabby with the oar was too darn funny. She gets some of the best lines in this show.

    Bree & Orson are apparently made for each other. The letter to the doctors was hysterical. But come on, there are “humane” ways to perform that procedure these days, since Orson was so concerned abuot the pain. My son had a local before his and he didn’t know what was going on. But gotta love Bree — she’ll do anything to get her way.

    I knew Katherine was lying the second I heard what the paper (supposedly) contained. That woman in manipulative! Will we actually get to see Dylan take her down??

    Dustin, I’m surprised you didn’t mention Lynette’s story. I liked that they pulled in her sisters (family adds a new dynamic for these characters). The arguing over who had to take the mom was actually pretty sad, but Lynette is a genius. Drop the cards (which were funny anyway), grab the car key then smuggle the bags and make a break for it. Really makes me curious about her childhood….. I hope the mom comes back, but she has my vote to stay over at Stan’s place next time. (Ew!)

    Comment by k8
    11.14.2007 at 3:07 pm
  6. Ahhhhh! I forgot to comment on Lynette! I knew I was leaving something out lol.

    I think next week we meet her step-father, the one she liked and her mom screwed up the marriage. He’s played by Richard Chamberlain lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    11.14.2007 at 3:18 pm

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