Brothers And Sisters: Interventions
So I didn’t blog about B&S last week, mainly because I came away from the whole episode angry. Kitty lost her baby, and while her whole family was there for her, Robert was secretly relieved. Meanwhile Sarah’s daughter is clearly having a hard time with her parents divorce, ran off, and Joe blamed Sarah for not watching her close enough! Uhg. Kevin meanwhile invited his homeless ex-Scotty to come live with him, and hasn’t told Reverend Boyfriend. This probably won’t end well! Justin continued to take drugs, and became interested in Lena. However Lena is too into Tommy and gave him the brush off.
In the most current episode, Tommy’s affair with the new assistant Lena continued. *Sigh* Why are they doing this? Julia is going to end up coming home to surprise Tommy and catch him bopping Lena in their bed I bet. Saul learned about the affair and let it leak to Kevin and others, who gave him a hard time. I really like Tommy, but hate what they’re doing to his character at this point.
Robert continued to deal with not wanting anymore kids, which was helped along by his bratty daughter telling her daddy she and her brother really didn’t want him to have kids with Kitty. OMG! I just sat there thinking what a little $@@#$%@#%.
Saul FINALLY came out to his sister, shocking the hell out of her, but still hasn’t officially come out to Kevin or anyone else. Their talk was interrupted and he didn’t seem to want to continue it anymore actually. I hope he tells Kevin soon and doesn’t drag it out.
Finally the whole family staged an intervention for Justin, who they learned from Rebbecca was back on drugs. Justin spit out some nasty things to half his family, but they wouldn’t give up on him and kept him under house arrest to try and get him clean on their own.
My heart is just breaking for Kitty at this point. She clearly wants a family with Robert, to even start trying again. Robert however doesn’t seem to have the guts to be honest with her. Oh and what was with him basically firing his entire campaign staff? Robert seems to be falling apart.
lately I feel this show is just creating drama for no other reason than to have drama. They bring up something that has a huge effect on one episode, only to drop it the next, i.e. Joe filing for custody, Kitty getting pregnant. I like a storyline that moves, but I don’t want it to feel pointless either.
Every episode still makes me cry though. Loved what Kitty said to Justin during the intervention.
11.13.2007 at 9:12 pm
Wow. Let’s see. I finally got this episode watched last night. (Really wish it wasn’t on at 10:00.)
Tommy: SCHMUCK (and an idiot)
Kevin: Improving, little by little (did like his awkward moments with Saul)
Justin: My impression is “well played” but I’ve never experienced an addict or a detox, so I can’t say how factual his portrayal was. But seemed pretty real to me!
Nora: Finally! Loved seeing her stand up to her baby and getting him on track. I really liked their closing scene, too.
Robert: SCHMUCK. (Granted, I put him a little lower on the scale than Tommy, but still…) He needs to drop the campaign, and I think that’s where this is leading. He can’t do it all. He’s bombing out on being a dad to his two kids. He’s not there for Kitty at all anymore. (I’m still torked over the whole pregnancy reveal episode.) And he’s obviously not doing well in the campaign. Too bad the more they reveal about Robert, the less likeable he is.
Kitty: I think this was her episode. The scene with Justin was fantastic — she really cut through it all and got to him. Then the later scene where he fell asleep on her arm. It was a good Kitty episode.
Lena: HELLO! She’s an idiot. If the guy is married, keep your hands and thoughts to yourself! You know she’s going to end up being more trouble than a few romps on the mattress were worth.
Saul: Is he the new Kevin? He’s always been pretty together in this show, now he’s falling apart? This is a little weird. Not sure I like how this is playing out.
Anyway… I can’t wait for the wedding episode. I’m gonna be bummed when we run out of shows.
(Just pay the writers so I can get my TV shows back!)
11.14.2007 at 2:56 pm