And Now The Really Bad News!

And Now The Really Bad News!

Posted by Dustin on 11.08.2007 at 8:26 pm

Wow it’s not a good day! “24” only has 8 episodes for their new season filmed, and has had to shut down. Worse yet, the January premier has been put on hold because of the strike. There is talk “24” may not even air next year because of the strike.

Now for the even worse news, murmurings are coming out that “Lost” could also be suffering a same fate. If you recall, the decision was made to finish “Lost” in 3 shorter seasons (to drag the show out) rather than in 2 regular sized seasons.


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TV News

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. NOO!
    24 is like my favorite show.
    and with all the spoilers in the preview that was just realeased,
    this is the season everyone has been waiting for.
    this strike better end soon!

    Comment by Stephanie
    11.08.2007 at 8:29 pm

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