Private Practice: Lady Town
I’ve finally got caught up with “Private Practice.” I watched last week’s episode this past weekend and this week’s episode last night. I definitely feel the show has picked up a lot since the premier, which was lackluster in comparison to these later shows.
The past two episodes have mixed well the serious cases such as the gay tween, the pregnant woman with crones disease, the runner and the woman who was assaulted; with the lighter cases such as the old couple where the man kept fainting and Dell’s attempt to do his first pap smear. “You are not probing around in Lady Town!”
I also have been enjoying the relationships between the doctors. Addison and Pete are fighting their attraction to one another. We got a little more information on Pete’s past relationship, which was apparently not a healthy one as he hated his wife, yet blamed himself for not being able to save her.
Meanwhile Cooper and Violet. Oh lordy what to say about these two? Violet is one messed up therapist that is for sure! She’s so great at giving other’s advice on their relationships and marriages, yet when it comes to her own she’s terrible! I was glad Cooper this week decided he was just done being there for her when she once again ran back to her Ex. Violet finally realized what she was doing, walked away from the ex, but then went groveling to Coop asking why he wasn’t there for her today? Waa waa waa!
Sam and Naomi meanwhile have seemed to realize they can’t continue to act like they are the cool divorced parents and that the divorce doesn’t hurt and suck. I get the feeling they are going to try and hook Sam up with the Chief at the hospital.
I watched “Private Practice” for the first time last night and I thought the show was really good. That guy trying to get his first Pap done was soo funny!! That older black lady talking about “Ladytown”, that was too funny!!
10.25.2007 at 1:47 pm
So I thought it was weird that addison never realized Naomi’s daughter wasnt a virgin after giving her a full exam. Wouldn’t she have noticed that and known she was lying about having sex for a yr?
10.27.2007 at 1:40 am
I said the same thing to my sister, Erica. They showed her preparing to give her a full exam – how could she NOT have known?
10.28.2007 at 9:17 am