Heroes: New Heroes and Villians Introduced! (Photos Added!)

Heroes: New Heroes and Villians Introduced! (Photos Added!)

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2007 at 2:10 pm

Last night’s “Heroes” was a bit more like last season, with the episode focusing on select heroes stories, but not all of them. The first few episodes this season tried to fit everyone in each episode, which had pluses and minuses. I liked the break from the Peter and Hiro story to focus on Matt a bit more as he’s one of my favorite characters. I’d also really like to see more of Nathan too.

Angela plead guilty to Kato’s murder, even though she didn’t do it. Why is she pleading guilty? The killer once got to her in jail before! Matt and Nathan teamed up, Nathan had the original photo of the group somewhere in old family photos. They found it, in the photo was Bob, the guy now running the company . . . and Matt’s father!

Matt, fearing his dad could be in danger, or the killer, asked Molly to find him. She of course freaked, he is the big bad from her nightmares. She did agree to eventually find him, but got too close and now seems trapped in her own mind begging Matt to help her. For those who don’t realize, Matt’s dad is hiding in Philadelphia, that was the skyline shown. I can’t wait to see how they shoot in downtown Philly for these scenes 🙂 As far as I know, they never really came to Philly, but we shall see.

Down in Nawlins, we met a new hero, Micah’s cousin Monica. She is just now realizing she has powers. It seems she has the ability to learn new skills very quickly simply by seeing something. Not the greatest of powers, so I wonder what they’ll do with her?

Maya and Alejandro escaped with Derek and met up with . . . . Syalr! Sylar somehow escaped the jungle/forest he was in last time to end up in the middle of the desert? Okay! They picked him up and of course he realized that Maya had powers because she needed to get to Surresh. When Derek realized Maya and Alejandro were killers, during a rest stop where he saw their wanted signs, Sylar killed him. It’s clear Sylar seems after Maya’s powers, but he was shocked when he learned her powers and her brother’s are connected! This might just save both their lives, as I don’t know if Sylar could actually control the power given it clearly takes two.

Meanwhile Claire keeps sneaking out to meet West and go flying around. She’s lied to her dad, who thinks she’s dating. She claimed she tried out and made the cheer leading team, she needs something that feels normal to her. He agreed she could cheer lead, but no dating. Seems he’s worried his death will come at his hands! Given West can fly, does anyone think he may be related to Nathan and/or Peter? Of course that would mean Claire is dating her own brother or cousin!

Here are screen caps of the revealing photo of the original company!

heroesphotofull.jpg heroesphoto1.jpg heroesphoto2.jpg
heroesphoto3.jpg heroesphoto4.jpg heroesphoto5.jpg

First row, left to right: Full photo of everyone, unknown blond woman left of Linderman, unknown African American woman seated in front of her (Monica’s mom?); Matt’s father and unknown woman; Angela Petreli, Kato Nakamura and “Bob”

Second row, left to right: Linderman, Mr. and Mrs. Petreli (Kensei?); Charles (forget his last name, he was Simone’s dad); shot of many of the company, unknown man at bottom right.

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  1. though stealing from both Marvel and DC universes (cartoon, comic and movie) the most common ability is flight, followed I think by telepathic stuff at least in marvel

    Comment by CGinCA
    10.16.2007 at 3:50 pm
  2. A bunch of marvel characters can fly, but it’s usually not their main power. They usually have something else (ie storm, jean grey, thor, firestart, spiderwoman, etc)

    Comment by Dustin
    10.16.2007 at 6:02 pm
  3. I don’t know if flying means that West is related to Nathan. All of the other people that are related on the show don’t have the same power.

    Comment by Stacy
    10.16.2007 at 9:17 pm
  4. Yeah, what Stacey said. Nathan can fly and Claire’s Mother was a firestarter.

    Flight + Fire = …Regeneration?

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    10.17.2007 at 4:26 am
  5. Yes, but how about this: If Kensei is Nathan and Peter’s father and Nathan is Claire’s father, then powers CAN be passed down. Kensei can heal = Claire can heal.

    And something about Nathan still bothers me …. Come on, he was ready to let NY blow up for half of last season and then with one act, he’s redeemed? I’m wondering if he’s the hooded person who pushed Hiro’s dad off the roof. …. and tried to kill his own mother. If Kensei is his dad, then he should still be alive and Nathan could be in on all of this with him.

    Comment by Kelly
    10.17.2007 at 9:45 am
  6. I don’t think Claire, Nathan, or Peter are related to West. Mohinder, said his father found thousands of people with power. I don’t think those thousands of people are related to a select few. Unless, since people seem to think Kensei has immortality, then maybe all he did was go around mating with any woman he saw. But, I find that very unlikely. So, since this show is suppose to be related to evolution and how peoples bodies and minds are evolving, then it’s possible to me, that people can have the same powers.

    And, since Monica can learn and imitate what ever she sees, then I think it can work extremely in her favor. By maybe seeing someone fly or heal? Maybe, she can learn how to use others abilities, just by seeing it.

    Comment by Sarah
    10.17.2007 at 1:20 pm
  7. I think Monica’s powers are cool. They now have the ability to have a hero with hand to hand combat skills as well a mind , seeing as all she has to do is watch and she learns. I also wonder if that is West in the last picture with HRG dead? I kinda think it might be Kensei, if his healing give him immortality he may be after Claire for a companion that cant die.

    Comment by Erick
    10.17.2007 at 1:28 pm
  8. I really don’t think it is possible that Nathan attacked his mother. He was in the other room with Matt when she was attacked. He only has the power to fly, not to be in two places at once.

    It’s looking like Matt’s dad is the one killing people as he is Molly’s big bad.

    Comment by Keatha
    10.18.2007 at 12:44 pm
  9. I think the unknown man in the photos is Maya and Alejandro’s dad. He looks hispanic and for the most part the characters we have seen are somehow related to these 12 people.

    Comment by LEAH
    10.20.2007 at 12:32 pm

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