Ugly Betty: Black and White Ball

Ugly Betty: Black and White Ball

Posted by Dustin on 10.14.2007 at 7:20 pm

So here is what I can recall from last week’s “Ugly Betty” from memory and notes. I need to try not to do these so far after watching them 🙂

Henry told Betty he knew about Charlie the Cheater, and that the baby might not be his. However they can’t to a DNA test until the baby is so many weeks old, so now we are all stuck waiting!

Meanwhile it seems like Betty might not be waiting for long. This week she met Gino, the sandwich guy at Mode. However when he wouldn’t make her sandwich the way she wanted, she complained and Gino got fired. Later he realized it was all good, as the job was holding him back from his dream of opening his own place. As they talked and bonded, Gino made Betty realize she was losing her dream of owning her own magazine by getting caught up in Mode. He got her back to thinking and working on her own writing. As cute as I think Henry and Betty are, there was something fun to these two! I don’t know, I think I might find myself torn soon if they keep this up. I love Betty and Henry, but honestly they never really ever started anything.

Amanda found out she wasn’t a Mead. This made me a bit sad. Of course it would have been gross for her and Daniel had they turned out to be siblings, but it could have been fun for us to see Willamina squirm at the thought she was a Mead. Now the question of who the daddy is comes up. We don’t really know anything much about Fey’s past, so I can’t even begin to guess here. I can’t even recall if we ever met anyone males other than Bradford with a past connection to Fey. Amanda later tried to show up at the Black and White Ball being thrown for charity in a red outfit to make a scene as “Fey’s long lost daughter,” but failed miserably.

My hatred for Wilamena intensified this week as she manipulated Alex by telling her they were best of friends, and that Bradford and her were to be married but he postponed the wedding because of her. Grrrr! Claire meanwhile confronted Bradford at the Black and White ball to convince him to run away with her, but he wouldn’t and said they ended when she killed Fey. I have a sneaking suspicion something will happen and we’ll learn Claire DIDN’T kill Fey, that she has been lead to think she did and was probably sloshed at the time and can’t remember it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn Wilamena is the real killer.

Justin and Daniel did some bonding over Justin losing his dad, and Justin basically found out Daniel has been faking not learning to walk.

Finally Ignacio was held hostage by Rosa’s ex-husband (well legal husband) and his son. It appears though that the son, who was abused (emotionally) by his father his whole life killed the father and let Ignacio go. Ignacio returned home by the end of the episode. Since we didn’t see who was killed, only heard a gun shot and lead to believe there was a killing, I have a feeling this story isn’t over either!

Posted in:
Ugly Betty



  1. This episode was great. From the previews of next week, it looks great too. I can’t get enough of this show!

    Comment by KED
    10.14.2007 at 10:11 pm
  2. I agree I can’t get enough of this show either. I didn’t watch last season but now I’m totally hooked, I got hooked watching some repeats over the summer. I love it. You can watch old episodes on

    Comment by Lisa
    10.16.2007 at 11:32 am

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