Weeds: Episodes 2 and 3

Weeds: Episodes 2 and 3

Posted by Dustin on 08.28.2007 at 11:04 am

Like “Flash,” I’ve been taking time to ponder “Weeds.” Last week’s episode focused on Nancy realizing her pot was gone and figuring out what to do. Heylia saved Conrad, but Nancy still owes Uturn a whole lot of money she doesn’t have. Meanwhile how great was Celia walking around town drunk out of her mind telling the kids not to do drugs?

This week’s episode was so much better, much more like the “Weeds” I remember. Andy got sent off to the military (this should be good), Nancy has been turned into Uturn’s white slave girl to pay back her debt, and Celia’s Satan spawn of a daughter (love her!) conspired to turn her mother into social services. Celia basically lost any claim to custody to her daughter, who was pleased as punch as was Celia’s soon to be ex. Did I mention how much I love the daughter? Meanwhile Heylia and Conrad got a new place to grow, and Helyia seems to be up to something in regards to Uturn. What’s going on there? Why do I get the feeling that Heylia is actually Uturns secret boss? Finally the DEA came knocking on Nancy’s door at the end of the show to ask about Peter, her dead ex-husband.

Episode 3 was great! The best of the season, here is hoping they keep getting better!

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. i loved this episode… i don’t trust heylia as far as i could throw her. I loved the smack down between her and nancy. GREAT! i look forward to mondays now 🙂

    Comment by keri
    08.30.2007 at 8:58 pm

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