Big Brother: Nominees Update Plus After Dark Spoilerish Events
Okay Danielle won the power of veto, took Amber OFF the block and put Jen up. She always wanted Jen to be back-doored, but I guess Amber and Jameka failed to win POV for themselves.
Convinced she was leaving, Dick launched into more nasty attacks against her, saying things I can’t print on here as to not offend people 🙂 She apparently was in tears most of the night. After a diary room session, she was lead to believe she was allowed to destroy Dick’s cigarettes, so she dumped bleach all over his cartons of cigs. Later she defied her slop orders to eat a turkey burger, an apple and some more non-slop food. She said if she was going home then it didn’t matter.
08.22.2007 at 9:34 am
i really wanna when is cbs going to air Amber’s and Dani’s power of 10
08.22.2007 at 11:37 am
i’m sure they’ll say tomorrow nite during the show sometime.
of course AD last nite cut out like RIGHT after the girls got back…and that is all i wanted to see!!! lol it said that jessica and eric requested alone time…did that ever happen or was that just BS ?? whatever.
I wanted to hear/see dani’s reaction to the goings on of the past two days while she was gone! lol
08.22.2007 at 11:39 am
Someone posted earlier that they didn’t know where Dani and Amber had gone….fyi…It said they were going to NY to participate in the new game show Power of 10.
08.22.2007 at 12:12 pm
There are clips in the media section at Jokers of Dani and Amber finding out about Jen, and a bunch of other stuff too. That’s always the first place I check when I’m looking for something I may have missed on the feeds.
Also…I JUST made the connection between the POV competition and the Power of 10 game show with guessing percents. I saw people on Joker’s speculating about that was where they went prior to it being mentioned at the end of last night’s show, but I couldn’t make the connection! Can’t wait to see when that airs. I’m guessing they’ll tell us tomorrow night when the episode will air. Usually those things are a week or two behind.
08.22.2007 at 1:26 pm
I’m guessing Danielle got to play for the money in the power of 10. I just dont picture Amber beating Dani. Danielle is good at stuff like that.
08.22.2007 at 1:38 pm
THanks PTG! I had never really roamed around there…watching it now 🙂 I only read the updates if I stop in there at all.
Hmmmmmmmmmm Eric is telling a very biased version of things, no? LOL MAN jen is on everyone’s craponlist. I saw a few other rants to her. Bad. Poor thing. I don’t like her, but whatever….she and D will have fun in sequester 😉
08.22.2007 at 2:47 pm
does anyone know what NT and NOTH mean that they keep using on the jokers website?? It’s driving me crazy!!! Thanks!!
08.22.2007 at 2:54 pm
NT = No Text
FOTH = Front of the House
DR = Diary Room
I forget NOTH at the moment
08.22.2007 at 3:12 pm
Forgive Double post
This link:
Gives you most of the common abbreviations used on the JokerForums
08.22.2007 at 3:24 pm
I just love how FOTH has stuck as an abbreviation even though they haven’t actually used a live shot of the front of the house in years! I used to like watching the feeds at the end of the live show because you could see them walking out and heading to talk to Julie. Even though we’ve had a fish tank, iguanas, flames, a blue swirly and trivia in place of it over the last few years…FOTH is still used.
08.22.2007 at 3:30 pm
Yeah… I think FOTH sticks cause there are times when you can tell that hte producers dont want us to see what is happening
08.22.2007 at 4:41 pm
well they apparently dont want to be that obvious about the influence they have on the houseguests and the way things are done in the house. AT least in the UK things are on the up and up more cause the live feed viewers can hear and see everything including diary rooms. If theres a next season I hope they get new producers that are a bit more hands off after teh game has begun.
08.22.2007 at 5:33 pm
i always wanted to see how it is in the one in UK. Do you guys watch those or have you seen some??
08.22.2007 at 5:49 pm
You can see a lot of the UK stuff on YouTube. They do celebrity big brother over there which I think is hysterical. I don’t know if they’d do that here, it might be too similar to that VH1 show.
As with a lot of Europe (BB is in a ton of European countries) there is a lot more sexual content and freedom with the nudity. I think it was BB Geremy that actually had an open communal shower!
08.22.2007 at 5:54 pm
A friend of mine went on a trip to Australia 4 or 5 years ago and said that the “house” for BBAUS is actually in an amusement park or something like that. It might not be there still since it was so long ago, but I remember her talking about being able to sit in the audience when the person was evicted from the house and had their exit interview.
Aren’t the other BBs more similar to Season 1 of our BB?
08.22.2007 at 6:39 pm
Commercial just said that the Power of 10 with Dani/Amber will be on next Tuesday!
08.22.2007 at 8:45 pm
Oh my god this is the funniest (and ickiest) thing I have seen in a long time! Eric can fit inside Jen’s suitcase…lots of pics here:
08.23.2007 at 1:00 am
he sure knows how to woo a lady huh? Showing his freakishly small/petite figure off by wearing her clothes and fitting into her shoes….and fitting into her suitcase? Add to that his ability to stand idly by as another man verbally attacks another woman and the nervous icky laugh?? WHAT A KEEEPER!!! 😉
AD is getting worse and worse! Time to cancel showtime! lol
08.23.2007 at 1:13 am
YankeeGrrl, LOL> Yeah, you are echoing a lot of peoples thoughts on Eric. Seems that the America’s player is not well liked at all..
08.23.2007 at 11:27 am
As its Thursday again I do wonder just how much of Jen’s eating binge we will get to see this week? And if they do how are they gonna portray it, random event or the actually semi-melt down/possible stratgey?
08.23.2007 at 12:28 pm
Better yet, will they show this conversation?
Thu 12:15 AM BBT
Jen says she thinks this season has been more broadcasted and the public has been more involved than previous seasons. NT – SouthernBelladonna
Thu 12:20 AM BBT
they were talking about this season – and Jen said this season is more watched and more public involvment – luvmykitties
Jen on couch talking to Eric and ED in HT.
Jen said this season is more watched and has more public involvement (paraphrase)
Dick said “why? because of airing on ShowtimeToo? a channel no one ever heard of?”
and Jen said “and more public involvement”
Dick said “how do you know? is the DR handing you private notes like carol?”
Thu 12:23 AM BBT
After she said all this…. Eric got out of the hot tub, he was drying off with his back to her – Piper99
and she said…”Eric are you afraid to turn around?” He replied with…”why? this is where I am standing”
Thu 12:28 AM BBT
ED also says he bets Jen thinks she’s #1 in popularity with America NT – GreenEyes
08.23.2007 at 7:47 pm