Hell’s Kitchen: The Final 2

Hell’s Kitchen: The Final 2

Posted by Dustin on 07.31.2007 at 7:10 pm

So last night Jen went home, putting Rock and Bonnie in the final two next week. Honestly I’m a bit shocked that Bonnie made it into the final two as she made so many bone-headed mistakes over the entire season. However Jen made her fare share of mistakes and really messed up a lot last night, so I guess I see why she went home. Rock, uhg. I always expected him to win. I just don’t want him to because he’s shown himself to be a jackass in my opinion. Next week it looks like all the former contestants return and the two finalists choose them to be on their teams. Oh boy! THAT will be some major drama as you know some of them won’t be happy to be back and working under Rock and Bonnie.

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Reality TV



  1. i totally agree with your rock statement…i always felt like he was good enough to go all the way, but wow he’s really turned into a huge jackass. he’s really full of himself and very selfish as compared to what he was in the beginning (or what he came off as). i’m cheering for bonnie now!

    Comment by lil_one
    08.01.2007 at 2:00 am
  2. I am glad that Jen went home. She took spaghetti out of the garbage for crying out loud. She should have gone home then. It would be funny to see Bonnie with a restaurant, because she whinned the entire time she had to clean.

    Comment by Tiffany
    08.01.2007 at 10:50 am
  3. It’s so obvious Rock is going to win. I would be shocked if Bonnie won!!! I don’t think either of them deserve their own restaurant. Jen deserved her own restaurant. I think all of the pressure of this past episode really stressed her out, but I still think she would made a great restauranter.

    Comment by KED
    08.02.2007 at 7:05 pm
  4. I was totally shocked too. Jen has some serious talent. Although Bonnie has talent, she’s just so incredibly annoying, and she has no leadership skills, although she was quite good at yelling. Anyway, I think the one person that would’ve deserved it was Julia, although she probably doesn’t have the experience too… this season has been some what disappointing in the quality and likability of the contestants.

    Comment by Kay
    08.02.2007 at 10:56 pm
  5. I would just die if Bonnie won. Her one consistency all season was whining, whining and more whining. No matter what the task she had to whine about it. My favorite was Julia. When the rest of them were sitting around drinking beer and smoking she said, “I’ve got to study” and took off to her bedroom. I got so tired of them referring to her as “The Waffle House Cook” when she was by far the hardest worker of them all. It was obvious that Chef Ramsey holds her very dear to his heart to send her to culinary school himself. He can recognize talent, at least in her.

    Comment by hoosierkittymom
    08.04.2007 at 4:46 am

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