Big Brother Eviction Day/New HOH (Updated with Results!)
So tonight is the night on BB. Either Kail or Mike will go home, and a new HOH will be crowned. Any guesses? I’m actually having a hard time deciding who will go home, but I think it will probably end up being Kail. However if the house ends up seeing Mike as the stronger player, they could send him home.
As for the new HOH? I hate to say it, but I think Amber jinxed it last night. During one of her rants about ED, she said Jen was a way cooler HOH than ED was. I think Jen will somehow end up with HOH again.
*Update* So Mike did in fact go home! And in a shocker, Dustin is the new HOH!
I have to say that this year is exciting. I am loving the America’s everyone is in on the game instead of sitting on your couch yelling at all the stupid moves!
As for HOH this week…I would love to see Jameka…is she even on the show?? She is never on screen.
I don’t have the feeds/Showtime..but one way I have found to get great clips that they won’t show on CBS..YouTube. Some really boring stuff..but some good stuff.
Dustin..Keep up the great sites. I love the DOOl site too.
07.26.2007 at 1:25 pm
amber is really starting to drive me crazy. it seems all she wants to do is talk about all the drama. on and on and on. everytime she comes on the showtime live feed i turn it off until i think she’s done and i can watch someone else. i don’t know why she annoys me so bad. i hope she doesn’t get hoh, i would like to see her go.
07.26.2007 at 2:06 pm
since teh beginnig i have LOATHED amber…she’s a moron. seriously. she’s someone’s mom? Poor kid!!! She is an attention whore and just an unholy mess!!!
Okay, now that that is out…I hope *she* does not become HOH! I’ll have to shoot myself! I wouldn’t mind seeing Nick or Dani in the HOH or Jameka. I want to see what she is really about…finally!
07.26.2007 at 5:22 pm
I also can’t take Amber much longer. She just cries and cries and cries all the time. I think big brother may have to bring in an IV cuz that girl is gonna get dehydrated soon.
Dustin, I love your sites have been logging on for years. Thanks for doing them by the way. Also I just finished Potter yesterday, it was great!
07.26.2007 at 6:35 pm
I’d love to see Jameka as HOH as well, or maybe even Dustin. I love Dustin, but I wish he was his own person and wasn’t so tied to Amber. I could see Dustin throwing everything to make sure Amber wins, just because of her sob story and their being close. (I’m also over Amber and have been since Day 3. Really wish Carol had stayed…)
I wouldn’t mind seeing Jen as HOH again either. I’m really liking Jen.
Has anyone wondered why she wears so many Jensa Member shirts? For a moment, as I was watching last night, I wondered if maybe Jen is ACTUALLY a Mensa Member…
Imagine. Jen. Self-absorbed, pretty face, dumbass Jen…a step above genius.
I could believe it. 😛
07.26.2007 at 7:10 pm
I sooooo could not see it. I don’t thinks he’s as dumb as she seems, i mean can a person even function at that level and be normal??? Lets be real. But mensa? HA!! Maybe they have changed their standards? I’m gonna go get tested if that is the case 😉 LOL
I’m not a huge fan of Jen. I liked dustin immediately when things started, but i’m with you mike…they are a bit toooo glued to each other. I don’t like that people are thinking “poor amber” because of her story and her kid or whatever. I hope no one throws the game to her like that 🙁 annoying!!
07.26.2007 at 7:24 pm
I hope Kail goes home and I anyone to get HOH except Jen or Jessica. Jessica’s voice gets on my nurves. I wish they would stop talking to her in the diary room.
07.26.2007 at 7:43 pm
I’m very excited that Dustin got HoH, and wasn’t he the one who eliminated Amber?? I LOVE HoH comps like that one becuase it lets you eliminate who you want…and it had to send a strong message to Jen, Kail and Zach that when they were eliminated first.
Does anyone else think that Eric totally threw the comp in the end? He’s always talking about not wanting to win HoH, and I love how he kept buzzing in just to get rid of the players he didn’t want to win. But when it was down to people he’s “in” with…he was done and he blew the question! I wish he’d just win HoH so we can see if the AP question lets us choose who he actually nominates!
07.26.2007 at 10:49 pm
Eric eliminated Amber!!!! THANK GOD. Then he threw it! hehehe
07.26.2007 at 10:51 pm
Jameeka’s “mm hmm”ing bugging anyone else?? OMG i could never have a conversation with her! she makes me nuts with that mmmm hmmmmmmmmm’ing 🙂 (watching last nite’s after dark now)
07.26.2007 at 11:57 pm
I’m really upset with Eric right now, and with Dani as well.
Okay, so first everyone though it was Jen who voted to send Kail home, but now most people seem to think it is Nick. In a really stupid and cruel move (rivaling his behavior after the mustard incident), Eric is playing it up that it was Nick who voted for her.
So now Daniele and Amber both have turned on Nick and are calling him a psycho and it’s clear they want him home very badly.
How can Daniele go from SOBBING over her feelings for Nick, to hating him so much? I think this is all BS. I think Daniele is seriously falling in love with Nick, and because she can’t trust herself around him, she wants to send him home so she doesn’t cheat on her boyfriend on public television.
I feel really sorry for Nick. Yes he’s gone off a few times, but he’s been mostly consistent in his behavior and he clearly really cares about Daniele. He’s going to be crushed when he finds out what Daniele is up to. If they backdoor him…urgh.
Poor Nick. 🙁
07.26.2007 at 11:59 pm
Dani and Dick just revealed that they knew each other was going to be on the show long before the reveal. Also noted that you need to be 21 to go on the show, and she is only 20.
07.27.2007 at 1:43 am
Amber and Dustin seem to be losing trust in each other. Dustin is suspicious of how close she is to Nick and thinks she might trust Nick more than she trusts him. (This was mainly brought on by the fact that Amber is campaigning to save Nick from being nominated, saying how if he makes it to sequester he’d probably vote for one of them in the end)
I think Dustin is starting to really question Amber’s motives and gameplay…which makes me happy. I’m all about them being close friends, but it’s about time he focused more on his own safety than on the safety of Dustin+Amber.
Sure, it would be great to have Amber as an ally 100% when it comes down to the wire, but with them being so obvious about how close they are it’s only a matter of time before they become targets, and something tells me that Amber would throw Dustin under the bus in order to save herself in a New York minute.
Come on, Dustin! Wise up! EVERYONE is in this game for themselves ONLY, and that includes Amber!
*pulls out hair*
07.27.2007 at 6:43 am
The LNC is currently discussing Dustin’s noms, and it sounds like Dustin plans on putting up Jen and Kail, and if the veto is won and used by either of them, he plans to put Zach up as a replacement nom.
Eric is still doing some heavy duty campaigning against Nick. I wonder if that is who America voted for??? But Eric and Nick have been tossing out each other’s names for a while as targets – with Nick suggesting Eric’s name and vice versa. So it’s no wonder that Eric is trying to target him.
As for the Dustin and Amber thing…well, you know how they combine celebrity names (TomKat, Brangelina, etc.)…well Dustin+Amber= Dumber. I agree with Mike…he needs to separate himself from the group!
07.27.2007 at 7:21 am
That’s hilarious.
07.27.2007 at 7:49 am
Did anyone else think that Zach looked like Zorro last night?? All he needed was a big floppy hat, a cape, and a sword. What was with the greased back hair and the creepy facial hair?
07.27.2007 at 9:55 am
I think that was Nick you’re referring to…he did look a bit odd. I said in another one of these threads that I love his hair/look…but NOT all slicked back like that. He definitely lookd creepy last night…like he belonged in the mafia or something.
07.27.2007 at 10:13 am
I think that was Nick with the greased back hair and creepy facial hair. He looked like he was a porno star! Ick.
07.27.2007 at 10:37 am
oops! I mean Nick..he was creeping me out!
07.27.2007 at 11:11 am
*throws hands in the air* I give up.
Okay, so Kail has apparently pulled Dustin into an alliance with her and he is putty in HER hands, not the other way around. She is telling him to put Dick and Dani up, and he’s all attentive. Like he’s actually interested in what she is saying.
…Amber walked in, And DUSTIN told AMBER to leave because he was talking to Kail.
So he freed himself from Amber only to get pulled in by Kail. Good job, Dustin, you bonehead.
07.27.2007 at 1:51 pm
I seriously think they are going to regret not getting rid of Kail last night!
07.27.2007 at 2:15 pm
Spoiler update:
Well Mike, I guess you don’t have to give up just yet! That “alliance” that Kail/Dustin were in didn’t make it to the nomination ceremony tonight. We’ve got a repeat of last week’s original nominations!
07.27.2007 at 9:56 pm
thank god!!!!!! holy crap i was reading what you wrote mike and about to fahreeeeeek!!!!! that ‘putty in my hands’ comment really bugged me when he said it cuz it showed how CLUELESS he really is. Hope he comes out of HOH without hurting himself TOO badly!!!
very glad DU-mber are weakened, to any degree!!!!! Every man for himself!
I hope they don’t backdoor Eric or Dick…still worried about him.
Nick and his slick look…honestly…i got to finally see his face! lol I’m not a nick fan tho…so he can cover up again 🙂
07.27.2007 at 10:57 pm
I think the Hamsters are going after Jen
but sadly to get her or Kail out, you almost have to get one or the other or both out by the backdoor method.
07.27.2007 at 11:21 pm
why jen!! i seriously see her as so benign. annoying and stupid, yes, but benign! blah
07.27.2007 at 11:36 pm
cause otherwise Jen flies under the radar and will win
07.28.2007 at 12:35 am
HA! I don’t think she’d get the votes. 3/4 of the people on that jury won’t have any kind of relationship with her. Amber is the serious problem! Well there are a few, but she’s the one to get rid of! (aside from kail of course!)
07.28.2007 at 4:16 pm
I was sad to see Mike go home. I wanted Carol to leave, now that Dustin’s HoH, I don’t know who he’ll nominate. I have a feeling it will be Jen and Kail, since they both are not liked by the other Houseguests, and Dustin likes to play it safe.
07.29.2007 at 11:07 am