Hell’s Kitchen: Farewell Julia!

Hell’s Kitchen: Farewell Julia!

Posted by Dustin on 07.23.2007 at 10:31 pm

So I missed last week’s “Hell’s Kitchen” were Brad was sent home. This week Josh was kicked out half way through the show! Rock’s anger management issues, which I commented on before, flared up again this week. He was a mess in the kitchen and was not happy. He has the talent to win, but again, that anger is going to be his downfall I think. In the end Chef Ramsey sent Julia the short order cook home. I was sad to see her go, but glad she made it so far. I was also so happy that Chef Ramsey said he would send her to culinary school because he believed in her.

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Reality TV



  1. I hope that Bonnie doesn’t win she is such a screw up, I do believe that it is twice now that she threw away food that was needed and last week she screwed the whole shippment of food up.

    Comment by Dreamer
    07.24.2007 at 2:08 pm
  2. I think Jen is going to win. Rock has the talent, but his lack of emotional control is going to do him in. Bonnie’s still around because Chef Ramsey likes to keep the cute, dingy ones so he can torture them and flirt with them at the same time. Remember Virginia from last season???

    Comment by kmoore
    07.24.2007 at 5:26 pm
  3. As hard as Chef Ramsey is on all the contestant it made me happy to see that he noticed how talented Julia is even though she may not have had the experience all the others had. She was underestimated by all the other chefs. I hope she gets her schooling and comes back to show everyone up in the next season

    Comment by jdub
    07.24.2007 at 8:27 pm
  4. I was really disappointed to see Julia go home. I mean how often is it that the underdog wins in life. I hope she takes the offer of the schooling and runs with it. I’m so proud of her accomplishments though. On to the others, I don’t know if any of them really deserve it. I mean I don’t want to eat food that has been thrown away, I don’t want someone in a resturant that is going to be disrespectful to potential employees and make them fear like that of Rock, and lastly I don’t want someone there just because they are pretty. I want someone who can cook and who has the aspirations to do well. Anyway, I’m still having a great time with the show and am looking forward to the upcoming episodes! Good times!

    Comment by Misty
    07.25.2007 at 1:51 am
  5. I really will miss Julia. I wanted her to win, because she had courage, and she wasn’t so “I know I am going to win because I’m the best”. She was more chilled out and took it one step at a time, and she had confidence which some of them are lacking. Rock, I hate him. He’s so rude and thinks he’s the best. That’s one thing I don’t like about Chefs, let the food do the talking not you’re mouth. He’s so cocky and arrogent. It’s not even funny. I think he wanted to be the next Gordan Ramsay or something.

    Comment by Yasin
    07.27.2007 at 1:41 pm

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