Big Brother Eviction

Big Brother Eviction

Posted by Dustin on 07.19.2007 at 9:56 pm

So tonight it was no shock at all, Joe got evicted on “Big Brother 8.” He was sent packing by a vote of 9-1, ouch! Evil Dick HAS to know Kail was the only one who voted for him, and she has to know all her alliance members sold her out! I think Evil Dick, who won the HOH, will put her and Jen up on the block next. Should be interesting, time to check the feeds!




  1. Kail is so screwed.

    I love how quickly she went from a position of power to being the surefire to go home. LOVE IT.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.19.2007 at 10:54 pm
  2. Apparently, Mike had planned on voting for Joe but changed his mind at the last minute. Kail’s a bit upset about it!

    Also, Kail appears to be toying with the idea of outing Nick and his dual alliance memberships…LMAO! He’s already told most of the rest of the house that he’s “in” the Mrs. Robinson Alliance…I hope Kail does make this announcement because it will make her look even more stupid than she is now!

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.19.2007 at 11:11 pm
  3. Sorry for the double post but…

    I just read that Jen’s stupid home-made shirts have been confiscated!!!!!!! Man oh man do I hope this is TRUE!!!

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.19.2007 at 11:14 pm
  4. ED basically just said he’s putting Jen and Kail up. For sure though, Jamika, Jessica, Dustin, Eric, Danielle and Amber are all safe. They are in the HOH room and he said they don’t have to worry. He said they all know who he’s putting up.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.19.2007 at 11:45 pm
  5. Mike, I couldn’t agree more!!! I loved seeing Kail fall! I love that her alliance voted against her wishes! And I jumped up (I’m pathetic) when ED won HOH! Can’t wait to see what happens this week! Keep the posts coming everyone! Thanks!

    Comment by daysaholic
    07.20.2007 at 7:44 am
  6. OMG…
    I was SO hoping that Dick would stay. Not that I really wanted Joe out, but did not want Dick to leave yet. (What would we do without him confronting everyone about their bull____??)

    So imagine my elation when, not only does Dick stay, but he wins HoH. I gasped! (bye-bye Jenuine!)

    I enjoyed the good-byes messages for Joe. First, having Eric reveal himself as America’s player was funny. But having Jen talk about how she thought everyone connected to her was voting to keep him was priceless. Apparently there aren’t too many “connected” to her since all but one voted for Joe to go.

    Speaking of Kail…she’s blown it. She was WAY too anxious to get an alliance going. Obviously she misjudged Nick. And now we have to question the rest of the group since they didn’t vote with her. Moral of the story: don’t start up a Day 1 alliance. You may not like someone after a few days.

    So now Dick is HoH and we know he’s going to nominate Jen and Kail…hopefully Daniele will play and win another PoV. Can’t wait to see how it pans out!

    Comment by k8
    07.20.2007 at 8:29 am
  7. I’m also loving that ED is HoH, but my guess is that Kail will be the one walking out the door this week unless she is saved by the POV. I love that ED is sleeping downstairs with the enemies and Daniele, Jameka, and Jessica were sleeping upstairs in the HoH room! Definitely a situation of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer!

    I also loved seeing Eric talk about the AP thing and the sleepwalking…I think seeing Joe’s reaction was great! I hope they do that every week!

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.20.2007 at 12:32 pm
  8. What was the situation last night? I didn’t watch After Dark and I don’t have the feeds. How did it come about that those girls slept upstairs? And how did it all go down? he offered it to them or dani and she invited them? DO tell. interesting.

    Anyone else on the fence about Jessica? I don’t think she’s trustworthy. LETS HOPE Kail is not saved by the POV!!!! *fingers xed*

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.20.2007 at 1:40 pm
  9. I’m not sure exactly how it went down. ED and Dani were talking in the HoH room, then ED went downstairs and they ended up venturing upstairs with Eric. The five of them (Dani, Jess, Jameka, Eric, ED) were all chatting in the HoH for a while, then ED and Eric left the girls up there.

    ED had stated earlier in the week that if he won HoH he wasn’t going to sleep up there. So I wasn’t surprised that Dani was up there instead.

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.20.2007 at 2:33 pm
  10. The HoH room is a perk and it is a curse. You are away from all and so they can almost plot against you…… By being out of it and with the others Eval has power.

    I suspect he will go after Kali and Jen with plans for one of the people playing in two alliances to go up if either of the noms goes homes. And with Kali most likely the one going out

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.20.2007 at 7:25 pm
  11. Kail and Jen have been nominated.

    And during today’s food competition, it was the type of competition that has the HGs work together to win certain types/categories of food. One of the things they won was a grill!

    NO ONE is on slop for the week, which I’m very happy about. I don’t agree with the whole slop thing at all! PB&J – Yes Slop – No

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.20.2007 at 10:23 pm
  12. Yeah, I tend to agree on the PB&J vs Slop. On PB&J if you are sensative to peanut butter you can do jelly sanswichs even though it is not the best…..

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.20.2007 at 11:29 pm
  13. I totally understood the slop last year – they were upping the stakes a bit since it was an All-Star season. And in the past, I’m pretty much recalling food comps that only had HGs on PB&J every other week, or one or two days out of a week, not for two weeks straight.

    I’ve heard the slop described as being very nutritious (more so than the PB&J) even though it tastes horrible! But if those who are forced to be on it aren’t really eating anything (other than protien shakes, salsa soup, pickles, and other condiments), they should do something about it! I mean…I think the castaways eat better on Survivor than the HGs do on slop!

    Right now…they’re feasting on lobster and breaking out the beer! And someone is cooking a pancreas (they “won” some gross food items as well) to use as a consequence when they play Zuma Zuma later!

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.20.2007 at 11:38 pm
  14. Well…there’s a good chance that Kail will NOT be saved by the Power of Veto…

    Because Jen won it!

    If Jen saves Kail instead of herself…well…then she’s a lot dumber than she appears!

    Comment by Palmtreegrlz
    07.21.2007 at 4:12 pm
  15. Jen is stupid enough or naive enough to take off Kail, esspecially if Kail plays things up right…. Then maybe Jen would go out….

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.21.2007 at 4:36 pm
  16. Jen will definitely save herself. Jen isn’t as stupid as she appears. She lets personal things get in the way fo her game, but I think she is very smart. She isn’t nearly stupid enough to risk her spot in the house to save Kail, no matter how much she may trust Kail.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.21.2007 at 7:33 pm
  17. lord no one is that stupid! lol

    jen won? i swear….its like things are fixed for her! lol LUCKY LUCKY ass!!!!

    i havent seen afterdark from last nite yet so thanks for the updates all 🙂

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.21.2007 at 9:32 pm
  18. Ya, she’ll be using it on herself! And last I heard, Mike would be going up in her place, with the chance that they might keep Kail and send Mike home instead.

    I hope not…Mike is SO much nicer to look at than Kail is! lol

    Comment by palmtreegrlz
    07.22.2007 at 12:16 am
  19. So Eric has said that he’s probably the only one in the house with the guts to nominate Nick. BUT…he also keeps stating that he does NOT want to win HoH. Dick told him he’d try to guarantee an Eric win, which I’m not sure how he could pull that off, but Eric pretty much said No Thanks!

    Do you think he doesn’t want to win HoH because he doesn’t want the target that usually follows previous HoHs, OR do you think he doesn’t want to win because he doesn’t want to have to deal with US (the voters for America’s Player) telling him who he has to nominate?

    Comment by Palmtreegrlz
    07.22.2007 at 4:59 pm
  20. I’m pretty sure its part of the now famous “Dr. Will” strategy. DOn’t win HOHs. IT does kinda keep the target off your back to some degree. I’m pretty sure that is part of his game regardless, but with us making the noms for him…Yeah, it could get ugly for him! lol

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.22.2007 at 7:12 pm

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