Big Brother Eviction Tonight!
Everything changes on BB tonight with one person going home, and I think a new HOH being put up. I’m going to be late with the commentary, which I’ll just add onto this post from what I know/was told. There is a chance I may miss the show tonight. Noooooo!
* Update * Okay so I missed the show, I didn’t get in early enough. What I found out, Carol was ousted 10-1. OUCH! Do we know who voted to keep her? Was it Joe? Then horrors, Jen became new HOH. She saved her butt and she so would have been the next to go!
Alas, I don’t have Showtime were I am, but I do have a laptop and will be able to watch the feeds 🙂 For the other feed/showtime watchers, keep those comments coming in. I should have fixed the spamming issues.
Okay so the eviction was obvious and expected, but I’m still unhappy with it…but my god…the new HoH is JEN?! I’m speechless.
07.12.2007 at 11:00 pm
LMFAO!!!! I know!
JEN??? But i’m watching the afterdark (yup i subscribed to showtime JUST for this! lol) and i saw that last nite jen and eric did a lot of chitchatting in the bkyard….unlikely little friendship, but sooooooooo beneficial to him cuz she is pretty much on the outs with everyone else right? I was thinking how everyone is gonna be sucking up to her now…HILARIOUS since they all hate her! Should make for some good TV at least 😉
I think it was not smart to keep Amber. To me she seems far more dangerous, being well liked and already aligned with a few people in the house. OH WELL! 🙂
Again, please, someone, get Amber SOME MAAAAAKKKKKKEUP!!! I hope if she makes HOH there will be a nice little basket for her with hair tamer and some erase at least 😉 hehe. YUP i’m a petty bitch!
Dustin…i’m DYING watching this afterdark from last nite with your name sake in that STUPID grey shirt!!! blech!
07.12.2007 at 11:19 pm
Maybe they will do another clothing scafice show and we can get rid of that horrible shirt
07.13.2007 at 12:35 am
Jen was the vote to keep her, Dus.
07.13.2007 at 9:11 pm
bad news guys. Dustin must have several of those same shirts…and numerous scarves. CRAP!!!! looks like he had one over his shoulder, maybe dirty or clean, and he put on a new one….the SAME shirt. Me no likey Amber *at all*.
Were the noms today? It sounds like they were. It is ED and Dani?
07.14.2007 at 1:04 am
Yep, ED and Dani were nominated!
HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? I have a major scoop hot of the presses from the Live Feeds: Nick’s feelings for Dani must be geniune, because he just spilled the whole pot of beans. He told Dani how much she means to him and how much he wants her to stay, AND BLEW THE WHISTLE ON THE MRS. ROBINSON ALLIANCE!
That’s right, folks. He told her who all of the ACTUAL members are (Kail, Mike, Zach and himself – Jen is just a pawn) and how he was approached the first day about it. He told her how Kail and Co. came up to him and told him they can’t trust him, and how they made up lies about Dani to try and put a wedge between them. He’s just told her EVERYTHING.
Seems he wants Dick (or Joe, come POV) to go home this week, and next week they need to work on the Mrs. Robinson alliance.
Okay, so call me crazy, but I’m really rooting for Nick to win right now. Not only is he gorgeous and a huge tease, but he seriously just put his heart on his sleeve and reached out to Dani. I’m touched.
07.14.2007 at 2:42 am
Nick: Do you trust me?
Dani nods.
Nick: How much? A percent.
Dani: A hundred
Okay so this is the first showmance…EVER, that I’ve actually cared about.
I’m worried for them though. Nick wants to bring Jameka, Jessica, Joe and Eric in so they have the numbers to crush the Robinson alliance…but I don’t trust Joe. Not at all. He’d totally out them, I just know it.
Hopefully Dick gets POV tomorrow, uses it to save Dani, and Jen puts Joe up. Then, hopefully, Joe would go home.
07.14.2007 at 2:47 am
Triple post. 🙁
Dani just told Nick she’s only 20 years old. The truths keep coming.
07.14.2007 at 2:59 am
Last post of the night, I swear. 😛
Kail and Mike are living it up in the HoH room. They’re extremely overconfident now. Think they are so lucky that Kail let Jen stay in the HoH room and be their pawn, and now she wins HoH. Mike reassured Kail that Nick was on their side, and that Nick told him days ago that if it came down to it he (Nick) would vote off Dani.
Little do they know that Nick is turning on them. I can just imagine the look on their faces should he ever win HoH…and nom them both. 😉
07.14.2007 at 3:03 am
Do you really think he has genuine romantic feelings for Dani? i think he cares a great deal for her and they have a connection…but we’ll see! I like ED and don’t want him going home. I hope someone wins the POV and they put up Joe too, but did Jen say she would put him up?
Why does Kail have such a hardon for evicting ED? I think I must have missed something. But she kept feeding jen that ED had power and they needed to lessen it somehow and I don’t reallythink she’s on track about that…seems directly threatened by him for some reason?
SO GLAD Nick is turning on that lame ass group. They really are a stupid “alliance” and I think it was a matter of time anyway. My mom called this one. She pegged Nick as the weakest link in that alliance when it started. I thought it would be one of the other guys. THey didn’t seem to have many independant thoughts…but i guess that is a GOOD trait in a follower, huh? DUH!
I cannot believe Nick thinks he can trust Joe???? I thought it was a given to *everyone* already that he was not trustworthy.
Thanks for these updates Mike!
07.14.2007 at 10:26 am
I’m not sure what happened, but Dick is PISSED at Dustin. Something must’ve happened during the food competition (it’s the only thing I can think of) and at some point Dustin threatened Dick or something. Like he wanted to fight him.
Dick was talking to Amber and whether he could trust her or whatever and if she would keep him or Dick of the two. (Earlier on in the week she told Dick she’d save him over Dustin) This time she said she’d save Dustin, and Dick lost it. He talked about how he’d have to kick Dustin’s ass in a fight or something. “If I can’t beat up a gay boy, I’d be done with my life. I’d have to move to Europe.” (Again as a gay man this really offended me – narrow thinking that being gay makes you less of a man, weaker..losing to one like losing to a girl as if that is also a horrible thing – but that’s another topic entirely :P)
Dick’s plan seems to be to fight his ass off for the POV and save Daniele, then hope that Jen puts up Joe. Though he seems to want some kind of pawn for something I’m not really clear about. Seems to be leaning towards Eric.
Mike spent the entire night eavesdropping on the other HGs, and each one of them figured it out eventually. He’s gone from the quiet fence-sitter to an eavesdropper – if Dick stays and succeeds in getting HoH next week like he plans on, and if he puts Kail and Mike against each other like he plans on…I think Mike would go home at this point. Nobody is trusting him.
Then there is Zach. Nick and Dani (and they’ve convinced Amber as well) want to send Zach home next week, for his lying to put a wedge between Dani and Nick. Dustin is insistent that Zach isn’t a threat to them, but they really want to send him home next.
Things should get really good next week. Two weeks in a row the Robinsons have had HoH – once they lose it, they’re going to go home one by one. That’s for sure at this point.
(Hate to repeat myself, but I REALLY hope Dani gets Veto’d into safety, Jen puts up Joe and Joe goes home. It’s the only outcome I think I’d be happy with. Everyone send some good juju ED and Dani’s way. D:)
07.14.2007 at 12:08 pm
The POV comp is going to start in about an hour. Dick and Dani only had a brief meeting in which she wished her Dad look. He just looked heartbroken and walked away without saying anything, and Dani said this was a “lose-lose situation”.
I can totally see why Jameka was crying last night. This really is horrible, family against family. As Dick has said before – Ex High School rivals, Ex-boyfriends – these things are petty and come and go. Father and Daughter…that’s for life. Whatever they go through on this show, it’ll be with both of them forever. I just hope it is a positive. I hope that, whatever happens, it brings them closer. Whether one of them goes home this week, or they both make it to the end…I hope they leave this as a true family. Family is too important to waste.
(As an aside: What does everyone think of Dick’s suspicion that the HoH competition was rigged by BB so that Jen would win for good TV? I dunno if BB would actually do that, but the idea is fun to toy with.)
07.14.2007 at 12:17 pm
Wished her dad good luck^
Typos are no fun. :
07.14.2007 at 12:20 pm
I wondered about that too…if they knew what the possible answers could be and were prepared to either give a large number or a low number (because of the opening in the cup)
Well Mike, I have to say, MORE goood updates! Thanks. I’m devestated that Kail had a part in pitting father and daughter against each other in this stupid thing. SHE as a mother, should be the *only* one to talk sense in people wanting to do this. she is truely ruthless, and was feeding jen this scneario. I’m fairly certain jen would have gone with whatever her “alliance” told her to do, or encouraged her to do (pretending of course, that it was her own original idea). But man…This is just evil 🙁
I hate that ED and dustin faught. I like both of these guys. I do think that sux that Evil said that but I cannot say i’m suprised, coming from the stereotype that he himself is, this is pretty predictable. And as offensive as I can imagine it would be, I think a lot of straight men feel this way. HOWEVER, the way ED smokes, and as much as Dus works out…uhm…why the hell does he think he has a chance against him? Regardless of sexual orientation, does he hvae no COMMON sense? hehehehehe…I’d put my money on Dustin and I’m sure he’d take off his grey shirt before fighting, cuz he doesnt wanna ruin it 😉 LOL
07.14.2007 at 8:08 pm
POV Update/Details:
Today was a Leisure Competition and POV Competition in one, it would seem. Some people won things, some people were put on restrictions (some funny ones at that):
(Participants: Mike, Jen, Dick, Amber, Joe and DANIEL! :P)
Amber’s punishment…is being chained to Kail. Not sure how Kail got sucked into this, since she didn’t compete. I don’t know how long they have to remain shackled together. kail and amber are chained to one another though the time has not been specified. jen is wearing a red leotard body suit and is apparently only allowed to wear that for an unspecified amount of time. Someone else (not sure who) was put on slop for a week, while one of the girls (again, not sure who) got to get off slop. Dick won a T.V.
And the winner of the Veto is….DANIELE!
Can I get a WOOT WOOT? 😛
dick has won the television.
07.14.2007 at 10:15 pm
From what I’ve heard, Kail and Amber are chained together for 24 hours, but Jen is wearing the red bodysuit for a week. Joe was the one who won the slop pass.
07.14.2007 at 10:44 pm
LMFAO….jen not being able to change clothes….probaly KILLING HER. I hope so anyway 😉 LOL Hope she cries again about it! hehehe. Wow Danielle won huh? She’s a force to be reckoned with I guess! I’m suprised she has the energy to do a damn thing. She’s skin and bones! Glad for her, and she’s obviously saving herself. What are the rumblings for a replacement? Joe still or has the strategy changed? Kail cannot tell Jen what to do now…OMG they must hate being chained together. That is a punishment from hell! lol GREAT tidbits guys! 😉
07.14.2007 at 11:42 pm
Jen is closer to Zach more than anyone now, because he is sucking her. She just said that her current noms are probably going to be either Nick or Joe. I’m thinking she is going to go with Nick because she seems really insistent on pissing Daniele off / hurting her. The whole house wants her to nom Zach though, or Joe if not Zach.
Anyway yeah the big “HOLY SHIT” of the night was when Nick told Jameka everything he had told Daniele. So now it is officially an informed alliance of three. (He also said he wants to protect three people: Daniele, Jameka…and Amber. This makes me wonder if he told Amber as well and I just missed it – though I doubt it, since she has been chained to Kail all day)
07.15.2007 at 3:26 am
Sucking UP to her*
Freudian Slip ;x
07.15.2007 at 3:27 am
LMFAO…yup i knew you meant “up”.
I saw parts of the afterdark and it did seem that Dick was talking QUITE A LOT to Amber in front of Kail. I was suprised at this because…hello…she’s right there, but he wouldn’t shut up. I was unsure why he was doing that, as it seemed to just make him look all the more threatening and strong to Kail…making her want him out more I think. She was bending Amber’s ear to that effect as well. How mean he is and how hard it will be to get rid of him cuz ppl are frightened of him….whatever.
Jen is *that* vindictive? She really wants to put up Nick? Isn’t he supposed to be part of the ‘group’…or has he been outed yet? If she puts him up, wouldn’t that piss off Zach and the others?
WOW! Interesting week! 😉
07.15.2007 at 12:31 pm
During the nomination ceremony, I guess Jen commented on the negativity that Daniele and Dick were bringing to the house, and told Joe that he was in danger as well (his key was last). She also commented something along the lines of that if either of the nominees took themselves off the block with the POV, she’s put up the person that was closest to them.
Since Nick is closest to Dani, putting him up would mean Jen would be keeping her word about putting up someone close to the original nominee. Even though almost everyone else is suggesting she put up Joe, she keeps saying she won’t get anything out of Joe going up, only the rest of the house will.
07.15.2007 at 1:11 pm
I am watching the afterdark now….and she keeps saying Nick. WOW I’m really shocked. She is a petty little *insert cuss word of choice here*. Listening to her and how she is–its insane. Crazy.
Oh well. She is really making the target on her even bigger. I so hope one in their ‘group’ does not get HOH again next week!
07.15.2007 at 2:57 pm
I’m hoping that if she DOES put Nick up, that the house will vote the other way and do the opposite of what Jen wants. With all the conflict that Jen and Evil Dick have had, and all the drama that Joe has created, you’d think she’d want one of them gone.
07.15.2007 at 3:24 pm
Nick and Jen just had a long talk and it looks like he may have convinced her to nominate someone else! He told her about his involvement in the Mrs. Robinson alliance as well, which Jen had no clue about.
Fingers are definitely crossed haha!
07.15.2007 at 4:03 pm
UGH!!! STupid nick! ALLLL He has to do is give her a tiny bit of attention and she’ll be happy. SERIOUSLY that is all she wants. For him *not* to spend every waking moment with Danielle, ya knwo???
I like ED! I don’t want him leaving yet! 🙂
THanks for the updates PTG 🙂
07.15.2007 at 5:04 pm
That is all the more reason for Nick to get her attention. Daniele trusts him and would know that any attention given to Jen is fake. He could use this to his advantage, and give his alliance another free vote, just by pretending to like her. It’s shady, but it could work really well to his advantage. And Jen is such an oblivious bimbo, she’d probably fall for it over and over again!
I also really don’t want ED to go home yet either. I’m pulling for Nick’s new alliance to make it far, but I enjoy ED. He’s entertaining, and keeps the show interesting late at night when everyone goes to sleep.
07.15.2007 at 6:52 pm
I agree Mike! It was the smart thing for Nick to do unless he’s ok with being nominated. Since Jen seems to change her mind every time she flips her hair, though, I won’t believe that Nick is safe until the POV ceremony tomorrow.
So Jen was called into the DR a little bit ago and told she needed to go put on normal clothes do to a DR session because they had questions to ask and they wanted to make it look like it was pre-POV comp. I think that’s dumb. We already know they show things out of sequence…if you’re going to “punish” someone by making them wear a red bodysuit for a week…deal with it!
I think Dustin (the Dustin here, not BB Dustin) needs to do another letter…this time to Jen’s shirts!
07.15.2007 at 8:51 pm
That is a good point, Mike. I don’t see why HE or even DANI hasn’t thought of that!! dorks!
and ED mentioned at one point that his “thing” was manipulating women…why hasn’t he thought of this idea for NIk?
I hate that they ask them about old stuff and try to ‘fake’ DR sessions and stuff. that is stupid. I guess they start editing and see they forgot to ask a question or whatever, so they backtrack, but they have plenty of OTHER stuff post POV to focus on too…they just like to edit things and fill things to tell their story. i don’t lik ethat .
07.15.2007 at 10:44 pm
Yea for Amber finding some makeup. Lets hope she sticks with it
07.16.2007 at 1:27 am
LOL Eric just carried out his sleepwalking challenge by trying to climb into bed with what appears to be Joe and Jessica.
Eric got up to use the bathroom, then stood in the living room for a few minutes prepping himself. Part of his prep included pretending to walk like a zombie. When he went into the room, he kept trying to clumsily climb up on the bed beside Joe (he’s in one of the big beds), wrap covers around him, and use Joe as a pillow. Joe sorta woke up but never said anything. After a few minutes, Eric got down and headed for the DR. Joe found some missing blankets beside him, pulled them up on the bed, and appears to have gone back to sleep.
I’m loving this America’s Player thing! I think its one of the best twists so far! Although, I would have loved to have seen Eric try to crawl into bed with Dick. That was who I was voting for last night!
07.16.2007 at 12:26 pm
Some other happenings from today…
After everyone woke up, Joe confronted Eric about the sleepwalking/crawling into bed with him thing…and Eric completely denied it! I think he may have convinced Joe that he was dreaming the whole thing. What would be sooo funny would be for them to show that live during Thursday’s show and have Eric be like “Oh my god I was sleepwalking I don’t remember that at all” or something like that!
Also, Joe is now on the block and lobbying HARD for him to not be evicted this week. People seem to keep flipping on who they want gone. Joe, who could easily slip through the cracks and go far if they don’t get him out now, or Dick, who just makes people feel uncomfortable and could hold a grudge against some down the road. My vote is for Joe!
It was funny, though…any time someone asks Eric who he plans on voting for, he is really vague with his answer. Looks like he is anticipating another America’s Player eviction vote this week. It has me wondering if he’ll have to vote our way every week, or if they spring it on him every once in a while.
07.16.2007 at 6:14 pm
Please oh please let Joe go home! I can’t stand him. He’s so fake, manipulative, negative, annoying…blah. I don’t enjoy watching him at all. Dick is very real and keeps me entertained into the night. Joe has GOT to go.
Also, tonight we got another Joe/Dustin confrontation in the hammock. It was messy.
07.17.2007 at 5:04 am
Thanks everyone for the great posts and recaps! Keep them coming! I’m with you…keep Dick! He keeps it interesting!
07.17.2007 at 8:38 am
Joe? Negative? Nooooooo waaayyyyy (insert massive sarcastic eye-roll here)!!!
He was having a conversation with Jen yesterday morning trying to talk her out of being nominated and he made a comment about not understanding why she was calling him negative because everyone thought he was bubbly and cheerful.
I enjoy Dick as well. He’s not my favorite in the house, but I don’t mind him. He’s usually still awake in the morning when I’m waking up for the day (on the East Coast). And he just sits there and talks to himself, sharing his thoughts with the feed watchers.
07.17.2007 at 9:30 am
Thanks to one of my ezboard sites for reality shows, I have found a great link to a long conversation between Dustin and Joe that you just have to watch in its from beginning to end at youtube
Check out this user xx2000xx, esspecially if this link doesnt work:
Then go and look for his Gay Spat series. It is a good look at a converstation taht is going to be heavily edited and condensed (due to length running at close to 45 minutes). But you get to see some real insights to both players
07.17.2007 at 2:11 pm
I’ll get a new BB thing this evening after the show, with my thoughts on the diary room and whatever hasn’t been revealed on the feeds.
Kail and Mike are talkin now. It looks like the tides have turned again. They are talking about how if one of their little aliance doesn’t get HOH or POV, then “he” will be gone and they need him on their jury. I think it was either Zack or Nick. They are convinced the house wants him out even over Joe. They also think Joe will win the next HOH somehow? They are plotting to get rid of Evil Dick too, who they see as a threat.
07.17.2007 at 6:11 pm
No No Joe must go!!!
I go to work for a few hours and come home and the house has flipped??? Man…I hate when work gets in the way of Big Brother watching!!
07.17.2007 at 9:12 pm