Big Brother: A Letter To Dustin; Plus Feed Posts
Dear Dustin,
Thank you for putting on a different shirt today. Please destroy the grey shirt you have been wearing the past few days if you would. You know the one, the one with the plunging v-neck line. I can’t be positive, but I’m pretty sure that it’s actually a woman’s t-shirt. The v-neck is FAR to low for a mans shirt, it seems designed to show off cleavage. While I’m on the topic of clothes, also stop wearing that scarf thing around your head. You are not Stevie Nicks.
Also Dustin, you are only 22 years old. You are in obviously good shape, therefore I don’t think you are suffering from back pains. You don’t constantly need to be showing off your yoga moves. To be specific, I’m tired of having to see you stick your ass up in the air. Stop it.
Another Dustin
Ahhh, it feels so good to get that out! I haven’t made too many comments on BB lately because the Showtime After Dark has just bored me to sleep the past two days. The feeds I’ve been trying to watch, but there hasn’t been too much going on aside from “Who are you voting for” and “Who would you put up if you get HOH.” Tomorrow the men are all having their “Big Brother Strongman Contest.”
And THE TWIST – DUN DUN DUN! – is that we get to vote for who Eric (America’s Player) votes for. Who didn’t totally see that coming?
Zach is telling Nick that they should keep Carol, as she could be Zach’s “lapdog” the way that Nick has Daniele. Doesn’t seem to be any real decision yet though. In the meantime, Carol is campaigning hardcore just like she promised Zach she would, and is currently working on Mike to get his vote.
07.10.2007 at 11:03 pm
dustin, post on the episodes and your thoughts on them. and i think dustin’s poses are for Showtime.
07.10.2007 at 11:29 pm
don’t really love to see either ofthese ladies go. I SO HATE Jessica and Jen…ugh. Can’t believe its another week with them. Is it me or is Jen PSYCHO???? and those shirts ARE annoying! lol
07.11.2007 at 12:08 am
I agree, YG. I love both Amber and Carol to death. I really wish Daniele had used the PoV. I really, really do. Oh well. Right now I want Carol to stay, so I’m kind of happy with how the tide is changing…
All of Kail’s boys seem on board to change the vote to keep Carol around. Carol is campaigning hard and even had a sit down with Jessica. Jessica SEEMS to be leaning towards voting for Carol, but it’s hard ot read her. Carol mentioned many times that she NEEDS Eric’s vote…which America gets to decide. Should be interesting.
In other news, Kail is freaking out slightly because Nick informed her and Mike that ED said if he gets HOH this week, he’s putting them both up. Kail is kind of wigging out and losing her composure, but she says it’s okay because ED has a really low chance of getting HoH.
P.S. Is it just me, or they NEVER show Jameka on the feeds? Like, very rarely. I don’t know if it is a race thing or what. I mean, it can’t be that she isn’t interesting – NOBODY is interesting right now. Whatever the reason, it’s getting in my nerves, because I have no idea where she is at gameplay-wise.
07.11.2007 at 2:39 am
Okay, so Jessica appears to be voting AGAINST Carol after all, as is Joe.
Nick wants to figure out a way that he can vote for Amber while still making sure Carol stays, so that Daniele doesn’t become suspicious and figure out the alliance.
I have a feeling this is all going to blow up in their faces. I’m so lost on the votes right now. I can totally see this coming down to Eric’s vote, which is pretty cool considering.
07.11.2007 at 2:46 am
I think that it is a case of under the radar. I suspect htat Jameka is not doing anything to get herself spotted by the cameras. Thus why she is not on the feeds. The others are attempting to be seen is hwhat I suspect.
As for the shirt change. I so agree Dustin.
07.11.2007 at 3:56 am
yes!!! amen on the shirt. It is not flattering and the scarf?? WTF is up with that? does he fancy himself a trendsetter? I really like Dustin (such a grrreat name and all 😉 lol) but eeegad he needs a stylist!
Mike the smirk on jessica’s face said it all. she has to vote her gut despite what she might say otherwise…i think anyway
if joe gets HOH do “we” get to determine who he puts up too? THAT could be really interesting! (if he stops throwing hoh’s that is! hehe)
I like both and kinda feel bad for amber. She is taking it all so hard. Poor thing needs someone to lend her some makeup tho. She is nice and all, but man she looks beat sometimes!!! purty bad!
Thanks again for the updates! 🙂 This is all I got for now!
07.11.2007 at 3:39 pm
MAJOR problems with the internet feeds all afternoon and night. They’ve been going up and down, it’s insane.
Part of it does have to do with what the houseguests are saying and whether it’s a copyright problem. Tonight Dick was filling someone (I can’t recall who) in on the Mrs. Robinson alliance. It seems they’ve all been busted I guess. The girl didn’t know what the term meant, so he started singing the song. That caused them to go to the swirling blue vortex.
Amber and Carol packed tonight, and it really is looking like Amber will go home as the tide turned and now everyone wants to keep Carol. Tomorrow, who knows!
Oh Dustin has on the head scarves and grey shirt again.
07.12.2007 at 2:12 am