Todays (July 7/8) Big Brother Feed/Showtime Info!

Todays (July 7/8) Big Brother Feed/Showtime Info!

Posted by Dustin on 07.08.2007 at 12:52 am

I have been out an about, so haven’t watched too much. A few interesting things I’ve picked up.

First, Kail has become a schemer! She’s meeting with all the men separately it seems to talk to them, she is trying to get secret alliances with them all it seems.

Dustin and Carol did NOT apply to the show. Their rivals Joe and Jessica did, Justin and Carol apparently were invited. This has the house guests in a tizzy, Dustin fears he’ll be gone next as the guests want those who didn’t apply to get on OUT.

Dustin and Amber have their little alliance going on. They are both secretly working to try and find out who they can trust in the house and reporting back.

Amber made an odd comment about Nick, something about months earlier in LA . . . then the feed cut off. Does she know Nick from outside the house?

More to be added, if there is anything to add πŸ™‚




  1. I was also watching the feeds and saw something interesting. Tv Guide interviewed some of the houseguests before they went into the house. Apparently they had mixed up a few of the people and were calling them by the wrong names or asking the wrong questions. Joe was saying that they called him Dustin at one point and that is how he figured it out. About the Amber/Nick(my future husband!) thing, it would be interesting if a few of them knew each other outside of the house. It would be like the “friends” theme a few years back. I always thought that it was sort of dumb to put everyone in there with their friends, they should have just put a few in there.

    Comment by Jill
    07.08.2007 at 1:01 pm
  2. Interesting little tidbit I picked up tonight: Evil Dick (and now Dustin and Amber) seems to be the only person who knows about the alliance between Kail and jocks. He was talking to Dustin and Amber about it tonight, and how he is bringing it to light by coining the nickname “Mrs. Robinson” for Kail/the alliance.

    I think Kail, Mike, Nick and Zack just lost the only card they were holding: That nobody knew about their alliance.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 3:42 am
  3. Thanks for your comments guys! I am not watching but I’m reading here! I am trying to stay away from the update sites I went to last year because it eats up so much time reading!!! lol

    THANKS again πŸ˜‰

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.09.2007 at 11:19 am
  4. Almost forgot: I just wanted to fill you in on the rest of what Amber was saying about knowing Nick, Dustin. She met Nick at the AUDITIONS for BB in L.A. and they “really clicked”. Don’t know if they kept in touch after that initial meeting, but I think she was just full of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nick didn’t remember that at all, if it even happened. She’s just trying to one-up Dustin since they both have a crush on him. πŸ˜› My opinion anyway.

    Speaking of Nick…what is up with him? Maybe I’m just a little more interested than most since I myself am gay, but his sexuality is so ambiguous. He talked about his ex-girlfriend “Katie” with Jameka and seems to have some kind of a crush or gameplay or something with Daniele…but he also has some gay-ish comments on his Myspace, he told Joe he’d been with a guy in college, and he went on a yoga “date” with Dustin PLUS had Dustin rub him down with tanning oil. I mean what kind of Minnesota-born STRAIGHT man has the gay guy who is CRUSHING ON HIM…rub him down? Nick is an enigma and I’m so interested. πŸ˜›

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 11:53 am
  5. Sorry for the double post, but I forgot another thing. πŸ˜›

    Dick actually DOESN’T seem to be on to Kail’s alliance – only PART of it. The “Mrs. Robinson” nickname is about an alliance between Kail and Mike. He apparently called Mike out on it or something and Mike stopped visiting the HOH room, which Dick took as a sign of him backing down to avoid exposure. So he’s on to Kail and Mike, but doesn’t seem to know about Nick and Zach. For now.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 11:55 am
  6. Another update (triple post, really sorry) as I check e-mails from friends with the live feed..

    Early this morning in the AM, Dick did some more talking. (Not sure with who – Eric?) Seems he DOES know or think that Nick is in Mrs. Robinson’s alliance, but doesn’t believe that Zach is involved.

    Also of related and interesting note to the second part of my last comment: Eric and Dick discussed Nick and his flirtations with everyone, especially Daniele…and Eric said he thought Nick might come out of the closet soon. Hmm. At least I’m not the only one!

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 12:08 pm
  7. Nick has made some VERY strange comments which made me question him too. He has admired Mike’s body far too much and commented on it a lot. There was one scene with him, Zack and Carol in the hot tub. They were talking about who would sleep with who. Nick made the odd comment (to Zack?) “I’d sleep with you . . . . if I was a girl” Carol thought it was directed to her and didn’t understand why he’d have to be a girl.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.09.2007 at 12:15 pm
  8. He also said something to Mike…was it last night? I’m not entirely sure which night it was, but Mike and the others were playing golf (so two nights ago maybe) and completely out of the blue, for no apparent reason as he walked by, Nick told Mike that he was good looking. And then something how he could see where Joe and Dustin were coming from or something.

    I just can’t tell if it his way of sending hints without coming out directly (I could see that – I mean he’s a jock from Minnesota with an uptight Dad who already thinks he is gay), just being overly friendly OR if this is just his “game”. So hard to read him. Mixed signals all over the place.

    LIVE UPDATE: According to my source, Kail and Jen just woke and there is an “indoor restriction” (they can only stay inside?) and the windows are blocked, so the crew must be setting up a challenge outside for later today.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 12:41 pm
  9. I am on a posting FRENZY here, but for those interested in the enigma that is Nick, but who can not watch the Live Feeds or the Showtime show, here is a little YouTube clip of his “revelation” that is kind of ambiguous.

    So, you be the judge: Joke, or one foot out of the closet? (Or the unknown third option!)

    FAIR WARNING: This video contains some graphic language and gestures and could offend those sensitive to that sort of thing. Basically, it’s not something you’d want to watch only to have your kids (or Mom) walk into the room during.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 12:57 pm
  10. More posts from DOOL Mike. πŸ˜›

    Already almost 6PM BB-Time and there hasn’t been a competition yet, so I doubt there will be. Not sure why they were on lockdown this morning.

    Only thing of slight interest is that Nick just told Amber he thinks of her as a sister, and Daniele as a girlfriend, but if anything is going to happen between he and Dani then Dani needs to make the first move. *yawn* Our first showmance?

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 8:54 pm
  11. Nick is going back down the ambiguous train. He just listed off his “Top 5 Hot Guys list”. His list:

    Ryan Reynolds
    Brad Pitt
    Matthew Mcconaughey
    Hugh Jackman

    I have no idea where #5 went.

    Though, in the next breath, he is telling Dani he thinks about her 14 our of 24 hours everyday, and is asking he what she thinks of him. Merry Go Round.

    No sooner than I typed that last message, he flip-flopped some more:

    Nick (to Daniele): “I can’t wait to go to a gay club and dance with Joe”

    Dani: “You can so turn him Joe”, said as Joe is rubbing his hands all along Nick’s body.

    Comment by Anonymous
    07.09.2007 at 9:32 pm
  12. Mike! thanks so much for the updates πŸ™‚ LOVE THEM! Keep them coming πŸ˜‰

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.09.2007 at 10:53 pm
  13. You’re welcome, YG! πŸ˜€ I’m obsessed so it’s nice to repeat what I’ve learned. I’m also glad you posted, because it wouldn’t let me post anymore. XD Guess I was spamming too much.

    A few things I wanted to add but couldn’t:

    – There wasn’t a competition today. Not clear on why there was an indoor restriction this morning, but nothing came of it.

    – People are still badmouthing Jen (especially Zack and Mike) but it is unclear if she is still sure to go home next week. A lot of people seem keen on keeping her around as a distraction.

    – Nick is still braking up the ambiguity tree. Because he isn’t being ambiguous enough, Nick just listed off his “Top 5 Hot Guys list”. His list:

    Ryan Reynolds
    Brad Pitt
    Matthew Mcconaughey
    Hugh Jackman

    I have no idea where #5 went. (Also of note, he told Daniele that she was numbers 1 through 5 of his hot girl list – gag me) He then proceeds to tell Daniele that he thinks about her 14 hours out of the 24 hour day, and wants to know what she thinks of him. (Also, before this, he told Amber that he thinks of her like a sister, but Amber as a girlfriend – though the only way something will happen is if Daniele makes the first move!) He also talked about his ex-FIANCE today again. Not girlfriend this time, but fiancé.

    So, he’s totally straight and has the hots for Daniele, right?

    Wrong. Or, who knows. Not long after his “Top 5 Hot Guys” thing, he proceeds to say the following:

    “I can’t wait to go to a *gay* club and dance with Joe”

    Quickly followed by:

    Daniele: “You can so turn him Joe”, said as Joe is *rubbing his hands all along Nick’s body.*

    I’m back to having no clue what Nick is up to. If this is his game, it must be working, because the whole house is in love with him. A quick search of YouTube – not sure I should post it here – and you’ll find a video of Nick requesting that Dustin rub him down with oil…and he does…for a long time. Nick is so going to win this season, just because everyone is too hot for him to vote him out. πŸ˜›

    – And finally, on a completely unrelated note, this BURN was so PAINFUL and hilarious that I just had to post it. It happened during dinner:

    Zack: Our eyes see everything upside down, our brains transform it to right side up.

    Daniele: So does that mean that you still see things upside down Jessica?

    Dani: 1
    Jessica: 0

    10 minutes until the Showtime feed! *runs off*

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.09.2007 at 11:49 pm
  14. They all HATE Jen and are plotting to get her home. She’s been on the machines in the gym for 3 hours. She said she had to burn 1500 calories.

    They’ve been talkijng about how she won’t associate with any of them.

    They also hate Joe it seems lol.

    Comment by Dustin
    07.10.2007 at 12:05 am
  15. Gears seem to have shifted from sending Jen home next week to sending Joe home instead. At least as far as Mrs. Robinson’s alliance goes, though I’m not sure why. Joe seems to entertain everyone in the house, but I think it might have something to do with the fact that he has a “secret alliance” with everyone in the damn house. πŸ˜›

    Everyone hates Jen, but a lot of people have mentioned (especially ED et al) keeping her around to keep the focus off them. Right now though it seems like Jen and Joe are the prime candidates for next eviction. I could see them both being put up – nobody who ends up going home, everybody wins.

    Once again Kail really wants to change the plan and send Amber home instead of Carol, and once again Zach still seems paranoid about “the 6” and wants to send Carol home still. I have no idea what is going on here really: Kail tells Mike they should send Amber home instead and he says “Okay”. Zach tells Mike they should stick with sending Carol home and he says “Okay”. Mike is a total sheep, and I don’t see this alliance making it much further. They have bad communication and Zach and Kail seem to be setting up two completely separate plans.

    I’m also hearing word that ED has given us our second full frontal nudity of the season. πŸ˜› I have After Dark paused right now though (to come post here) so I’m not sure if it made it through there, or if it was just on the live feed.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 1:28 am
  16. Yes ED did show way to much, it made me want to be sick lol. Also I think it was ED that flagged you πŸ™‚ It must think you are a viagra spammer πŸ™‚

    Comment by Dustin
    07.10.2007 at 1:43 am
  17. Well as far as I could tell nothing made it to AfterDark, but already there are screencaps all over the internet. πŸ˜› Busy people. Also some pictures of Eric circulating, so make that our THIRD full frontal of the season.

    Our “America’s Player” is a mess. Cursing up a storm, being all around angsty and confrontational, and now flashing the viewers at home! πŸ˜›

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 1:59 am
  18. Update for Non-AfterDark Folks:

    We didn’t get to see storytime because, apparently, the stories that Joe was “making up” are copyrighted. XD Also, Dustin is the one who ate Jameka’s waffles.

    Yeah, exciting, isn’t it? Tonight is pretty slow.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 2:18 am
  19. Welp, Nick definitely isn’t gay. Unless he’s bisexual.

    Daniele and Nick are in the same bed right now and something is going on under the covers that they’re trying to hide. I think your imagination can fill in the blanks.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 5:29 am
  20. sounds like it is time to do a you tube search on Danielle and Nick and BB8!

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.10.2007 at 12:50 pm

    That link has a bunch of bb8 videos… Including a recent posting series on Nick and Danielle

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.10.2007 at 1:05 pm
  22. Nice find, CGinCA!

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 1:23 pm
  23. Kinda a test. But also a real question.

    I know that is a tattoo on Nick, but does anyone know what it is suppose to be. It kinda always looks like a black mass of ink to me, nothing identifiable to it.

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.10.2007 at 1:27 pm
  24. So is the After Dark on Showtime edited? Do they go to black on there too when something is being shown?? I thought it was a completely “uninhibited” look into things? I’m wrong it sounds like…hmmmm….

    Thanks guys! Enjoying this πŸ™‚

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.10.2007 at 4:05 pm
  25. I think they definately cut the cameras at some key moments, but I think thye do that on the feeds as well πŸ™‚

    Comment by Dustin
    07.10.2007 at 4:15 pm
  26. YankeeGrrl, I think part of the problem is that even on Showtime, if the Hamsters start singing a song, or talkin about someone that the producers do not have “permission” to have spoken about they fade to black or go to the vortex screen

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.10.2007 at 4:16 pm
  27. Ugh! How frustrating! I knew the live feeds did that cuz i did the free two weeks. So it is pretty much the same thing then with the Showtime. Debating if I should pay for this or not πŸ™‚ Thanks for the info! My husband thinks i’m crazy to be considering it at all! OH WELL πŸ˜‰

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.10.2007 at 5:10 pm
  28. My other comment posted at the wrong entry. XD The one about the tat…oh well.

    Anyway, it is a little different. During the Live Feeds they cut to the vortex, while in the Showtime show USUALLY they’ll simply cut to a different camera in the house, no vortex or anything.

    Last night was a little different though (and BORING AS HELL). The whole time during storytime (about an hour, or close to it) all they showed was Dick sitting in the backyard smoking. For an hour. In silence. Then when he headed to the small room to check in on storytime, we got our first vortex-like moment on the showtime show: They cut to the control room and “Please stand by” appeared on the screen. :E

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 7:03 pm
  29. You need to make a new entry for BB, Dustin. πŸ˜› This is so full of replies by me. ANYWAY…

    Dick and Daniele ARE DEFINITELY IN AN ALLIANCE TOGETHER. It was sort of hinted at in the broadcast on Sunday, but now it is a definite thing. Not an hour after Dani got done telling Nick she has only spoken to her Dad once since being on the show, she met up with Dick in the round-bed bedroom to talk game. They quickly ran through all that each has learned, compared notes, and laid groundworks for plans. Then as they left, they made their voices louder and discussed Vincent’s (Daniele’s Brother, Dick’s Son) birthday and sending him a shout out. Acting a little less civil, to show everyone they’re still not talking. This is probably the most successful alliance to go under the radar so far. Assuming they each have enough sway over the other players, I could see these two going far – which is a beautiful thing, and I hope it brings them closer. πŸ™‚

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 7:27 pm
  30. I’m just begging to get flagged again. πŸ˜‰

    It seems that Dick (and through him Dustin, Dani and Amber) is still oblivious to the fact that Zach and Nick are a part of Kail’s alliance. He is still on to Kail and Mike being together, but also thinks Jen is in their alliance – which is what Kail was trying to do by being nice nice with Jen so much, and he fell right for it.

    Dick and Daniele (or Dick, anyway) seem to want to put Kail up against Mike or Jen in order to break up their alliance, but both really want Kail gone because she is so guarded and “dangerous”.

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 7:34 pm
  31. I’ll try and start a new one tonight πŸ™‚ The showtime feeds have been boring lately, and today all they’ve talked about is “Who will I nominate if I’m the next HOH”

    Nobody seems to like Jen, nobody. She’s in big trouble. Joe probably will get put up too, he’s annoying people. Also the BB voice keeps saying “Joe please stop singing!”

    Comment by Dustin
    07.10.2007 at 7:42 pm
  32. I actually think Joe has a pretty good shot of getting HoH, and a lot of people think so too. (Hell, Joe is so convinced that earlier today he was preparing his nominations speech! 9_9) It seems that most people aren’t gunning for HoH, and a lot of people want to avoid it like the plague. So far, Zach and Joe are the only people who aren’t planning to throw the HoH comp. And maybe Dick, too.

    If Joe wins, he’ll probably put up Dustin and Jen, which means Jen is definitely going home.

    ALSO: The Kail alliance is ONCE AGAIN debating sending home Amber instead of Carol. This group is such a mess. I mean they only have two days to make up their minds and convert people, they need to hop to it!

    Comment by DOOL Mike
    07.10.2007 at 7:50 pm
  33. I don’t know the names, but on the show today, whoever she was talking to…zach? mike? not sure the name…they were talking up in the HOH….he is ALL OVER THE MAP!! Put up joe? or danielle? IS he on crack??? or maybe he wants a target on the back of the ‘leader’ Of their little lame group? He is not too bright I take it?

    Comment by YankeeGrrl
    07.11.2007 at 12:11 am
  34. I learned (at one of the websites that has one feed watcher reporting to all) that apparently Joe has been telling stories to the other Hamsters, ghost stories and the like apparently BB realized that one of the stories was not “his made up story” thus they had to cut away from the story to other areas of the house. As I said before though anything copywritten, songs, stories etc, or that can be mistaken as such can cause them to cut away or go to vortex until it is over.

    Comment by CGinCA
    07.11.2007 at 3:49 am

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