Hidden Palms Finale

Hidden Palms Finale

Posted by Dustin on 07.05.2007 at 4:13 pm

So last night was the big finale. It seemed to move a bit slow, right up till the very end. Cliff and Nikki seemed to work things out, as did Johnny and Greta. Everyone seemed convinced that Eddie’s mom killed him to keep her affair with Cliff quiet. Everyone tried to get his laptop to find his video journals to prove this. Greta’s dad Skip confronted Eddie’s mom Maria and basically told her she had nothing left, pack up and leave. She cried that she sacrificed her son for him. Later as Liza tried to break in and find the laptop, she found a dead Maria. It appeared she killed herself, a note was left. Mystery solved? It looked that way, until Johnny checked his mail and found a message! It was a video from Eddie’s laptop, which Skip had stolen after Maria was found dead. It appear Maria emailed it to Johnny before she died. The video showed that Eddie learned Skip and his mother had killed Greta’s mother! They wanted to be together or something, so they killed her. Eddie wanted to reveal this, skip is the one who killed Eddie and covered it up, Maria went a long!

And thus ends “Hidden Palms.” Amy sent the following story from TVSeriesFinale.com which seems to indicate that the show probably is done for. Maybe we should sent nuts to The CW 😛




  1. I thought the finale created just as many questions as it answered. Did Skip and Maria kill Greta’s mom and why? Why did Maria cover up her sons murder for Skip if he was obviously not going to be with her? And what is Johnny going to do with the email? I really think they should bring this one back it is really good.

    Comment by Dreamer
    07.05.2007 at 5:27 pm
  2. Yeah it makes no sense the way they ended it if they aren’t going to bring it back… they let us know that Skip actually killed Eddie and thats it.. i mean what the hell. I don’t think that they necessairly killed Greta’s mom… She did have Cancer after all… Eddie could of just meant that she found out about the affair and it “killed” her.. i dunno. I feel like this story is just so not done!!!!!!

    Comment by Lauren
    07.06.2007 at 10:51 am
  3. I think the finale was written that way to leave an opening for the show to either come back or be picked up by a another network. If they wrapped EVERYTHING up it would be much harder to bring it back. I absolutely LOVE this show!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by treyjaylee
    07.08.2007 at 6:36 pm
  4. There is just so much more that can be told and done, i hope someone picks this show up!!!

    Comment by Andrea
    07.11.2007 at 12:17 am
  5. I completely agree with Andrea. There is/was so much potential with this show. I HATE to see it die!

    btw, I wasn’t counting Tess out of Maria’s demise. After all, she DID catch Maria with her beloved son….

    Comment by Todd
    07.22.2007 at 1:19 am

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