Hell’s Kitchen Twist

Hell’s Kitchen Twist

Posted by Dustin on 07.03.2007 at 12:00 am

So because I left town last week and was out of town till this weekend, I didn’t get to blog about “Hell’s.” It was many of those things on my list to do. Last week Chef Ramsey felt both teams nominated the wrong people for elimination, vetoed them and then put Bonnie and Vinnie up. Both were complete morons last week, but Chef finally got his chance to send Vinnie packing. You know he’s wanted to do that since show one!

This week Melissa seemed to be his target through the entire episode. She did everything wrong, he continually yelled at her. I was so sure in the end he’d send her packing. Jen put Melissa and Bonnie up, Bonnie was stellar this episode. She obviously did this to make sure Melissa went home. Shocker, Melissa got another chance and was transferred to the men! I kinda saw it coming, but was still shocked.

One final thought. I have to get this one out. The week before I was stunned by the Chef! Now I know many of you have pointed out that the “patrons” are essentially paid to be there, they don’t pay for their dinners (which they never get). However when one woman came up to complain, be basically told her thank you now get lost! I was stunned! I can’t say I was surprised though. The way he talks to everyone else, I knew it was coming.

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Reality TV

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