Hidden Palms: What Liza Beneath
So in the latest episode, Johny learned that Eddie’s mom still lived in the area. He went to see her, trying to find out what Eddie’s screen name on IM was and who could be messaging him. She didn’t seem to keen on talking with him though, and later told Johnny’s mom. Johnny’s mom was convinced he was interested in finding out why Eddie killed himself because he couldn’t find out why his dad did. He admitted possibly, but he did want to know what happened to Eddie. That question opened up a whole can of worms, they HAVEN’T addressed the father’s death really. Should the show go to Season 2, that would be a possibility.
Cliff launched his plan to get Travis out of his mom’s life, and it involved Travis’ “baby” (aka his car.). Cliff to Nikki for a ride in the car and then smashed it up, claiming they were side swiped. Nikki and Cliff got really hot and heavy with one another. Dare I say I love them together, but it’s hard to like them when we know what a jerk Cliff is! Later Cliff’s plan worked, Travis attacked him and his mom kicked Travis to the curb.
Nikki meanwhile realized she needed and wanted help, and got it from Jesse Joe, who offered her a couch to sleep on . . . with rules. I just love the actor who plays Jessie Joe!
Greta finally confessed to Johnny that Eddie killed himself because she cheated on him with Cliff. Well that was HER story. Liza, Eddie’s friend, had another story. Johnny spent a good deal of time talking to Liza, who was hiding photos of herself and Eddie from him. One popped up ion her laptop screen saver and she rushed to keep him from seeing it. Eventually Johnny saw a reflection of her sweatshirt in the mirror behind her, and it was the IMer’s screen name! He demanded answers. Her story? Eddie was her friend and she had been IMing Johnny to warn him, Eddie was murdered by Greta and Cliff.
So the mystery thickened! I still have the 5th episode to get through. I can’t believe the show is coming to an end. It’s been so good! I’d love to see the CW pick it up for another season, but I don’t think it’s looking good.
I don’t know who to believe on this show about what happened with Eddie, but I don’t think that Cliff had anything thing to do with it. It seems to obvious that they are trying to make him see like the bad guy. I think Greta, Liza , or Eddie’s mom have something to with his death.
06.25.2007 at 11:51 pm
I LOVE seeing Micheal Cassidy play a bad boy. And seriously I think Cliff may have done it or at least driven Eddie to do it. I think anyone would be going crazy if they found out that thier best friend was sleeping with their girlfriend and their mom. I also really like Liza so I hope they don’t make her any weirder than she already is.
06.26.2007 at 1:56 pm