So You Think You Can Dance?
Okay so I watched the first episode finally. It was a fun show, not much to comment on because it’s the audition phase. The really bad dancers were hilarious, how some of them taught dance I don’t even know. I must confess, I don’t understand why they let some of the dancer through that they did. I didn’t think they were really that good.
I have not seen the show, but I’m assuming it will follow the style of American Idol? Each week they’ll have to do some theme dance or something? That is where the people who can only do one style of dance will get knocked out I’m assuming.
PS I’ve been working on adding more themes. However some aren’t fully working yet (IE have the shoutbox or recent comments up)
It’s basically like AI. I wouldn’t want to spoil the fun of how the show works for you, especially since there were a few changes between the first and second seasons, so I don’t know how this season will work anyway.
05.26.2007 at 4:35 pm
Every week, once they get passed the audition phase, the dancers get partnered up and have to choose dance styles out of a hat from hip hop to waltzing
05.28.2007 at 12:23 pm
This show is so much fun to watch. The judges can be a little harsh but thet are also fun and supportive when the dancers do well. They also have some great current musical acts on their results show. It’s way more enjoyable than American Idol.
05.31.2007 at 11:32 am
I missed last nights, I was watching Traveler and Hidding Palms, didn’t tape it 🙁
05.31.2007 at 11:51 am