Ghost Whisperer Does Pulse?

Ghost Whisperer Does Pulse?

Posted by Dustin on 04.28.2007 at 12:17 am

So tonight’s episode of “Ghost Whisperer” was so goood! But . . . . it kinda ripped off the movie “Pulse.” No not the horrid American remake, the original Japanese film. We’ll get to that.

In tonight’s episode Melinda met another Ghost Whisperer, but he wasn’t exactly good. As it turned out, years wrongly placed in a mental institution had twisted him and he was now collecting souls in his house instead of letting them pass on. A photograph showed a possible demon attached to him as well. Could it be that freaky guy from the end of last season and the beginning of this season? They did seem to drop him all together for a long long time. Given they brought back a woman from the plane, I think it might be him! He’s using this guy to do his bidding I think. I’m sensing another season cliff hanger. Hopefully the show gets picked up for season 3, it would suck to be left hanging.

We learned from Professor Payne’s wife that the dead were gathering, they were hungry for power, they wanted to be more powerful than the living. The new ghost whisperer Gabriel (the angel of death?) was a part of this little plot so it seems, or he’s being used. He doesn’t seem very stable. This whole “dead taking over the living” ultimately is the whole premise of the movie “Pulse.” Ghosts basically breakthrough and take over the world. I doubt many people are familiar with the movie, the US version was a bomb and probably wasn’t seen by many. However as I was watching the episode it was all I could think about.

Anyways, I’ll be excited to see where this goes come next week. I think there are only one or two more new episodes left though, the season ends earlier than other shows.




  1. whatever happened to Melinda’s best friend? (i think Aisha Tyler played her) i know one episode there was a huge plane crash but i never got to see what happened after that… and i work friday nights now so i haven’t seen the show in forever

    Comment by Jessica
    04.28.2007 at 12:03 pm
  2. She was killed in the plane crash and was a ghost the first 2 episodes of this season

    Comment by Dustin
    04.28.2007 at 12:24 pm
  3. well that sucks… i need to catch up on the show… anywhere good where i can read updates? i always though her friend was such a great character to have for melinda to interact with…

    Comment by Jessica
    04.28.2007 at 1:26 pm

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