Heroes: .07% Went Boom

Heroes: .07% Went Boom

Posted by Dustin on 04.24.2007 at 11:25 am

This is one of  those times I’m glad NBC.com shows “Heroes” on their site, because I need to re-watch this one as I was feeling under the weather and only half paying attention. To make matters worse, I was recording “Dancing With The Stars,” so I couldn’t record “Heroes!”

Anyways, we learned a whole lot last night. For starters, Linderman has the power to heal the dead. Well we’ve seen him do it with a plant . . . . but a person? We also learned he wants the explosion to happen, for his own weired “Legion of Doom” saving the world kind of way. The explosion would propel Nathan to the White House.

We also learned that it seems Nathan and Peter’s mommy probably has a power too. Hmmmm, interesting. You could totally see Peter was going to be saved the same way Claire was after she was “killed.” I’ve also been thinking a lot about Peter and Nathan’s father. We were told he committed suicide . . . but did he? I can’t help but think he’s out there somewhere.

Isaac seems to be dead . . . again. We knew he died from the beginning of the show. Will they bring him back? As Hiro said at the end, he didn’t save the world so maybe Isaac was still alive. His character has kinda has run his course though. We were told by the end of the season several heroes would be dead, I figured he was one.

Meanwhile how cool was Hiro’s jump to the future? Next week’s episode should be really neat, but seems a little “X-Menish” to me with the whole hunting down of people with powers.

Finally, when are we going to get some answers about Suresh? They never cleared up the whole thing with his sister, and I just get the feeling that he’s got a power he doesn’t know about.

Posted in:



  1. I always tivo Heroes – I have to watch it twice to be sure I don’t miss anything! Last night was great. I guess I missed something (still need to watch again), but where is Silar and how did Surresh get Peter out of the apt. before Silar did the whole brain thing? I’m so happy Peter is alive – he’s my fav hero. Who knew saving the world was so sexy!

    Comment by val
    04.24.2007 at 6:20 pm
  2. They didn’t explain that that I saw 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    04.24.2007 at 6:27 pm
  3. surresh got peter out of the apt by knocking Sylar out with the blackboard that had all the special ppl mapped out on it, he ran him over with it. I guess he carried peter out while he was unconsious

    Comment by von
    04.24.2007 at 6:44 pm
  4. I was also thinking that perhaps Peter and Nathan’s father is Linderman…which would be interesting and bring things full circle.

    Comment by Rach
    04.24.2007 at 10:18 pm
  5. I wanted to go there, but the problem is Linderman seems a-okay with sacrificing Peter.

    Comment by Dustin
    04.24.2007 at 10:37 pm
  6. It has been said that Linderman helped Nathan and Peter’s father financially and I think he helped him get into politics, I bet their father was one of the people Linderman mentioned when he was talking about his group of friends that tried to save the world, until some of them lost their way.

    Comment by Tracy
    04.25.2007 at 1:23 pm
  7. That’s a great thought Tracy!

    Comment by Dustin
    04.25.2007 at 1:29 pm
  8. Cant wait until monday – apparently Ando dies, Hiro asks a favor from HRG for saving Claire, plus more (i found those spoilers of trailers from heroesrevealed.com). Dustin, will you be getting any clips from future shows?

    Comment by von
    04.26.2007 at 11:42 am
  9. NBC releases clips every week, I believe,e usually in 3 places the NBC site, the official heroes site and usually NBC’s myspace.

    Comment by Dustin
    04.26.2007 at 11:49 am

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